(Hokkaido) -(2002) This is breeding science laboratory' HP of professor Naotsune Saga(D.Fish.Sc.),associate professor Hajime Yasui(D.Fish.Sc.) and instructor Hiroyuki Mizuta(D.Fish.Sc.).Taxonomy of Gracilaria; Culture of Marine Benthic Algae.Cytology of Sargassum and laminaria. Physiology of Laminaria.
(Hokkaido) -(1998) Welcome to Hokkaido University Shool of Medcine Soft-tennis Team Official Web Site, which includes schedule, record, introduction of members, etc
(Hokkaido) -(1996) Rock Mechanics Laboratory at Hokkaido University, Japan. Introducing our latest topics related to rock mechanics. Links to rockmechanics sites and tiny tools are also available.
(Hokkaido) -(1996) Introduction to researches and staffs in Rock Mechanics Laboratory, Hokkaido University.
(Hokkaido) - Professor Kanji Yoh's Home Page. RCIQE, Hokkaido University.
(Hokkaido) -(2000) Liquid State Chemistry :Division of Chemistry ,Graduate School of Science Hokkaido University
(Hokkaido) -(2001) Professor Noriyuki Suzuki's home page. Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University. His profile, activity, message to students, fascinating Bio-Organic Geochemistry.
(Hokkaido) -(1999) Nuclear Theory Group, Division of Physics, Graduate school of Science, Hokkaido University, Nuclear physics developed its subjects from many body system consisting of nucleons to of hadrons. Some of which subjects studyed in our group are introduced.
(Hokkaido) -(1999) A homepage operated by one of the most famous seismologists in Japan. He travels around the world to observe events of the earth, such as earthquakes and volcanoes.
(Hokkaido) -(1996) A specialized research institute for the study of Russia and East European Countries. Its Web site has a big list of links,satistical databases,information about various programms and activities of the Center.