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{bar, pub} + {cook, cooking, chef} + {food}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@1={bar, pub}
@2={cook, cooking, chef}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.

  • hiruzake (Osaka) -

  • kuimonoyasangenme (Chiba) -
    ichikawa food drink bar
    (ichikawa, food, dink)

  • Restaurant Bar T-BIRD'S (Aichi) -
    T-bird's HomePage
    (bar, whisky, cocktail, malt, bourbon, pasta, t-bird's, food, wine, t-birds)

  • yuuyakekoyake (Osaka) -
    This is a Japanese YAKITORI=chicken foods&Rock music restaurant YUUYAKEKOYAKE's website!
    (chicken, pub, food, beer, hardrock, Osaka, heavymetal, FM802, BONJOVI, restaurant)

  • donanchi (Okinawa) -
    (okinawann-foods, okinawa, donanchi, donanchi)

  • Omamori's Homepage (Tokyo) -
    (beer, bar, party, date, drink, Japan, food, price, open)

  • Ginza Palmy Ginza Toshiba-Building (Tokyo) -
    (restaurant, gourmet, food, coupon, ginza, french, itarian, cafe, dinner, lunch)

  • WEB IUGO (Nagasaki) -
    cafe iugo
    (club, bar, cafe, Wedding, DJ, FOOD)

  • doramusuko (Tokushima) -

  • Wasian Restaurant Hanezu (Tokyo) -
    French,japanese food and sushi Restaurant.
    (shinjuku, french, sushi, wine, cocktail, midnight, party, kabukicho, restaurant, bar)

  • R134 spot information 2003 Spring (Kanagawa) -
    Good out-of-the-way place and information on R134 around Enoshima in Shonan Japan (written in Japanese)
    (Japan, restaurant, sea, food, BBQ, photo, hawaian, gourmet, information, pub)

  • Welcome to Lemonpie homepage!! (Kanagawa) -
    Lemonpie's homepage.
    (lemonpie, bar, pizza, pasta, cocktail, party, beer, italian, food)

  • kazami (Shizuoka) -
    welcom to kazami
    (washoku, kazami, izunagaoka, ajinomise, izakaya, sakata, nabe)

  • A Japanese style dish koto-Japanese-style food tavern and Japanese-style dish - (Tokyo) -
    The handmade Japanese-style food tavern and Japanese-style dish of Machida-shi, Tokyo. It is on foot 5 minutes from the Machida station. Please surely come the direction to drink in a quiet tavern the direction which wants to eat delicious Japanese-style food. Please [ business talk / a luncheon party and ].
    (Machida, Tavern, Japanese-style, dish, Restaurant, Alcohol, Tokyo, Snack, Entertainment, Party)

  • kanahei (Tokushima) -
    Kanahei's HomePage in Tokushima food&drinks
    (foods, drinks, tokushima, kanahei)

  • mikisei (Tokyo) -
    mokisei's HomePage

  • raku's HomePage (Osaka) -
    (shop, wine, restaurant, food, beer, reservation, kitchen, fish)

  • Izakaya Iyo (Hokkaido) -
    Izakaya Iyo
    (Tavern, alcohol, food, cook, nihonsyu, sour, meat, hoxtukaidou, saxtuporo, nangou)

    They are the Japanese-style dish and tavern for on foot 5 minutes from Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi and the Yokohama station. Please relish seasonal Japanese-style food with alcohol. I am preparing no less than eight seamounts at a handy price. Please [ service / homepage discount ]!
    (Yokohama-shi, station, Tavern, Bar, Japanese-style, dish, food, Party, Tobe, restaurant)

  • Cafe Resutorann Bar Framboise (Mie) -
    Cafe Resutorann Bar Framboise
    (Cocktail, Pasta, Wine, Foods, Mie, Pref, Suzuka, city, Bar, Beer)

  • kinagaya (Tokyo) -
    Kinagaya is a Japanese restaurant of Tokyo / Akasaka who was particular about the material and ceramics.
    (food, Ceramics, bar, akasaka, Globefish, tofu, sake, Shochu)

  • Shinsengumi (Tokyo) -
    Tokyo, Japan.

  • homemade dishes and drinks shou (Osaka) -
    Enjoy our local food and wide range of drinks. near Kansai International airport. Parties welcome.
    (Kansai, Local, food, Wine, sake, Sensyu, Party, Izumisano, Japanese, restaurant)

  • HINOKUNI Network (Kumamoto) -
    HINOKUNI(Kumamoto) Network.

  • Fugu Hanamaru's homepage (Tokyo) -
    Hanamaru's homepage
    (globefish, japaneserestaurant, grilledchicken, sushi)

  • masamitu (Gifu) -(2002)
    Japanese restaurant masamitu
    (Thailand, Bangkok, restaurant, Japanese)

  • ::::Korean Izakaya Mudai (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Typical Korean Izakaya is a party place where you wanna go with a few or bunch of friends for food, drinks, and perhaps Karaoke.
    (Korean, Izakaya, Mudai, Food, Hot, Good, Kimuchi, Karaoke, Fine, Drink)

  • kuimonoya muichimon (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Muichimon's HomePage
    (muichimon, garlic, beef, kawabata, drink, menu, pepper, event, hamadayama, inokashira)

  • konomisyukekurabu (Aichi) -(2002)
    Konomi's HomePage.Welcome!
    (konomi, nagoya, meito, diary, karaoke, beer, sake, japanesefood, pub, spirits)

  • Backstage (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    We are BACKSTAGE(JAZZ CAFE) in Fukuoka, Tokyo, established in 1960's. You can enjoy Jazz played by band every night,eating delicious itarian food. Once you are in Fukuoka, please come and enjoy Jazz. No charge.
    (jazz, itarian, band, bar, music, hakata, fukuoka, cafe, food, delicious)

  • Rocinante (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Good time with the jamaican food and reggae music.
    (jamaica, jamaican, food, reggae, music, dinnig, bar)

  • sea food bar kitanosuisan (Akita) -(2002)
    akita pre. sake fresh sae foods sashimi sushi
    (sea, food, sake, kitanosuisan, izakaya, local, foods, kiritanpo, mail, order)

  • hosinokura (Hyogo) -(2002)
    hosinokura's home page!
    (sake, food, japanese, home, cook, Hyougo, Toyooka, Diary)

  • korotom (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Do you like krotom?

  • Nepal Restaurant & Bar Mandala (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Enjoyu typical nepali food with ethnic atmosphare.
    (nepal, food, gurumet, curry, ethnic, indian, asia, sunil, shibuya, restaurant)

  • Hamanoya Nihonbashi (Tokyo) -(2001)

  • southward'homepage (Hyogo) -(2001)
    Old-American Restrantbar SOUTHWARD
    (bar, restrant, party, cafe, food, southward, kobe, cocktail, akasi, bridge)

  • SEA HORSE (Chiba) -(2001)

  • PONT DES ARTS (Tokyo) -(2001)
    cake cafe food bar sweets wine gift restaurant party cooking
    (cake, cafe, food, bar, sweets, wine, gift, restaurant, party, cooking)

  • edo1 (Yamanashi) -(2001)
    Yamanashi, Japan.
    (nihonryouri, sashimi)

  • Asian Kitchen BALI in Omiya,Saitama,Japan (Saitama) -(2001)
    Asian Kitchen BALI Omiya,Saitama,Japan. Ethnic Asian Foods and Drinks. Karaoke, Party, Wedding
    (Asia, Bali, karaoke, party, wedding, food, drink, Omiya, Saitama)

  • misuzutei (Chiba) -(2001)
    misuzutei is fresh food's japanese restrant.
    (misuzutei, japanese, restrant, food's, bar, abiko, moriya, chiba, ibaraki, fish)

  • mame homepage (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Welcome! My Homepage!
    (alcohole, snowboard, travel, drinking, snow, eat, cook, cactus, hobby, delicious)

  • Bisyoku-Chaya (Chiba) -(2001)
    Japanese foods, local sake and shochu restaurant.
    (Japan, food, restaurant, sake, gourmet)

  • Shugetsu R.E.C. (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Shugetsu's Official Website
    (wine, gourmet, akasaka, bar, tokyo, nobufumi, restaurant, tameike, resonable, coupon)

  • iroe's HomePage (Tokyo) -(2000)
    (iroe, bar, omotesandou, aritayaki, nabesimayaki, kaisekidinner, washoku, cocktail, japaneseaicohol, gurume)

  • restaurant fujiyoshi's homepage (Osaka) -(2000)
    Restaurant fujiyoshi's homepage

  • Asianfood&BAR ASIA Web branch from Japan. (Fukui) -(2000)
    ASIA master's Homepage.
    (BAR, ASIA, master, Photogallery, North-Land)

  • sakesakana-KAKA,Nara,Japan (Nara) -(2000)
    sakesakana-KAKA's Home Page
    (Nara, food, drink, gourmet, JapaneseRestaurant)

  • Mutsugoro (Nagasaki) -(2000)
    We have many live and fresh fish here. Also available to eat sushi, tempura and other traditional Japanese dish.
    (mutsugoro, mutugoro, fish, nagasaki, Japanese, food)

  • Japanese dish shop TARU (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    TARU is a Japanese dish shop. It's located front of Fujinkaikan near Atsugi ViVRE.
    (meal, drink, Japanese food, gourmet, Atsugi, food and drink shop, dish)

  • Cafe Pou-earl (Shiga) -(2000)
    FoodsBar Cafe Pou-earl's HomePage
    (pou-earl, yokaichi, shotbar, cooktails, gourmet, bar, party, live, foods, siga)

  • KAISEKI AND BAR TOREBIAN (Aichi) -(2000)

  • Kyoto Gojo-ryoin (Kyoto) -(2000)
    Kyoto Gojo-ryoin
    (Kyoto, Gojo-ryoin)

  • BISTRO Columbus's Homepage! (Tokyo) -(1999)
    BISTRO Columbus's Homepage!
    (Japan, Kanda, Party, Wine, Beer)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan