(Tokyo) - npo hitomachisha is a think tank for a citizen. Investigation of public nursing care insurance, third person evaluation, etc. (npo, citizen, thinktank, nursingcare, evaluation, thirdperson)
(Tokyo) - The activity diary of Sunny lady. My hobby is Mountain climbing, Mountain ski, ski with GPS,etc. There is the record of my Collarbone bone fracture. (Moutainski, ski, Mountainclimbing, Collarbonefracture, car, civic, KEIRIN, MitsuhiroTakahashi)
(Fukuoka) - Fukuoka NPO volunteer center are the bases of information and exchange of NPO or volunteers. The work of meeting rooms, printing, personal computers, etc., and the information and consultation about NPO and volunteer activities can be performed. (Fukuoka, NPO, volunteer, center, NGO, service, community, welfare, support, activity)
(Saitama) -(2002) Kazo city citizens' Foundation Web site (kazo, pastoral, miraikan, greenfarm, inahonoyu, Foundation, saitama)
(Hyogo) -(2002) Kobe Citizens Forum is a non-sect group of voluntary people of Kobe who are eager to participate in the govermental procedure. Currently, we focus on the Kobe Airport problem. (Kobe, Hanshin, Airport, Hyogo, Volunteer, Citizen's, activity)
(Tokyo) -(2002) The net magazine produced by MInet which insists to improve Japanese medicine. (Medicine, citizenship, trial, patient, centered, adverse)
(Hiroshima) -(2002) The News from Sidewalk-cafe Club
(Shizuoka) -(2001) This web site asks for signatures of those opposed to war. All it asks is it does not have any political, religious, or economic bias. I want you to stop war from the bottom of my heart I want to tell the countries of the world Please stop war&Please stop terrorism But, one voice is too small... Please cooperate in signing. (Signature, war, terrorism, retaliation)
(Hiroshima) -(2001) We are NPO who action with children,Hiroshima city in Japan. (Community, Leader, Hull, Pong)
-(1998) NGO/NPO based non-profit information & internet service provider. (NGO, NPO, Citizens' Activity, Citizens' Activism, Internet Service Provider, ISP)
(Kyoto) -(1998) A nuclear power plant is planned to be built in Kumihama-cho in the north of Kyoto facing the Japan sea having the very beautiful nature. In this URL, we want to discuss this issue with the fellows all over the world and the internet voting for Kumihama nuclear power plant is open. (nuclear, power, plant, station, atomic, generation, vote, voting, kumihama, kyoto)