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{art, artistics, artistic} + {industry, industrial} + {wood, woody, wooden, timber, lumber}
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Tama Art University Department of Sculpture Tama Art University Department of Sculpture (Tokyo) - Here, it is education and the information about research. And there are a picture of a work, an image of video, and the latest news. (TAU, sculpture , carving and modeling, modeling , wood sculpture , metal sculpture, stone sculpture, bronze , cray , welding , frp , strikeing, casting , creation , the plastic arts, stone sulpture, wood sculpture , woods , carving , carving , curving knife, lifelong education , education , drawing , art , fine art , arts , contemporary art , contemporary sclupture, outdoor sclupture, open-air sclupture, exibition, gallery , studio , clafts, the plastic arts, the plastic arts class, exibition, work shop, seminar , schoolteacher, teacher's license, curator, graduation thesis, graduation thesis, a test of practical skills, entrance examination, art college, art university, examination , measure , experiment , examination , preparatory school , center examination, deviation value, laboratory , guidance , studying for an examination, professional school)
Syotai Kenchiku HomePage Syotai Kenchiku HomePage (Okayama) - Tsuyama.Okayama.Japan. (mini , waterwheel, mill , homemade , woodworker, industrial , mortar , pestle, carpenter , straw-thatched)
b-zenjapan b-zenjapan (Tokyo) - It's sometimes said that Japan has its own unique cultures, Wa, harmony and rapport. The mammoth web-site, b-zenjapan, is here to introduce items of its original and classical cultures, so-called Wa, to everyone all over the world, and also make you enjoy shopping for them. (japan , Traditional , kimono , Craft , art , shopping , Dolls , Wood , Weaving , Bamboo )
NOVIS WOODTURNERS DELIGHT NOVIS WOODTURNERS DELIGHT (Saitama) - NOVIS WOODTURNERS DELIGHT (woodcraft , craft , lathe , DIY , tools , tools , woodturning, hand craft , craft , woodcraft )
May homepage is art world. May homepage is art world. (Osaka) - Tondabayashi,Osaka,Japan (art , dog , wood , temple )
Takahashi Furniture Home page Takahashi Furniture Home page (Hiroshima) - Takahashi Furniture Home page (wardrobe , cabinet , interior , design , dresser , woodwork , wooden , manufacture , Handmade , Custom )
Hidamari hand craft Hidamari hand craft (Niigata) - Hand craft shop. For pets, for life, We make everythig! (etaro, niigata , craft , pet , shop , wood )
Craft house Yasma Craft house Yasma (Oita) - Craft house Yasma's HomePage (yasma, yasuma, craft , art , wood )
Woody Craft Shop - Craft Kan - Woody Craft Shop - Craft Kan - (Hokkaido) - sasaki-kogei's HP You can find many high quality woody crafts at this page. (craft , craft-kan, sasaki-kogei, interior , woody , present , gift , handmade )
araikogei araikogei (Nagano) - The origin of the crafts is that Mr. Kanae Yamamoto, an artist of western painting, undertook the task of teaching arts and crafts to young farmers in 1919. Ever since, the arts of farmers in Nagano have advanced remarkably. (woodcraft , art , YamamotoKanae, traditional , present , gift , souvenir , culture , nagano )
katushika.tokyo-down town.japan.traditional craft craftsman party. katushika.tokyo-down town.japan.traditional craft craftsman party. (Tokyo) - katushika.tokyo-down town.japan.traditional craft craftsman party. tradition,industrial arts,japan,culture, (tokyo , down town, craft , traditional craft, wood , paper craft, glass craft, ceramics , kimono , doll )
High quaklity wood crafts maker in Hokkaido, Japan High quaklity wood crafts maker in Hokkaido, Japan (Hokkaido) - This is Sasaki kogei's homePage. We produce high quality wood crafts in Japan. Our motto is to make people relax with warmth of our wood crafts. (wood , products )
PolyNet CO. LTD. PolyNet CO. LTD. (Chiba) - handcraft bag,lighter,pouch,gifts,woodcraft,tea polyphenols health food,nutrition food,additive,medicines raw materials etc.OEM (gifts , handbag, lighter , polyphenols, sod , woodcraft , wholesale , pouch , pet , bike )
Natural Hand Craft Natural Hand Craft (Ehime) - Natural Hand Craft (ce, handcraft , natural , wood , toy , idomco, baby , child , czech , praha)
asamiyashouten numazutikuzaisentar asamiyashouten numazutikuzaisentar (Shizuoka) -(2002) It has had in stock an original miscellaneous-goods article, a handicraft, tea-things, and flower arrangement implements including engineering-works building materials, such as Numazu-shi, Shizuoka, the Numazu bamboo material center store, bamboo material, wood, and a stone. (Sizuoka , Numadu , Bamboo , material, Wood , Stone , Handicraft , Daily , necessaries , Interior )
Ura Art Museum Ura Art Museum (Osaka) -(2002) Ura Art Wholesale Trade.We sell a work of art.Especially japanese and Chainese one.I'm sure that you are interested in our original armor and an image of Buddha. (art , handicraft , industrial , earthenware , chinaware, furniture , armor , mail-order , buddha , calligraphy )
Woody's HomePage Woody's HomePage (Aichi) -(2002) Aichi (woody )
antique rune antique rune (Tokyo) -(2002) japanese antiques off all (antiques , japanese )
sakaikoubou sakaikoubou (Shizuoka) -(2002) Sakai's Home Page(Toy Studio)
The world of keiko's wood curve The world of keiko's wood curve (Kanagawa) -(2002) The introduction and sales of wooden doll & animals . (wood , art , doll , animal , carving )
Inatsugu woodworking Inatsugu woodworking (Hyogo) -(2002) Inatsugu woodworking (woodworking , wood , japan )
HomePage by OYAKATA,hundwriting in EDOMOJI HomePage by OYAKATA,hundwriting in EDOMOJI (Tokyo) -(2001) OYAKATA's Home Page. EDOMOJI artist Igumi Oyakata mades wounderful goods for you! (edo , hundwriting, photo , art , tradition , japanese , master, calligraphy , kabuki , wood )
katushika.tokyo-down town.japan.traditional craft craftsman party. katushika.tokyo-down town.japan.traditional craft craftsman party. (Tokyo) -(2001) katushika.tokyo-down town.japan.traditional craft craftsman party. tradition,industrial arts,japan,culture, (tokyo , down town, craft , traditional craft, wood , paper craft, glass craft, ceramics , kimono , doll )
sculptor in wood sculptor in wood (Kagawa) -(2001) wooden art (sculptor )
keyakinomori keyakinomori (Fukushima) -(2001) keyakinomorihomepage (keyaki , keyakinomori, woodshop , wood , shopping )
shiokou hangakan shiokou hangakan (Okayama) -(2001) hanga (hanga)
wood carving workroom ueno wood carving workroom ueno (Saitama) -(2001) wood carving is very exciting! (wood , carving )
SENDAI BUREAU SENDAI BUREAU (Miyagi) -(2001) SENDAI CRAFT FURNITURE JAPAN (windows , mp3 , bureau , craft , furniture , japan , traditional , original , wood , living )
ishimoku`s home page ishimoku`s home page (Hyogo) -(2000) ishimoku`s home page (furniture , wood , hobby )
Wood carving Wood carving (Osaka) -(2000) Wood carving (carving , Amitabha , Buddha , Sculpture , Graver, Craft )
Ura Art Museum Ura Art Museum (Osaka) -(2000) Ura Art Wholesale Trade.We sell a work of art.Especially japanese and Chainese one.I'm sure that you are interested in our original armor and an image of Buddha. (art , handicraft , industrial , earthenware , chinaware, furniture , armor , mail-order , buddha , c )
manriki manriki (Saitama) -(2000) japanese handmade manriki homepage. herabuna fishing item.artistic special manriki ordermade. (manriki, handmade , ordermade , art , fishing )
paulownia wood box japan paulownia wood box japan (Hiroshima) -(2000) paulownia wood box homepage japan (box , wood , paulownia , japan , case , craft )
Art-Hiro We create and sell original products and have the glass art academy. Art-Hiro We create and sell original products and have the glass art academy. (Kanagawa) -(2000) About glass art school in Yokosuka,Kanagawa,Japan and our original products. (glass , wedding , welcome, board , original , wood , sign , message , art , carve )
Woodwork Woodwork (Aichi) -(2000) Kondou's HomePage (wood , woodwork , art , woodworker)
Unison Kobe Unison Kobe (Hyogo) -(2000) Web site of Unison Kobe (Craft , Woody , Clock , Import , Gray , Unison , Importer , Furniture , Wilson )
WOODYHOUSE'S HOMEPAGE WOODYHOUSE'S HOMEPAGE (Tokyo) -(2000) miyake,tokyo.japan (04994-5-0021)
suwakougei.co.ltd suwakougei.co.ltd (Saitama) -(2000) artcraft (artcraft)
Japanese Sculpture's Artisan's HomePage Japanese Sculpture's Artisan's HomePage (Shiga) -(2000) maibara.siga.japan (Japan , Sculpture , Artisan )
NARUKARI WORLD NARUKARI WORLD (Nagano) -(2000) Art&craft narukari koubou's page.verry innteresting woodcraft. (wood , woodcraft , illustration , art , character , craft )
Woodwork M.KOMATSU's Homepage Woodwork M.KOMATSU's Homepage (Nagano) -(2000) Okaya,Nagano,Japan (woodwork , chair , cabinet , table , craft , design , interior , order , home, furniture )
Professional wood carving, handy craft KINOSHITA Professional wood carving, handy craft KINOSHITA (Osaka) -(2000) carve,handcraft,carver (carve , handcraft , carver )
nisshin kogei nisshin kogei (Shizuoka) -(2000) singboad interia (laser , ruter)
TanakaHikimono TanakaHikimono (Tokyo) -(2000) tanakahikimonoseisakusyo
Original Coloring service -- Nagashima Kogei, Japan Original Coloring service -- Nagashima Kogei, Japan (Saitama) -(2000) Nagashima Kogei, Japan, 3-dimention printing service, high quality painting system (originality , clock , watch , handyphone , personal_computer , PHS , woody-paint, memorial , present , paint )
sakuraiya's homepage sakuraiya's homepage (Kyoto) -(2000) sakuraiya,kyoto,japan (sakuraiya, kyoto , washi, lip )
woody yoshida woody yoshida (Kyoto) -(2000) woodcarv culturecenter (wood , culture , interior )
Musashi Kobo Musashi Kobo (Kumamoto) -(1997) sorry japanese only (wood , craft )
Wood Workshop of Wajima Wood Workshop of Wajima (Ishikawa) -(1996) Aizawa's HomePage is a wood workshop of japan.Introduction of craftsman,products .Experience of operating NC routor is 18 years. (wajima , wood , craftsmanship , japan , Aizawa , workshop , Keyaki , lacquer , lacquer ware , memorial goods )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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