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{actor, actress} + {animation, animate} + {voice, vocal}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Kanattari,Japan. Kanattari,Japan. (Yamanashi) - KANA's homepage.KANA is a performer,a singer,an artist.The report of TV program,description of her song and abstract painting,etc. (KANA , Singer , VoiceActor , TVStar, pokemon , PocketMonster , CrayonArtist, JapaneseTalent , Anime )
dearest dearest (Kanagawa) - dearest (chat , BBS )
Rubbish box Rubbish box (Osaka) - original novels site (rubbish , box , rubbishbox, novel , comic , gallery , original , link , book )
maniaccu doumei maniaccu doumei (Hokkaido) - this animation,voiceactor fan site (voiceactor , animation , fan , site )
Fairies,,,nyo Fairies,,,nyo (Tokyo) - This Home Page is for animationfan. Esepecialy DiGiCharat. (GGF,DUP,PKO,BROCCOLI,,DiGiCharat)
puu's HomePage puu's HomePage (Hyogo) - Japan. (diet , comics , animation , humiliation, various , comment , voice , actor )
Project MEGALITH Project MEGALITH (Tokyo) - Project MEGALITH (megalith , workshop , talent , voice , movie , anime )
Northern lights the star frashing over therer Northern lights the star frashing over therer (Fukuoka) - This page is Megumi Hayashibara's fan page. And it have an English page. (megumihayashibara, voiceactor , anime , lovehina , BATTLEGEAR3, cg )
I think... I think... (Saitama) - sisterprincess & NanaMizuki Home Page (sisterprincess , news , animation , game , impression , dubber, profile , date )
hamayoshi.net hamayoshi.net (Kanagawa) - this is fan site of Mayumi Tanaka (Mayumi, Tanaka , hamayoshi, animation , a, radio , actress , astress, wataru , one )
innocentblue innocentblue (Fukui) - Arika's HomePage Voice Actor Takeshi kuao & Actor Matthew Broderick (Takeshi , Kusao, Matthew, Broderick)
Music in a guitar Music in a guitar (Tokyo) - MUSIC,ART,ACT Here is Artistic page! (music , art , act , anime , comic , VoiceActor , ANDENDLESS, CG , game , Boogiepop)
O'peretta.com O'peretta.com (Kanagawa) - O'peretta Homepage
IKOI-IN IKOI-IN (Fukuoka) - anime impression review actor diary (anime , impression , review , actor , diary )
Voice Actor's enjoy Voice Actor's enjoy (Osaka) - Osaka (Voice-Net, Wish , midi , tool , MP3 , WAV , UG, SP1)
t's-mode t's-mode (Osaka) - Takahiro Sakurai Fan site (voice , voiceactor , animation , TakahiroSakurai, radio )
Say you setugetuka Say you setugetuka (Tokyo) - sorry , japanese only
MIYUKI KUWAJIMA WEB SITE MIYUKI KUWAJIMA WEB SITE (Tokyo) - Voice Actress MIYUKI KUWAJIMA's web site. (Voice , Actress,Miyuki, Kuwajima )
HIKARU F@n HIKARU F@n (Tokyo) - Hikaru F@n Site (HORIE )
VFD's Homepage VFD's Homepage (Osaka) - Osaka (stage , event , voice , actor , song , osaka , story , japan , singer )
Precious Gate Precious Gate (Hiroshima) - MISAKI's Home Page (comic , anime , voice , actor , novel )
ume*komachi ume*komachi (Shizuoka) - ume*komachi (ume_komachi, voiceactor , dubber, animation )
Corporation OperaHouse Corporation OperaHouse (Tokyo) - Production of animation for the World Wide Web,Production of information content accessed by handheld devices,Training of voice actors/actresses and software creators (Animation , MANGA , Game , Voice , ANIME , Acter, Production , Character )
Voice Acter/Actress Agency La Verite Production Voice Acter/Actress Agency La Verite Production (Tokyo) - Introduction of our Voice Acter,Distribute a animation over WWW,Bid of school belonging to Voice Acter's Agency. (Voice , Acter, Actress , Animation , School , Production , ANIME , Comic , game , cartoon )
AKANE-PROJECT AKANE-PROJECT (Hyogo) - Active creator's Knowledge Advice Network Environment (Creator , Voice , Wallpaper , Illust , Anime , fairytale )
LOVELOVEanime LOVELOVEanime (Tokyo) - japan (anime , OFF )
Frontier2 Frontier2 -(2002) Frontier2 is the site of female wrestling and fighting beautiful girls of Japanese Anime, focusing on Wrestles Angels mainly. Wrestles Angels is one of famous female wrestling game. There are a lot of pretty angels waiting for you! (wrestling , angel , girl , game , illustration , actress , anime , dojin , costume , chat )
Akanoite'sHomePage Akanoite'sHomePage (Kyoto) -(2002) Akanoite's Home Page.Main contents is diary.Japanese.Only Japanese. (diary , japanese , kyouto , japan , photo , plasticmodel )
THE SEASON PROJECT THE SEASON PROJECT (Saitama) -(2002) anime,comic,game,illust,novel,comic,etc...Japanese only (novel , illust , dragonquest , valkyrieprofile, diary , comic , original , game , animation )
gvtaikenws gvtaikenws (Tokyo) -(2002) If you wanna be voice-actor,come and join us. (game , seiyuu , workshop , lesson , animation , actor , act , comic , school )
fullmediasearch fullmediasearch (Tokyo) -(2002) Animation Game Illustration Japanese only (search , CG )
zono's HP MEMORY SITE zono's HP MEMORY SITE (Saitama) -(2002) zono's Home Page (Kanon , AIR , zono, MEMORY , SITE , zono-k)
SORORITY SORORITY (Tokyo) -(2002) It is the introduction page of the animation which I recommend. (SAILOR , MOON , ANIME , ANIMATION , SORORITY , JAPANIMETION)
PURITOMO PURITOMO (Okayama) -(2002) Tomoduki yue's[PURITOMO] (CG )
Emerald Wind -animation information site- Emerald Wind -animation information site- (Ibaraki) -(2002) Midorinokaze's animation information site (Animation , Television , Program , Information , Vioce, Change , Actor , Actress , Emerald , Wind )
anime song club fukuoka branch anime song club fukuoka branch (Fukuoka) -(2002) anison daisuki (anison, anime )
dearestDX dearestDX (Kanagawa) -(2002) Dearest (dearest )
dearest dearest (Kanagawa) -(2002) dearest (dearest )
Yotsuraji Yotsuraji (Tokyo) -(2002) Yotsuraji is the voice character's web site which has internet radio and BB contents tgether with real voice character events. (yotsuraji, voice , character , seiyu , internet , radio , BB, contents , Yotsuya , Live )
dojinsha production dojinsha production (Tokyo) -(2002) japanese only
asakura's Home Page asakura's Home Page (Chiba) -(2002) japan.
Premie amour Premie amour (Fukuoka) -(2002) Gackt,MAZINGAZ,LOVE (Gackt )
nightlife nightlife (Kanagawa) -(2002) This is Maana`s Home Page.
KaminokezaONLINE KaminokezaONLINE (Tokyo) -(2001) sorry,this page is japanese language only. (voice , SF )
Magicalpass - presented by Asuka Yuuki Magicalpass - presented by Asuka Yuuki (Osaka) -(2001) Asuka Yuuki's online coterie magazine about Anime and Voice Actress (yuuki , asuka , anime , animation , voice , cast , yamato , hiroko , kasahara )
Yui Horie 2nd CD Rankigu Yui Horie 2nd CD Rankigu (Mie) -(2001) Yui Horie 's CD ! (HorieYui)
YOROZUYA FUKUFUKU! YOROZUYA FUKUFUKU! (Saitama) -(2001) This webpage is very maniac. (Anime )
Eternal Phantasia Eternal Phantasia (Mie) -(2001) game comic animasion voice (game , comic , animasion, voice )
Horie Yui Information Horie Yui Information (Gunma) -(2001) YuiHorie's fan HP (YuiHorie)
Kouzou field about Anime and Chemistry Kouzou field about Anime and Chemistry (Tokyo) -(2001) This page is Kouzou field about Ken Akamatsu and Chemistry. (Chemistry , Anime , Cartoon , Club , Comic , Voice , act , actress )
yuuisanimepage yuuisanimepage (Tokyo) -(2001) YuuanimePage (AG )
The arrow of heart The arrow of heart (Saitama) -(2001) This page is Japanese only. (animation , game , MPEG-LAYER-3 , noir , CG )
moyurukabe moyurukabe -(2001)http://moyurukabe.hoops.ne.jp http://moyurukabe.hoops.ne.jp (anime , game , seiyu , idol , keitai , telephone , EZweb , wallpaper , sound , download )
Showtaro-Morikubo Fan site Showtaro-Morikubo Fan site (Hyogo) -(2001) Showtaro Morikubo Fan site
Fly away!!Rascys Fly away!!Rascys (Tokyo) -(2001) My home page is to introduce Rascy(dog) that has lived in my home. (dog , bear , meso, anime , voiceactor , doll , lterature, philosophy )
anirajiseiyuu anirajiseiyuu (Aichi) -(2001) aniraji seiyuu honootarou (seiyuu )
japan,anime,voice,actor,actress japan,anime,voice,actor,actress (Saitama) -(2001) amatuar voice actor&actress (anime , voice , actor , actress , singer , entry )
Saikou's Room Saikou's Room (Osaka) -(2001) This page is Hekiru Shiina & mo-ninngumusume & anime & voice actor & radio & music's page. And there are chat & free board. (anime , chat , board , radio , Shiina , Hekiru , mouningumusume, voice , actor , music )
Sakura's Network -SakuraTange's FanSite- Sakura's Network -SakuraTange's FanSite- (Osaka) -(2001) VoiceActress SakuraTange's FanSite. SakuraTange Fan's Intercourse Site. SakuraTange's WebRing is Sakura's WebRing Network. Chat,BBS,Link...etc. (SakuraTange, VoiceActor , Animation , WebRing , WONDER-NET, CardCaptorSakura, Voice , Japanese , CLAMP , FanSite )
DUPP DUPP (Kanagawa) -(2001) Let's enjoy Di Gi Charat World!! (Di, Gi, charat, Petit , Charat, broccoli , animation , voice )
DreamcastZatugidan DreamcastZatugidan (Kanagawa) -(2001) yu-no's gamesoft (voice , dreamcast , playstation , playstation2 , animetion, voiceacter)
office GINGAMI office GINGAMI (Tokyo) -(2000) Japanese-Animetion Voice Acters & Screenplay Wrighter Band YULA & A.r.lequin official site. (anime , Chiemi, Chiba , Sayaka , Narita , music , idol , seiyu , band , CD )
last quarter last quarter (Mie) -(2000) Last Quarters Room (Soccer/Music/Animation/etc.) (music , voiceactor , animation , fifa , game , anime , soccer , chat , Playstation , uefa )
Kazuma's Homepage Kazuma's Homepage (Osaka) -(2000) Osaka, Japan (Evangelion , GURPS , Magic , Seiyu , Anime , Japanimation , Novel )
lovegame lovegame (Tochigi) -(2000) iro's HomePage (lovegame, game )
yui to nadesico to yui to nadesico to (Saitama) -(2000) this is voice acter of Yui Horie unofficial fan site. (horieyui, voiceacter, anime , game )
soredeiinoda soredeiinoda (Nara) -(2000) hinekure_bom'HomePage (kozaetsu, kozakura , anime )
digimon adventure02 digimon adventure02 (Miyagi) -(2000) I am waittig for you.Will you come my home page? (digimon02, digimon , toei , animation , voice , talent , aoni, production , artsvision, 81produce)
Aramari.com Aramari.com (Kanagawa) -(2000) Welcome to Aramari.com! This site is very wonderful Japanese voice gallary. Please visit in! (actor , actless, radio , anime , health , cook , cooking , food )
Net's Work Net's Work (Gifu) -(2000) Money's homePage (money , anime , Japan , manga , hentai, dojin , evangelion )
The room of Ugauga The room of Ugauga (Kanagawa) -(2000) Sorry. this page is Japanese only. But cg,picture,etc... Please come on. (anime , seiyuu , mokei, aramari, tomoeda , sakura , chacha , megumi , gumi)
aotukishinra aotukishinra (Tokyo) -(2000) aotuki&shinra's HomePage (Anime , Comic , photo )
dogi's house dogi's house (Ibaraki) -(2000) dogi's house is very freedom page.
Precious Gate Precious Gate (Hiroshima) -(2000) MISAKI's Home Page (comic , anime , voice , actor , Initial , D, novel , Mizuna , Kuwabara , Yoshiki )
illusutration room -hekirinnku- illusutration room -hekirinnku- (Aichi) -(2000) This site is hekiru-shiina's fan site, and illusutration fan site. Presented by circlearrow. (illusutration, hekiru , shiina , bbs , live , chat , voice , actress , animation , fan )
Hajime's Home Page Hajime's Home Page (Aichi) -(2000) Nagoya,Aichi,Japan (takeshi , kusao, CD )
Voie of Bloom Voie of Bloom (Saitama) -(2000) Rie Tomono's Homepage (Netidol , Idol , animation , comic , diary )
Kj's room Kj's room (Osaka) -(2000) Kj's room actor,voiceactor,netidol (netidol , voiceactor , actor , voice , animation )
ComicBusket ComicBusket (Tokyo) -(2000) Information such as comics and animation is them. (comic , anime , TokyoCultureCenter, ComicBusket, game )
HekirishParadise HekirishParadise (Tokyo) -(2000) J-Wind's Homepage (HekirishParadise, HekiruShiina, Game , VoiceActress , Dorican, JapaneseSong , AnimeSong, FinalFantasy , FireEmblem )
anime antena iinkai anime antena iinkai (Tokyo) -(2000) japan anime antenna net (anime , manga , seiyuu , character , movie )
GMK MUSEUM GMK MUSEUM (Chiba) -(2000) GMK produse midisete (DTM , MIDI , FF , SC8850, 8850, 88Pro, Roland , GS)
FACE TO FACE FACE TO FACE (Hyogo) -(2000) Hekiru Shiina's fan page! (FACE , ANIMATION , DORAMA, PROFILE , ALBUM , REGEND, CD )
YanagiharaMiwa'sHomepage YanagiharaMiwa'sHomepage (Tokyo) -(2000) YanagiharaMiwa'sHomepage (dubber, YanagiharaMiwa, game , anime , chantaka3:16, classmate2)
UmecchiRoom UmecchiRoom (Osaka) -(2000) This homepage is voiceacter and animetion. (UmecchiRoom, RyoutarouOkiayu, ToshihikoSeki, postpet , VoiceActor , animation , book , Boy'sLove)
IZUMI no HOTORI IZUMI no HOTORI (Tokyo) -(2000) Actor,Izumi's HomePage (play , izumi , no , hotori, actor , animation , stage , drama )
Cowboy Bebop Fan Page FreeFall Cowboy Bebop Fan Page FreeFall (Aichi) -(2000) Animation Cowboy Bebop FanPage (Sunrise , Japanimation , CowboyBebop, SF )
SHINY KNIGHT SHINY KNIGHT (Tokyo) -(2000) This suite is fan page for voice-actor, voice-actress and animation. (voise-actor, voise-actress, animation , SHINY , KNIGHT )
Piyo's PhotoRoom Piyo's PhotoRoom (Hokkaido) -(1999) my photoroom (bird , photo )
animetion boice animetion boice (Kanagawa) -(1999) this page is maniacku (anime , anima , seiyuu , tange , nadesiko)
Ambition of Kiyone empire Ambition of Kiyone empire (Kanagawa) -(1999) Kiyone's HomePage (kiyone, voice , actress , actor , radio , animation , game , postcard )
T'S CAFE T'S CAFE -(1999) VOICE ACTER TAKEHITO KOYASU'S PRIVATE FAN PAGE. (VoiceActor , takehito , koyasu , animation )
Voice Voice (Tokyo) -(1998) Voice (game , voice , job )
The town of the freedom The town of the freedom (Tokyo) -(1998) Don't you try to play in the town?HP that all can play,The town where it is all.It is recommended to the beginner specially (JapanimateCartoon, ProfessionalWrestling , JapaneseGame , JapaneseVoiceActor, Gambling )
Digital Garage K Digital Garage K (Kanagawa) -(1998) LightWave3D.CG.Lotus Europa.Anime. (Anime , Lotus , SterTreak, COSPURE, HekiruShiina, Diving , Ferret , VoiceActor )
pastel crayon pastel crayon (Tokyo) -(1998) Hello All (Natural , F&C, Leaf , CLAMP )
Era going Era going (Tokyo) -(1998) This page contains Character Voice , Animation and Mahjong.Please come and see this. (character , voice , animation , commic, magazine , mahjong )
Yuuna Yuunagi's homepage Yuuna Yuunagi's homepage (Fukuoka) -(1998) Yuuna Yuunagi's homepage
VoiceStation VoiceStation (Kanagawa) -(1998) VoiceStation (VoiceStation)
JA's Home Page JA's Home Page (Nagasaki) -(1998) JA's Home Page! (JA, LI-MIX, Animation , voice , actor )
Noppo.com Noppo.com (Niigata) -(1998) Niigata Openhouse Pocket Homepage. There are a lot of information about NIIGATA. and Macintosh, Windows, Anime, Game etc. (Ys , Anime , Voice , niigata , provider , wedding , photo , camera , noppo)
site the MONO site the MONO (Tokyo) -(1997) site the MONO!!!!!! (3DCG , electric image, video , video )
World Wide Whoopee! Web World Wide Whoopee! Web (Tokyo) -(1997) Japanimation-ThemeSongs & Japanise Voice-Acters Songs arrangement Do-jin Cercle Whoopee!records's Official HomePage. You Can Risten To Our Music Pices By QuickTime. SORRY! This HomePage Text Is JAPANESE ONLY. (midi , animation song, whoopee , megu amix, voice actor , quicktime , japanimation , cd , comicmarket)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
こちら 。