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- momentary rest (Ehime) -
okamitsu's website. The news and the schedule of Hello! Project, Morning Musume, Maki Goto, Aya Matsuura, Miki Fujimoto, Yuko Nakazawa, Eriko Imai, hiro and SPEED. (Morning, Musume, Hello!, Project, Gocchin, Ayaya, Mikitty, gomatto, SPEED, Eriko, idol)
- ore (Chiba) -
tanaka a limitation (poison, ore, ayaya, aya, matsuura)
- Yuzu's good job! (Hyogo) -
Yasutake's Home Page (b'z, yuzu, musume, yasutake, ayaya, yonago, ayu, morning, ikenobu, nakayama)
- Ayaya chick plan (Saitama) -
AyaMatsuura Fan Site (MatsuuraAya, Ayaya, Hello!Project, idol)
- Morning Musume.Fannet (Osaka) -
This site is Morning Musume.'s fan site. (MorningMusume., Movie, wallpaper, gomatto, ayaya, minimoni., nono, aibon, marippe, rika)
- AYA MIKI Strongest (Saitama) -
ayayamikitty v (AYA, MIKI, Strongest, ayaya, mikitty, ayamiki, matsuura, fujimoto)
- gocchinVSayaya (Shizuoka) -
this page is gocchin & ayaya information (gotoumaki, matsuuraaya, fujimotomiki, gocchin, ayaya)
- Ayaya Photo Collections! (Kanagawa) -
Ayaya Photo Collections! (sexy, ayaya, book, shop, internet, idol, photo)
- Kuroiinu'sSpiralBox.Himeji.Hyogo.Japan.ayaya.aya.matuuraaya.rena.tanakareina (Hyogo) -
Kuroiinu's HomePage (AyaMatuura, RenaTanaka, live, car, travel)
- ayaya-station (Aichi) -(2002)
matuura aya (matuura, aya, ayaya, movie, picture, concert, news)
- not-popo World (Fukui) -(2002)
Interesting!!!Come on! (comic, pair, animate, radio, fire, broadcasting, first, not-popo, ahiru, ayaya)
- CLUB AYAYA (Tokyo) -(2002)
- dialy of ayaya (Nagasaki) -(2002)
datuo's HomePage (ayaya)
- AYAYA HAPPY PARTY (Tokyo) -(2002)
Aya Matsuura is the cutest and popular popgirl in Japan .There are movies and radio in our site . (Aya, Matsuura, Movie, Radio, morning, musume, hello, poject, ayaya, Japan)
- Ayaya Project (Hyogo) -(2001)
This home page support Matsuura aya!! (matsuura, aya, ayaya, helloproject, bbs, profile)
- Ayaya's room (Kagawa) -(1999)
raw materials for your home page.(e.g.wallpaper,gif animation.) (material, hamster, puzzle, wallpaper, free, home, page, animation)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
※このページは古い過去の情報ですので修正・削除などメンテナンスされていません。 リンク切れ等ご了承下さい。新しい情報は こちら。