(Saitama) - KYUCON 3D CHAT is 3D chat place made with Shockwave. You can choice avatar,walk around and talk with friends. (chat, shockwave, 3D, avatar, free, flash, mac, character, game, online)
(Chiba) - AVATAR course is a gentle, non-confrontational way to change whatever you wish to change. (AVATARCOURSE, psychology, selfdevelopment, sprituality, workshop, LivingDeliberately, education, Healing, seminer)
(Kanagawa) - avatarmastar hide and coco's Home Page (avatar, Star'sEdge, spiritual, HarryPalmer, EPC, Resurfacing, creat, livingdeliberately, success, consciousness)
(Hiroshima) -(1999) The negative thinking which obstructs a life, and the wound of the heart are healed, and Avatar course is the seminar of psychology to realize. (Avatar course, Avatar, Workshop)