(Tokyo) - We provide the most effective Agaricus for people suffering cancer, hepatitis,gastric ulcer. (Agaricus, Cancer, Hepatitis, Gastric, ulcer, Hospitalize, SARS)
(Osaka) - meshima (meshima)
(Chiba) - They are propolis goods handling, QRS measurement, Oriental manual therapeutics, herbal medicine sale, and a Chinese medicine pharmacy. Propolis deals with the eucalyptus AREKURIN system from Brazil. I am allowed to carry out preparation also of the mail order. (Daito, Propolis, Agarisk, Cancer, anti-Cancer, Lekemia)
(Osaka) -(2002) Do you know ABPC?ABPC means Agaricus blazei Practical Compound.It's good for your health. (Agaricus, blazei, practical, compound, cancer, hydrophilic, glucan, beta-gulucan)
(Ibaraki) -(2002) Royal Agaricus,Royal Maitagrin,Royal Pet Agaricus (Agaricus, Pet, Health, RoyalAgaricus, RoyalPetAgaricus, RoyalMaitagrin)
(Osaka) -(2002) Do you know ABPC?ABPC means Agaricus blazei Practical Compound.It's good for your health. (Agaricus, blazei, practical, compound, cancer, hydrophilic, glucan, beta-gulucan)
-(2002) No more cancer. (Agaricus, Propolis, MAITAKE-D-FRACTION, canser)
(Tokyo) -(2002) beta guru can contained in HANABIRATAKE is about 3 times of AGARIKUSU! The new Savior of cancer and a lifestyle-related illness! (Sprassis, crispa, Sale, buy, Recovery, Healing, Mushroom, Cancer, It, cures)
-(1998) Polysaccharide, beta glucan, in Agaricus blazei Murill mushroom is known to reinforce the immune system. Results of Agaricus Experiments using Guinea Pigs.The introduction of the cancer immunity treatment. (Agaricus, cancer, health, SeikatuSyukanbyou, MenekiRyouhou, healthy food)
-(1998) The health food of the wonder. It succeeded in the quantities cultivation of Agaricus in Niihama. (Agaricus, Niihama, health, cancer)