(Tokyo) - heinrich von ofterdingen's official homepage. There are profile, schedule, mp3, and so on (sugiura, organik, doublebladerecord, heinrich, boudelaire, alternative, morohakaname, japaneseband, mac, dtm)
(Tokyo) -(2001) pineapple free way home page ,plofole,member voice,live schedule,bbs,jam,welcom,tokyo,japan,flash,design,sound, (Pineapple, Free, Way, music, live, orutana, flash, design, sound, shockwave)
(Kanagawa) -(2001) Hi, Can I send you our demo CD? Ofcourse this cd is free and you don't have to pay anymore. SUPER NOTE is just alternative and grunge, punk, emo, rock band like FOOFIGHTERS, RADIOHEAD, WEEZER, SMASHING PUMPKINS etc. Clearly our wish is that you enjoy our songs. Try it! (supernote, noteonline, mp3, emo, free, jimmyeatworld, japan, alternative, grunge, punk)
(Aichi) -(2000) Site on art, music and mathematics. Almost written by Japanese. But anyone can appreciate photographs of Dip Art. Dip Art means figures made of wires and paints. Dip Art relates to minimal surface and topology. (topology, music, mathematics, art, alternative, education)
(Kanagawa) -(2000) Up,up,down,down Left,right,left,right Vagavond Sound have been already entered!! (KingsizeWeb, free, band, live, alternative, space, sun, song)