(Hyogo) - Real estate in kobe Higashinada and Chuo ward. (Kobe, Higashinada, Okamoto, Rent room, Konan univ., Real estate and House, Business bachelor, Student, Rental shop, Setsu Motoyama)
- Canada, Study abroad, Canada information, Diary, Digital Camera Photos, English, Undergraduate, Second Bachelor. (Canada, Study, Abroad, Second, Bachelor, Kansai, Gaidai, Digital, Camera, Photos)
(Miyazaki) -(2002) Ryo's Home Page, Second Bachelor, Second Baccalaureate (secondbachelor, studyingabroad, bbs, diary)
(Chiba) -(2001) The University of the Air is an open university as the core of lifelong education in Japan. Provides over 300 courses by television and radio. (lifelong-education, distance-education, university, graduate-school, bachelor, master, television, radio, SKY-PerfecTV!, Cable-TV)