Debt arrangement which is possible by itself [ of a specific mediation conference ] (Tokyo) - Even if there is no law knowledge, the method of repulsing the collection of the know-how of debt arrangement, a money lending business, or YAMI money which is possible by itself is introduced. [ one ] (consumerloans, Debthell, Specificmediation, Personalbankruptcy, Civil-affairsreproduction, Creditmoneylending, Illegalinterestrates, Shorttermloan, blackloan, Undergroundloan)
kibonokai (Hyogo) - We are the group to study for the person who have over lorn and credit card. Please get an appointment to us,if you want to consult for them. Himeji,Hyogo,Japan (lorn, outlaw, creditcard, darylorn, overlorn, bank)
Way paste to punishment (Tokyo) -(2002) The bulletin board for information exchange, such as a flow of the procedure of the Family Court to the account of a hand, and a divorce by mediation carried out based on the diary to encounter of a fuss of me who it carried out [ I / married life 7 year ], and formed the divorce by mediation - divorce, and bits of knowledge about divorce and DV, etc. (Marriage, Divorce, Divorce, by, mediation, Family, Court, Compulsory, execution, Married)
Aizawa Kyoko Detective Room (Kyoto) -(2001) It is a relief window typical of the woman's. I can have the kind of the detective investigation and a case collection, investigation cost understood properly in detail. A consultation, preliminary examination cost on-line is free, too. (detective, inquiry, worry, uneasiness, consultation, divorce, capriciousness, wiretap, mediation, judge)
Legal Assist Ceter Shinsengumi (Chiba) -(2000) All of certain clerical works are handled,such as bankruptcy and the debt arrangement (specific mediation) ,papers needed in lawsuits and trials We are the Shinsengumi/Shihoushosi Legal asist corp. (bankruptcy)
Welcome to Oh!SaWa Home Page! (Shizuoka) -(2000) A lawyer's Site for preventive law & ADR with a littel topics of LANCIA and rab (ADR, LANCIA)
Top Service Inc. (Tokyo) -(1999) Top Service Inc.,Tokyo, Japan (detective, detective agency, love affair, marriage investigation, runaway investigation, divorce, mediation, distribution of property, consolation money, expense of bringing up children)