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{Asia, Asiatic, Asian} + {Batik}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={Asia, Asiatic, Asian}

  • Asian goods Shanti (Shizuoka) -
    We have lots of Asian goods ! Have a look please !
    (Asian, goods)

  • SouthSeas -
    Online shop for asian goods, fabriccs, arts and crafts.
    (Asia, India, Indonesia, Interior, Handmade, Ethnic, Silk, Handwoven, Batik, Rug)

  • Bali Leaves (Tokyo) -
    Asian Goods Bali Leaves
    (ata, fablic, ikat, batik, bag, basket, interior, bona)

  • Bamboozle Japan (Kanagawa) -
    Bamboozle is the brand of the children's clothes produced in Singapore. We are dyeing one Batik cloth at a time by hand. The motif with dear elephant, flower, bug, etc. of Bamboozle is the feature. A vivid color is the feature. You can buy those goods with a mail order.
    (bamboozle, boy, girl, baby, batik, vivid-color, mail-order, handmade, child, cloth)

  • interiazakkacitacita (Ibaraki) -
    asian interiashop citacita's home page
    (teak, bamboo, interia, zakka, ikat, batic, kichen, lamp, aloma, asia)

  • ikat Pani-Pani (Osaka) -
    Welcome to Ikat Shop Pani-Pani.We have many nice ikats!Pls come and buy small happiness
    (ikat, batik, asia, jawa, sarung, bedcover)

  • Asian Zakka (Shizuoka) -
    (ThaiLand, Bangkok, Thai, Asia, Asian, Silk, bali, batik)

  • bali indah (Hyogo) -
    bali infomation site. only Japanese language.

    Plaza Bali tokyo Online Shop
    (bali, goods, indonesia, asia)

  • Balinesecraft of Indonesia (Nara) -

  • necoya ethnic (Yamagata) -
    necoya's HomePage
    (Gem, Silver, Beads, Ikat, Batik, Buddha, Asia, Ethnic, Handicrafy, Folkart)

  • Asian Goods Pacificwave (Chiba) -(2002)
    We sell a lot of goods of asia, specially indonesia bali-island, vietnam and thailand. come our site, thanks.
    (bali, indonesia, ata, ikat, batik, barong, wayang, thai, silk, gamelan)

  • JalanJalanWeb (Yamagata) -(2002)
    ASIAN FASHION ITEMS&GROCERIES- an original handmade collection of many designs to accent your style.
    (Asian, handmade, beadsbag, beadssandal, aromatic, original, ikat, batik, Bali, fashion)

  • indonesia. bali .shop .natty (Tokyo) -(2002)
    indonesia bali shop natty.internet shopping.
    (indonesia, bali, natty, ikat, asia, bag, bdads, ethnic)

  • Inernational Trader ONDAK (Shizuoka) -(2002)
    International Trader ONDAK's Home Page
    (Thailand, Indonesia, silk, batik, soccer, T-shirt, clothes, promisering, accessory, bandanna)

  • RIMBA-KERONTONG (Mie) -(2002)
    The dear quality miscellaneous goods which can be used from Bali Island are imported! The quality goods actually confirmed there are jostling. It is related with ATA and is at quality, products offered, and cheap 3 rhythm our shop! The quality which a real store also has and cleared a visitor's severe eye is boast
    (Miscellaneous, goods, Asia, Bali, Island, Indonesia, Ate, Ikat, Basket)

  • balinese craft online shop AsianField (Nara) -(2002)
    (asia, bali, indonesia)

  • Charkha (Osaka) -(2002) Nice asian items Charkha HomePage
    (india, batik, tie-dyeing, ikat, salasa, sarasa)

  • Handicraft Gallery (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    This is the page which mainly contains a lot of Asian ehtnical handicrafts. They are both things I love and collected and ones I've made.
    (embroidery, minority people, the Miao, the Miao, Guizhou Province, mirrorwork, batik, ikat, the Hmong)

  • BatikShop,DutaMelati (Tokyo) -(2001)
    indonesia batik
    (batik, indonesia, ikat, yogjyakarta, jawa, asia)

  • BALI GATES -(2001)
    On line booking services and information about BALI.
    (bali, travel, indonesia, island, tour, FIT, hotel, southeastasia, diving, batik)

  • ASIAN TEXTILE LIFE (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (asia, asian, textile, asianwalker, wincwalker, cloth, cushion, bedcover, batik, ikat)

  • Pasar Senang for Import Goods & Fashion (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Pasar Senang features fashion accessories, household articles, hand-made goods mainly from Asian countries.
    (Import, Fashion, America, Asia, Bali, Thailand, Silver, Beads, Batik, Sandal)

  • NANTAWAN (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Asian shop NANTAWAN. Silk, Batik, Cotton goods. Reasonable price.
    (asia, silk, thai, cotton, laos, shopping, batik, ethnic, miscellaneous, goods)

  • t-feeld Homepage (Nara) -(2001)
    Antique is t-feeld! Can you buy antique to Online Shopping.
    (antique, shop, crystal, general, miscellaneous, interior, asia, import)

  • BALI GATES -(2001)
    BALI GATES is the best information of Bali site!! Plese enjoy with us. We accept your order anyway.
    (bali, travel, asia, island, indonesia, sightseeing, southeastasia, FIT, ikat, batik)

  • Kupu-Kupu House (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Asian,African clothes of high quality and handmade,cute sundries of Asian,African
    (Malaysia, Kenya, Asian, Sundries, African, goods, clothes, fabric, batik, sandal)

  • Kobe,poco a poco (Hyogo) -(2000)
    Asian goods ,Poco a Poco
    (poco, kobe, asia, cloth, indonesia, shop, goods, tai)

  • serambishop-asian handicrafts and artist`s goods (Tokyo) -(2000)
    There are so many handicrafts and artist`s goods from asian world, nice taste ! Serambishop!
    (aisa, indonesia, handicrafts, artist, present, fairtrade, bali, batik, silver, gifts)

  • indonesian goods shop KUPU-KUPU (Aichi) -(2000)
    We sales Indonesian goods.
    (indonesia, batik, ikat, sumba, ukiran, asia, goods, bali)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan