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{art, artistics, artistic} + {industry, industrial} + {tradition, traditional, conventional}
[ Index
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The traditional craft HANANOYA The traditional craft HANANOYA (Nagano) - The Traditional Craft HANANOYA (HANANOYA, HINOKI , KISO , NARAI, URUSHI , TRADITIONAL , SIKKI, MAGEMONO)
miyoshino miyoshino (Osaka) - brush
TOKUSEN TOKUSEN (Kyoto) - TOKUSEN which is continuing following the history of 300 odd years in KYOTO. There should be a kimono of the future how or the work group of TOKUSEN is the answer. (TOKUSEN, ART , KYOTO )
Jewellery Studio TOPAZ Jewellery Studio TOPAZ (Kanagawa) - jewellery,stone,japanese traditional craft,etc TOPAZ'sHome Page (Jewellery, Refome, Birthstone, Zodiacstone, lunch , Traditionalcraft, Teddybear , Tortoiseshell, work , Gold )
Shimoda Yanimatsuzaiku Shimazaki Shimoda Yanimatsuzaiku Shimazaki (Shizuoka) - Yanimatsuzaiku's homepage (Workmanship, Craft , Shimazaki , Art , Inkstone , Shizuoka , Shimoda )
matumotomingeikagu matumotomingeikagu (Nagano) - folk-art fanitures in MATSUMOTO (folk-art , fanitures, in, MATSUMOTO)
silkart silkart (Tokyo) - silkart (silkart )
kyoto held nisijin kyoto held nisijin (Kyoto) - sekosoukou home page (kyoto )
araikogei araikogei (Nagano) - The origin of the crafts is that Mr. Kanae Yamamoto, an artist of western painting, undertook the task of teaching arts and crafts to young farmers in 1919. Ever since, the arts of farmers in Nagano have advanced remarkably. (woodcraft , art , YamamotoKanae, traditional , present , gift , souvenir , culture , nagano )
Rattan Tanaka Eihachi Shoten Rattan Tanaka Eihachi Shoten (Tokyo) - rattan,furniture (rattan , furniture )
kamonokiritansuyasannosoukoiti kamonokiritansuyasannosoukoiti (Niigata) - japanese traditionaru faniture kiri tansu (kiri)
Hakata Doll Shop Shogetsudo Hakata Doll Shop Shogetsudo (Fukuoka) - Hakata Doll and Hakata Ori Shop.Hakata Doll Shop Shogetsudo's Home Page (Hakatadoll, Doll , Craft , Cray , Traditional , Present , Art , Fukuoka , Nakasu , Hakata )
naniwa Buddhist altar Wakabayashi naniwa Buddhist altar Wakabayashi (Osaka) - naniwa Buddhist altar Wakabayashi is the store in which tradition Pro is present. Manufacture and sale of a Buddhist altar, a Buddhist image, a rosary, and the Karaki sasimono. naniwa,Osaka,Japan (Buddhist , altar , Karaki , sasimono, Buddhist , image , Rosary , Tradition , craft , Scent )
Yamazakikigyouten Yamazakikigyouten (Kyoto) - Yamazakikigyouten (nishijin , textile , mounting , brocade , cloth , material, texture , fabric , kyoto , tradition )
matahari matahari (Shizuoka) - Matahari's HomePage (bali , picture , goods , asia )
Natural Hand Craft Natural Hand Craft (Ehime) - Natural Hand Craft (ce, handcraft , natural , wood , toy , idomco, baby , child , czech , praha)
kiarkiras boox kiarkiras boox (Hyogo) -(2002) Teramoto's Home page (flower , emebroidery, craft , gardening , hobby , plant )
Wall hanging Wall hanging (Kanagawa) -(2002) hawaiian quilt wall hanging (hawaiianquilt , wallhanging, quilt , tapestory, koadowel, koawood, shonansurfcom, hangerrack)
DesignRoomCreatorGallery DesignRoomCreatorGallery (Hyogo) -(2002) DesignRoomCreatorGallery (Fashion , Art , Creative , Illustration , Wall , Gallery , Sewing , Designer , Original , Dye )
birth memorial brush birth memorial brush (Hiroshima) -(2002) gift (baby )
tsuikin tsuikin (Tokyo) -(2002) Kojimakobo's HomePage (silver , kitaku , sample , incense , kojima , traditional , craft , interior , temple , chaser )
Welcome to the Burninghearts Company Welcome to the Burninghearts Company (Hyogo) -(2002) The Burninghearts Company's HomePage (Burninghearts, Company , Sincerenet, original , bizen , World , Peace , Happy , Hideko , Brand )
the East art furniture the East art furniture (Hiroshima) -(2002) furniture,chest of drawers,cabinet,curio case,wardrobe,a manufacturer (chest , of, drawers, cabinet , curio , case , wardrobe , furniture )
Traditional Industry in Hyogo Traditional Industry in Hyogo (Hyogo) -(2002) Wellcome to my Homepage. We show you traditional industry of Hyogo JAPAN. (Traditional , industry )
Rattan Tanaka Eihachi Shoten Rattan Tanaka Eihachi Shoten (Tokyo) -(2002) rattan,furniture (rattan , furniture )
Radenya Honpo Radenya Honpo (Fukuoka) -(2001) Radenya Honpo presents Traditional Japanese lacquerware art and wall-hangings. Site is in Japanese only - sorry.
shikokukougeisya shikokukougeisya (Kagawa) -(2001) japaniese dish (japaniese, dish )
okudakoi okudakoi (Kyoto) -(2001) Oomiya.Kyouto.Japan (Oomiya , Kyouto )
portugues decorative tile shop azulejo market portugues decorative tile shop azulejo market (Hyogo) -(2001) Portuguese tile shop AZULEJO MARKET. Our tiles are all hand painted. (tile , tileshop, material, ceramic , portugal , decorativetile, europiantile, interior , exterior , handycraft)
sculptor in wood sculptor in wood (Kagawa) -(2001) wooden art (sculptor )
Mitsuyo'sHomePage Mitsuyo'sHomePage (Tokyo) -(2001) Tokyo (andes , tapiz, ceramica, hyoutan , cowboyhatt, hamaca, taguanuts, mochira, traditionalart, artesania)
oyamasougoubuxtusannn oyamasougoubuxtusannn (Akita) -(2001) nasi (nasi)
Hanshin Dept. Store Hanshin Dept. Store (Osaka) -(2001) Specially selected by Hanshin Dept.Store. (Tiger , Hanshin , Tigers , Ramen , Online , Shopping , T-shirts , Department , Osaka , Baseball )
hobby store senryou hobby store senryou (Gunma) -(2001) Isesaki,Gunma,Japan (hobby , store , senryou)
Jukou Koubo.armor craft. Jukou Koubo.armor craft. (Chiba) -(2001) Jukou Koubou's HomePage Craft Armors (armor , helmet , craft , art , craftwork , treasure , leather , traditional )
Kohsin's HomePage Kohsin's HomePage (Mie) -(2001) Ueno,Mie,Japan.
Nakamura Cloisonne Nakamura Cloisonne (Saitama) -(2000) Nakamura Cloisonne HomePage (Cloisonne )
Catmark Inkstone Atelier Catmark Inkstone Atelier (Mie) -(2000) Handmade Natiguro Inkstone for calligraphy and drawing. (stationery , inkstone , caligraphy, drawing , china , ink , craftsman , handmade , black )
HopiSilver HopiSilver (Shiga) -(2000) HopiSilverHomePage (HOPI, NAVAJO, SILVER , RING , BRACELETS , BUCKLES, NECKLACES , EARRINGS , USA , JEWELRY )
FEILER SHOP ELEGANCE FEILER SHOP ELEGANCE (Tokyo) -(2000) Boutique ELEGANCE located in Hachiouji city, Japan are introducing the Chenille textile products such as bags, handkerchieves, towels, etc. from worldwidely famous top-brand FEILER Germany of which Chenille products are called Queen of Chenille. (FEILER , CHENILLE, BAG , HANDKERCHIEF , TOWEL , PORCH , GERMANY , TRADITIONAL , FIRST-CLASS , HACHIOUJI )
gassandou homepaje gassandou homepaje (Yamagata) -(2000) metal wark (metal , ironware, copperutensil)
Buddhist alter shop NAKANO Buddhist alter shop NAKANO (Aichi) -(2000) Buddhist alter shop NAKANO (Buddha , Buddhist , alter , Buddhism )
sinsakutousouten sinsakutousouten (Aichi) -(2000) tousoutohatoukennogaisouidsu (touken, kobijutu)
look-kagawa.com look-kagawa.com (Kagawa) -(2000) udon (udon )
Kyoto old style packages made of bamboo we product Kyoto old style packages made of bamboo we product (Kyoto) -(2000) Kyoto city has a lot of old style hand-made goods.We product the package made of crossing bamboo.These products are very rare thing in Japan because of hand-craft bamboo package is difficult to make so many.We hope these package are got along with your whole life. (package , bamboo , kyoto , manufacture , cardboard , corgated, hand-craft , coustom, traditional , artisal)
Professional wood carving, handy craft KINOSHITA Professional wood carving, handy craft KINOSHITA (Osaka) -(2000) carve,handcraft,carver (carve , handcraft , carver )
Welcome to Kyoto Mingei association ! Welcome to Kyoto Mingei association ! (Kyoto) -(2000) Beautiful lives are made by goods for everyday' lives. (Kyoto , Mingei, artisan , Souetu, Yanagi , culture , art , life , cup , dish )
Chochin OhshimayaOnda Chochin OhshimayaOnda (Tokyo) -(2000) ONDA Chochin Factory Family crest and name put to order (Chochin, Familycrest)
atelier-artis atelier-artis (Tokyo) -(2000) The Basic Concepts of ARTIS:To craft everlasting works. To propose works that will enrich living spaces and enhance your way of life. (art , interior , craft , course , productions , metal , work , custom , hande, made )
norie suzuki official home page norie suzuki official home page (Tokyo) -(2000) norie suzuki 's official home page
Essence Ise Essence Ise (Mie) -(2000) The Shopping Mall provided by Akademeia InternetSalon in Ise-city (iseshima , mall , natural , foods , handmade , craft , specialty )
ClayLife,Ark,Gallery. ClayLife,Ark,Gallery. (Aichi) -(2000) Tokoname Pottery wares Shop (ClayLife, Pottery , Terracotta )
choshi-tidimi Home Page choshi-tidimi Home Page (Chiba) -(2000) choshi-tidimi Home-Page (choshi , tidimi)
Gallery Mugenan Gallery Mugenan (Okayama) -(1999) art. bizen,okayama,japan. (art , gallery )
Herbal Dyer Kameya Herbal Dyer Kameya (Yamagata) -(1999) Herbal Dyer Kameya. (Herb , Herbalshop, Dyer , Kameya, Dyeing , Craft , Art , Nature , Yamagata , Sakuma )
Kyoto Shijo-haneikai Kyoto Shijo-haneikai (Kyoto) -(1999) Kyoto Shijo-haneikai (Kyoto , Shijo )
Kuroki Goishi-ten's Homepage Kuroki Goishi-ten's Homepage (Miyazaki) -(1999) Hyuga,Miyazaki,Japan
Obori-Soma-yaki Gakudo-gama Obori-Soma-yaki Gakudo-gama (Fukushima) -(1998) A 300-years-old tradition alive today. Techniques developed over 300 years are still being used to produce high quality hand-made wares. (Gakudo, Obori-Soma, pottery , potter )
fousoutyu fousoutyu (Kyoto) -(1998) Art intemple japanesePainting andToriumunn's HomePage (art , temple , painting )
Ise Netsuke Ise Netsuke (Mie) -(1998) Sensui Takayama's Ise Netsuke for direct sale designated Mie-prefectural Traditional Craft The price of each work depends upon the cost, which bears no relation to the value of that. (Ise , netsuke , craft art , carving )
masuda-aizen koubou masuda-aizen koubou (Shizuoka) -(1998) japaneese old textile my family ivent (noren, textile , ai , masuda masakazu, masuda aizen koubou)
Hagoita.Yuuhou Hagoita.Yuuhou (Kanagawa) -(1997) japanies presents hagoita (hagoita)
Shozaburo Shears and Scissors Shozaburo Shears and Scissors (Tokyo) -(1997) Professional Manufacturers of Shears and Scissors using our Traditional Craftsmanship and Advanced Technology since our establishment in 1920. (Shears , Scissors , Craftsmanship , Cutlery )
Ryoji Fujiwara Ryoji Fujiwara (Oita) -(1996) Oita, Japan. (life , goods , hobby , interior , shopping , art , traditional art , craft , doll )
Togei Kobo Genki Toraku Factory Togei Kobo Genki Toraku Factory (Gifu) -(1996) Togei Kobo Genki Toraku Factory, Gifu, Japan. (MINOYAKI, YAKIMONO, TOUJIKI, UTSUWA, TOUKI, TRADITIONAL ARTS )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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