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{babysitter, babysitting} + {child, kiddy, kid, children, childish, childhood} + {diary}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
KEKOKEKO MAMA'S ROOM KEKOKEKO MAMA'S ROOM (Wakayama) - kekokeko mama's homepage (atopy , diary , bbs )
COOL DRIVE COOL DRIVE (Hokkaido) - COOL DRIVE LEVIN FZ Home Page (LEVIN , AE110, Hokkaidou , Japan , car , kids , mama , Kushiro , mother )
Osaruneko's way Osaruneko's way (Kanagawa) - Osaruneko's Homepage and creative circle Seara's Homepage (Osaruneko, Seara, walk , childcare, diary )
atsuki and his family atsuki and his family (Aichi) - introduce our son atsuki(he was born 2003.5.16) and his family page (children , child-rearing , diary , boy , baby , daddy , mammy , son , break )
KOSODATEJIBUNSODATE KOSODATEJIBUNSODATE (Saitama) - kazetaro's HomePage (bring , diary , painting , child , garally, kazetaro)
manma nurse World manma nurse World (Kanagawa) - a beginner mom chird care (kidsdiary, onlineshop , nurse , photo , kidsschool, picturebook , kidsvideo, kidsclothes, kidsCD, kidsDVD)
torikurage torikurage (Saitama) - The site of favorite KURAGE of a mushroom.The thing with interest, such as a picture diary, an illustration, child-rearing, and a network game, is UP suitably. (Child-rearing , Illustration , net , game , Diary , friend , mushroom , beginner , Housewife , Painting )
The About Daily k-kohki NEWS The About Daily k-kohki NEWS (Kumamoto) - The About Daily k-kohki NEWS (news , bbs , child , care , esseay, advice , k-kohki, kohki, kamishiraishi)
Pure Heart Pure Heart (Oita) - SEPIA's HomePage (Pure , Heart , Children , Handicap )
an Angel of a Child an Angel of a Child (Saitama) - 15th chromosome accident.Angelmans(happy puppet)Syndrome's son and family's report. (anAngelofaChild, AngelmansSyndrome, chromosome , handicapped , medical , welfare , family , diary , puppet , angel )
Together with Kawano-san Together with Kawano-san (Hyogo) - A mother's child-rearing diary is a center. The Kono family's history is due to be spelled. An essay and language are popular. (Diary , Child-rearing , Movie , Picture-book , Essay , Cooking , Recipe , Language , Photograph , BrendanFraser)
The Ito families and interesting friends, Japan The Ito families and interesting friends, Japan (Kanagawa) - Ito's Home Page, Japan. (ito , hayato , diary , friends , interesting , Child-rearing , impression , Every , day )
Heartiest Life Heartiest Life (Oita) - Sepia's HP (heart , life , running , sports )
tomoa tomoa (Hyogo) - It gazes at it and the family.It tells.It enjoys.It meets. Hyogo, Japan. (diary , self-introduction , song , harbot , bbs , link , child , family )
yugeism* yugeism* (Hyogo) - excite yugeism* life!! (yugeism, yugeji, mogeji, diary , photo )
Cafe Break Cafe Break (Hokkaido) - Reichan's homepage.i am mother.Since I have daughter,my freetime gone.This site is for my break time.Please come in! (diary , essay , child , daughter , photo , cafe , break , present , family )
henachoco kenkyusyo henachoco kenkyusyo (Osaka) - momoji's HomePage (illustration. , child , care , aesthetic , a, diary. , gundam )
nyarnyar house nyarnyar house (Tokyo) - Kawakami-House Home Page
NET GOGO DESIGNS NET GOGO DESIGNS (Shizuoka) - diary webring (diary , thecastanets, SPARKSGOGO, snippersnapper, kid , journal , snoopy , 2002 , summer )
Peachi-Queen's HomePage Peachi-Queen's HomePage (Shiga) - koura,Shiga,Japan. (business , home, child-rearing , diary , essay , money , house , information , baby , part-time )
Ito's Homepage Ito's Homepage (Saitama) - Saitamacity,Saitama,Japan (Miu , baby , children , Photo , Gallery , Movie , Diary , Focus , raising , snowbord)
zubora diary zubora diary (Aomori) - let's diary (diary )
Katsu white canvas Photo of Landscape & My baby Katsu white canvas Photo of Landscape & My baby (Kyoto) - Photo & Child album - Katsu white canvas - (Landscape , photo , child , canon , Mt.fuji, Kyoto , baby , diary , lesson , wallpaper )
yuuna family homepage yuuna family homepage (Hokkaido) - yuunafamily homepage (car , children )
The Okutans The Okutans (Kanagawa) - This is The Okutans' Home Page.We have several ages about music,band,essay,perfume,cosmetics,child caring...and so on!Let's enjoy together! (music , band , essay , perfume , cosmetics , childcaring, bass , keyboard , diary , enjoyment )
No Violet,no life.. No Violet,no life.. (Kanagawa) - I love my daughter(age0),her name is Violet.She is so cute. (diary , design , sleepless , baby , picture , childcare, yokohama , japan , female , fun )
Reika Aki website Reika Aki website (Gifu) -(2002) guam saipan sightseeing diary (guam , saipan , sightseeing , gifu , shirotori, gujyo)
eureka eureka (Tokyo) -(2002) Why don't you come to mari's homepage eureka! It's about raising a child, spots for children in Tokyo,English study, golf,music,travel etc. I'll show you my eureka everyday. English version is upcoming. (english , child , travel , Tokyo , golf , maternity, blue , diary , spot , raising )
naru house japan naru house japan (Aichi) -(2002) naru house (POTHO)
NatyuraRuu NatyuraRuu (Hokkaido) -(2002) WELCOME!! (DIARY , FAMILY , KIDS , RECIPE )
GUY'S HomePage GUY'S HomePage (Tokyo) -(2002) Nakano,Tokyo,Japan (child-rearing , allergy , children'shall, pregnancy , pregnant , woman , atopy , swimming , baby )
Mini AQUArina Mini AQUArina (Iwate) -(2002) From Japan.*YukariE*'s handmade clothing shop for baby and kids.I love 70's retro style and make cute clothing mixed fashonable style. (handmade , shop , kids , store , baby , clothing , retro , fashion , family , diary )
Childcare-BBS.com! Childcare-BBS.com! (Shizuoka) -(2002) PointOneBBS-Childcare category TopPage! (child , childcare, bbs , faq , maternity, education , kindergarten , pointonebbs, pregnant , pob)
ma-chan's Home Page ma-chan's Home Page (Kanagawa) -(2002) Kanagawa,Japan. (diary , child )
hirarihirari hirarihirari (Gunma) -(2002) daiet (daiet)
FunLife FunLife (Niigata) -(2002) my favorite site let's enjoy! (Diary , Disney , TCP/IP, Favolite, Story , Diet , Child , rearing , Rezort)
y u m + y u m y u m + y u m (Hyogo) -(2002) I'm housewife in Hyogo pref. Japan. I write dairy about my life, my daughter, and so on. (dairy , housewife , child , daughter , photo , piyoco)
hisa's HomePage hisa's HomePage (Ehime) -(2002) Matuyama,Ehime,Japan (Child , Diary , BURBERRY )
family family (Aichi) -(2002) I love family!! (family )
misaki kid's room misaki kid's room (Shiga) -(2001) misaki kid's room Chikarin's Home Page (kid's )
wagaya no kazoku wagaya no kazoku (Saitama) -(2001) ikuji soudan ya ninpu san no soudannsitu arimasu. (ikuji, kodomo, ninpu)
TOTAL'S child-rearing diary of ChuohPublishing TOTAL'S child-rearing diary of ChuohPublishing (Aichi) -(2001) A child-rearing diary (children , education )
[Takako Home Page] [Takako Home Page] (Yamanashi) -(2001) Koufu.Yamanashi.Japan. (child , family , photo , flower , cake )
Atopy taught. Atopy taught. (Saitama) -(2001) Thing of not only illness but the heart The thing of child-rearing and I had been in customs, and was also doing prostitution. but OK -- do I want you to consider also in what? (Atopy , Diary , Customs , Child-rearing , Extramarital, affair , Divorce , Animation , Spiritual )
nanatannohomepage nanatannohomepage (Tokyo) -(2001) ikuji,kosodate,okinawa (beby)
**CANDY HEART** **CANDY HEART** (Hyogo) -(2001) The child raising diary My diary The auction information The prize information (child , raising , diary , auction , prize , bulletin , board , webring )
AngeleyesJapan AngeleyesJapan (Kanagawa) -(2001) Angeleyes Japan.Pretty Yukino's HmmePage. (child , sonoko, yukino , diary , bbs , Javascript )
Ponchan-Chi Ponchan-Chi (Wakayama) -(2001) Ponchan-chi Yoshiyuki's children's page (infant , children , diary , child-care)
Siz'PAPA page Siz'PAPA page (Yamaguchi) -(2001) It's the indulgent as a parent growth diary of Shizuka beloved daughter of author.The papa mama with the child of this age needs to have a look by all means. (Shizuka , papa , mama , child , baby , album , diary , Shimonoseki , Yamaguchi )
the moon & a banbi the moon & a banbi (Ehime) -(2001) journal(Japanese only) (journal , illustration , baby , child , SOHO )
The child care diary of beginner father. - which I do like this - The child care diary of beginner father. - which I do like this - (Osaka) -(2001) I became person's parents for the first time. The child care diary of the hard struggle. (baby , diary , parents , child , care , hard , struggle , person , first , time )
yuyaalbum yuyaalbum (Gifu) -(2001) I love yuya (yuya )
Hourouneko Hourouneko (Tokyo) -(2001) Mito's Home Page (journey , essay , cat , childcare, diary , BBS , photo , picturebook , midwife , comics )
Fuuseum! Fuuseum! (Gifu) -(2001) Fuka's HomePage (baby , child , birth , girl , merchen, picture , book , diary )
Ride like a wind Ride like a wind (Nagano) -(2001) Ride like a wind! (NOBI's Home Page) Contents:Diary, BBS, Tour, Introducing 'ysp Matsumoto', etc. (motorcycle , touring , BBS , YAMAHA , diary , children )
Memorise of Jam's Children Memorise of Jam's Children (Saitama) -(2001) Jam's Home Page (MPV , jam , skyline , babyfood, car , bike , taku, nana , baby , diary )
Mei's House Mei's House (Miyagi) -(2001) Mei's HomePage (DIARY , CHILD , COOKING , POSTPET )
Selfish Diary of Kiyoshi Imai Selfish Diary of Kiyoshi Imai (Okayama) -(2001) Daily happenings with cagegolised. Computer, Children, Housing, Gardening, Design webpagem.... (Computer , FMV-LOOX, Happnings, DigitalCamera , Children , Housing , Gardening , Billard, Essay , Diary )
HUG,books,dialy,Tokyo,Japan. HUG,books,dialy,Tokyo,Japan. (Tokyo) -(2001) Miko's HomePage.Diary,BBS,My faverit books,etc. (dialy, bbs , child , book , storytelling)
Nyao's HomePage, Hiroshima, Japan Nyao's HomePage, Hiroshima, Japan (Hiroshima) -(2001) Nyao's HomePege (chat , bbs , diary , child , woman , essay )
hamhouse hamhouse (Tochigi) -(2001) from JAPAN (family , hamster , birth , baby , millennium , home, child , maturity, diary , pets )
Yammcha's HomePage Yammcha's HomePage (Iwate) -(2001) Morioka,Iwate,Japan (Baby , Kids , Patchwork , Knit , Diary )
polu' homepage polu' homepage (Iwate) -(2001) miyako,iwate,japan (kids , baby , Skybiz , diary )
Let's Walk Together with Love! This is Manaho's Room! Let's Walk Together with Love! This is Manaho's Room! (Kanagawa) -(2001) This is my daughter's site. I'm a hard worker and am wondering what to do as her father. Please join and talk with me! (children , education , daughter , father , teacher , board , diary , pictures , travel , family )
Rei-chan diary Rei-chan diary (Hokkaido) -(2001) sappro,hokkaido,japan sapporo,hokkaido,japan.
You ain't seen nothing yet. You ain't seen nothing yet. (Tokyo) -(2000) available only in Japanese (theater , musical , les miserables, blues brothers, diary , text , kid , English , photo , illustration )
Garden Mom's Whispering Garden Mom's Whispering (Nara) -(2000) Mam's whispering about herbs, gardening, my children and my life. (herb , gardening , children , book , moomin , wine , tea )
LOVERY CHILD LOVERY CHILD (Hokkaido) -(2000) yuko's home page (cute , diary , photo , child )
Mako's room Mako's room (Ibaraki) -(2000) Mako's Home Page (diary , bbs , profile , child )
Iimura's HomePage My children. Iimura's HomePage My children. (Ibaraki) -(2000) Ibaraki.Japan (children , Kaori , Yasuhiro , Hiromi , Ibaraki , Jyohoku , Kasumigaura )
K'sHomePage K'sHomePage (Nara) -(2000) Kaida's HomePage (baby , child , audio , car , jpg , kaida , cat , name , maniac , diary )
bakeratta's home bakeratta's home (Hyogo) -(2000) kids diary (kids , diary )
CANDY's HomePage,Kyoto,Japan CANDY's HomePage,Kyoto,Japan (Kyoto) -(2000) CANDY's HomePage (childcare, child , diary , bookshop , bookstore , readings )
masaya's diary of growth masaya's diary of growth (Chiba) -(2000) Masaya's Home Page (baby , kids , children , child , diary , growth )
baby report baby report (Kanagawa) -(2000) My private life has been introduced.If you are interested in pregnant life,baby and birth,please check this out. (pregnatn, birth , child , baby , diary , life , family )
ayaca.power ayaca.power (Kumamoto) -(2000) This homepage name is ayaca.power. (ayaca, ayaka , child )
S.M.K. ROOM S.M.K. ROOM (Kanagawa) -(2000) S.M.K. ROOM <Baby's Phot!>,<BBS!>,<Diary!> (baby , album , phot, bbs , yokohama , elgrand , watanabe , Child , diary , care )
Tsujikawa Familie's Homepage Tsujikawa Familie's Homepage (Aichi) -(2000) Tsujikawa Familie's Homepage (child , life , diet , family , idea , diary )
Candy House Candy House (Kanagawa) -(2000) Keiko's HomePage (Baby )
YUKARI'S WEBSITE YUKARI'S WEBSITE (Tokyo) -(2000) Welcom YUKARI's website,from Japan. Sorry Japanese only. (Yukari , Children , Tokyo , Diary , BBS , Ultraman , Friend , Banner , Link , Mail )
3-Flowers 3-Flowers (Okayama) -(2000) 3-Frowers Room HomePage children's diary (children , diary , baby'sFood)
Shinji Matsuoka's Page Shinji Matsuoka's Page (Chiba) -(2000) Introduce Myself,My Favorite Things(Rock&Pops,drama,gourmet,etc...) But sorry,Japanese only... (diary , gourmet , rock , pops , drama , photo , papa , 80s , hongkong , kids )
Pretty Kids' Pretty Kids' (Tochigi) -(2000) Oyama,Tochigi,Japan. (baby , child , children , son , kids' )
ajisaimama web saito ajisaimama web saito (Hiroshima) -(2000) ajisai mama homepage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ajisai, mama , child )
Baby Room Baby Room (Oita) -(2000) Community site for Mam & Dad (baby , kids )
Hyper Pop Mother Craft Hyper Pop Mother Craft -(1999) CARAMEL FISH's Home Page. It's for all mother&baby. Contents is Digital Pictuer Books, Diary, Baby Goods, and so on. (childcare, mother-craft, diary , digital-picture-book, FLASH , BBS )
Mama's Page Mama's Page (Kyoto) -(1998) This page is my diary about plugnance. My daughter SANA is very pretty!!! Please come to see her!!! (album , diary , mama , mother , new , plugnant, child , baby )
uruha's room uruha's room (Osaka) -(1997) This is uruha's room. Please come in.
Welcome to Miyazaki Family Welcome to Miyazaki Family (Oita) -(1997) Welcome to (comic , OTAKU , diary , family , Ultraman , Child )
Kagoshima. Japan. Kagoshima. Japan. (Kagoshima) -(1997) Yukiko's Homepage (diary , children , atopy , vegetable , bubble , flower , moon , idol )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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