sekaiblue (Tokyo) - Masato Aoki says;I want to take you with me as I sail large into the boundless possibilities of music. Come join me in the search for the Sekai Blue yet to be seen. Take my hand and believe in my Sekai Blue. (masato, aoki, sekaiblue, sekai, blue, tokyo, japan, beatles, indies, melody)
BEATLES COPYBAND OLDZIPS (Ibaraki) - The Old Zips cover The Beatles right down to all the original equipment for that vintage Beatles sound. (BEATLES, COPYBAND, OLDZIPS)
Welcome to The Mersey Beats Page. (Kagawa) - We are THE MERSEY BEATS. Welcome to our homepage! We are the bands which are copying Beatles who is working Takamatsu city, Kagawa in Japan at the base. Please come to our concert at once by all means. (the, mersey, beats, beatles, copyband, takamatsu, live)
beatlas (Miyagi) -(2002) We are rock band The Beatlas.We play only The Beatles Songs.We hope you enjoy our show. Kesennuma,Miyagi,Japan (beatles, beatlas, kesennuma, rock, band)
LIVE ABBYE ROAD (Saitama) -(2001) One.. who wants to feel composed atmosphere. One.. who wants to feel enjoyable for a while. One.. who wants to feel each period through a/the live performance. ABBEY ROAD that produces various space (livehouse, Abbyeroad, Beatles, pizza, spaghetti, live, shotbar, counterbar)
COME TOGETHER Homepage (Kanagawa) -(1998) COME TOGETHER is a Rock'n Roll band. At first we played only the Beatles' songs. But recently we play anything. Famous professional Mahjong player Yousuke Ide is our member. We love spirits. And we play in Yokohama. (come, together, beatles, rock, band, mahjong, spirits, live)
BadCompany (Saitama) -(1998) Tape Trade Page of 60's 70's ROCK LIVE(Beatles,Stones,Bad Company etc) (TapeTrade, Beatles, Stones, BadCompany, live, rock)