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{beginner} + {computer} + {personal, individual}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
What Read Mail? What Read Mail? (Osaka) - Read Mail (read , mail , money , easy , free , what, ok , lucky )
ENJOY PC ENJOY PC (Hyogo) - Hiroki's Home page (good , soft , Winny)
Mac user's digital comic Mac user's digital comic (Shiga) - Macintosh manga's homePaze!! (manga , macintosh , mac , comic , phoshop)
Waratte Pasokon Waratte Pasokon (Shizuoka) - easy computing (Windows , Java , computer , C , C++ , CPU , DVD , programming , source , compiler )
PCsupport PCsupport (Tokyo) - personal computer trouble business trip support and beginner rescue team - open throughout the year for 24hours.Soukensha's HomePage. (support , Beginner , Trouble , Rescue , Woman )
Advises for Windows users when buy Windows computer, Advises for Windows users when buy Windows computer, (Tokyo) - Advises for Windows users when buy Windows computer, especially warranty period and system. (windows , computer , warranty, period , buy , pay , free , 98 , xp , 2000 )
Search engine optimization [SEO] short course for beginners Search engine optimization [SEO] short course for beginners (Ibaraki) - Search engine optimization [SEO] (Optimization , Computer , Home, Web , Work , Construction , Creation , execution , cheap , Price , Hokkaido , Aomori , Iwate , Miyagi , Akita , Yamagata , Fukushima , Ibaraki , Tochigi , Gunma , Saitama , Chiba , Tokyo , Kanagawa , Niigata , Toyama , Ishikawa , Fukui , Yamanashi , Nagano , Gifu , Shizuoka , Aichi , Mie , Shiga , Kyoto , Osaka , Hyogo , Nara , Wakayama , Tottori , Shimane , Okayama , Hiroshima , Yamaguchi , Tokushima , Kagawa , Ehime , Kochi , Fukuoka , Saga , Nagasaki , Kumamoto , Oita , Miyazaki , Kagoshima , Okinawa )
homepage shop homepage shop (Aichi) - Those with a classroom which are the store, company, and [store] must of near which is carrying out homepage creation from Okazaki-shi, Aichi (homepage, design , sale , off )
amateur investment amateur investment (Osaka) - amateur investing (investment , FP)
personalcomputer personalcomputer (Hyogo) - Atsushi'sHomePage (personal , computer , PC , HP)
satoyan untiku satoyan untiku (Niigata) - dt230, ae300 x (ae300, x , lanza, pc , th, pro , gigabyte, satoyan, th-se300, dt230)
HIROMORI-STYLE HIROMORI-STYLE (Shizuoka) - Morishita's HomePage (hiromoristyle, hobbyrace, CycleRoadRace, personalcomputer , morishita , beginner , hiromori, scrt)
tesuchi's lifestyle tesuchi's lifestyle (Kanagawa) - lifestyle (tune , supra , cpu , clock , memory , hdd , car , happy , bbs , fool )
It cannot depend on a pension.Old age is also safe by the side job. It cannot depend on a pension.Old age is also safe by the side job. (Niigata) - By the grade by which work is not hindered Isn't there much direction considered to want the way of one more income? (Personal , computer , beginner , Deflationary, spiral , National , pension , Medical , expenses , Old )
maasama maasama (Tokyo) - maasama (maasama)
PC/HP PC/HP (Tokyo) - Javascript,CGI(perl),HTML,tag (Javascript,CGI\(perl\),HTML,tag, HTML , javascript , CGI , perl , FFFTP, NextFTP)
URIKUN SOFT URIKUN SOFT (Hokkaido) - urikun soft (urikun, soft , picture , copy , windows )
Pasokon Staff Cool's Pasokon Staff Cool's (Gifu) - soft instractor CGI (soft , instractor)
naruhodo!Windows naruhodo!Windows (Gifu) - WindowsFAQ (FAQ , FQA, Windows , 98 )
playing with the personal computer playing with the personal computer (Osaka) - Let's play with the personal computer! (typing , music , computer , learning , customize , windows , software )
yorozuya yorozuya (Aichi) - Anyway it tried to make it. It is PAGE for the beginner by the beginner. Useful information is renewed at any time, too. (beginner , MX)
Personal computer private teacher YokoOnishi Personal computer private teacher YokoOnishi (Osaka) - Personal computer private teacher Yoko Onishi (Personal , computer , private , teacher , osaka , hyogo , kinki , biginer, senior , nishinomiya )
paso paso (Tokyo) - paso (paso, Windows )
Nirvana Mikawa Site Nirvana Mikawa Site (Aichi) - PC Bigginer's web site! (PC , beginner , web , information , technology , flash , Troubleshooting, sys-administrator, education , Nishio )
PC Work PC Work (Shizuoka) - PC Work (PC , Work , Sidebusiness , SOHO )
SOHO work in Japan. SOHO work in Japan. (Chiba) - SOHO,Side work in Japan (SOHO,PC,easy, SOHO )
Takamuku WEB Takamuku WEB (Osaka) - It is a site for having a personal computer happily used much more for personal computer beginners ^^ With a picture explains a personal computer function's. (Personal , computer , beginner , Hand , of, takamuku, window , Link , Change , form )
SOHO in Japan SOHO in Japan (Chiba) -(2002) Ichikawa,Chiba,Japan (SOHO,business , SOHO )
Senior's Power Senior's Power (Chiba) -(2002) Senior's Power HomePage (senior , PC , DigitalVideo, DigitalCamera , travel , China )
Yoshimune Kobayashi's virtual-office Yoshimune Kobayashi's virtual-office -(2002) white map, base map, CAD, ethnic minority language, Malay Japanese Dictionary, personal computer beginner, education, business, design, SOHO, being home. The data shelf used from a destination. It works by PC-Unix. It is collecting from the introductory method of QCad to the practical use method. (C) kobayashi architects & design office (white map, base map, QCad, ethnic minority language, Malay Japanese Dictionary, personal computer beginner, education , business , design , being home)
PCbusiness PCbusiness (Kumamoto) -(2002) PCbusiness at home (pc , business , suport, diet , money )
willy-willy willy-willy (Osaka) -(2002) I introduce the knowledge and the origin, proverb regarding wind. I publish it even FAQ, personal computer terminology dictionary etc. for the personal computer beginner.
who's_room who's_room (Chiba) -(2002) The collection of delicate techniques which convenience[ comfortable-izing and ]-izes a personal computer, without spending a labor, time, and money is mainly carried in Q&A form! (FAQ , OS , Q&A , tips , PC , UP , windows , 98 , 95 , Me)
who's_room who's_room (Chiba) -(2002) The collection of delicate techniques which convenience[ comfortable-izing and ]-izes a personal computer, without spending a labor, time, and money is mainly carried in Q&A form! (FAQ , OS , Q&A , tips , PC , UP , windows , 98 , 95 , Me)
pc operation pc operation (Tokyo) -(2002) pc operation support tama area (pc seminar, business pc seminar, man to man, man to man, pc operation, tama area , pc operation, middle age , beginner , pc operation)
pc room pc room (Tokyo) -(2002) wellcome overclock room! (pc , oc, overclock, OC)
PC beginner's room PC beginner's room (Ibaraki) -(2002) This page make by beginner programmer. (program , CLangage, ProgrammingLangage, ProgrammingWord, Lisp , Java , Prolog , CGI , C , Programming )
Telecommuting side business information Telecommuting side business information (Hyogo) -(2002) Maeba's Home Page (marketing , business , working , money , recruitment , person , management , sideline , home, telecommuting)
playing with the personal computer playing with the personal computer (Osaka) -(2002) Let's play with the personal computer! (typing , Noriya, music , computer , learning , customize )
Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine (Aichi) -(2001) This page is volunteer site for personal computer user of senior. (computer , volunteer , homepage, senior , beginner )
kamitoennpitsu kamitoennpitsu (Kanagawa) -(2001) KamitoEnpitsudeTsukuruHomePage (homepage)
Life-size Lifestyle Life-size Lifestyle (Tokyo) -(2001) SPROUSE's Homepage. (Life-size, Lifestyle , Diary , FLASH , beginner )
maasama maasama (Tokyo) -(2001) maasama (maasama, maasama)
Air Air (Yamagata) -(2001) mild 7's Home Page (Air , tool , ug, warez , apu, game )
MaiPenRai MaiPenRai (Saitama) -(2001) This homepage features the cities, Bangkok, Kyoto and Saitama and it also contains a message board for PC beginners. Contents are all in Japanese. (Thailand , Bangkok , PC , Beginner , Kyoto , travel , Saitama , Omiya , Information )
I am doing a dad,What? I am doing a dad,What? (Saitama) -(2001) This is Homepage of a PC beginners account.An introduction of TODA city SAITAMA. (PC , beginners )
alpha's Dust Box alpha's Dust Box (Shizuoka) -(2001) alpha's Dust Box (computer , faq )
Software Consultant-Visual Basic,VBA,Lotus Script Software Consultant-Visual Basic,VBA,Lotus Script (Fukuoka) -(2001) personal computer Developer Arch Uni (Visual , Basic , Access , Lotus , Excel , VBA , SQL )
Weekly NEW Easy PC Weekly NEW Easy PC (Tokyo) -(2001) The magazine Wekly NEW Easy PC official site.For PC beginners. (PC , Magazine , Beginners , Partworks, TVCM , Howto)
kisuke007 - Indoor Edition kisuke007 - Indoor Edition (Hokkaido) -(2001) A guide for studying of Microsoft Excel & Word. (excel , word , beginner , guide , computer , microsoft , examination , office , qualification )
personal computer bbs personal computer bbs (Tokyo) -(2001) japan (COMPAC, DELL , Gateway , NEC , SHARP , SONY , SOTEC , Panasonic , IBM , Macintosh )
secret frontia secret frontia (Chiba) -(2001) cameon and welcome (pc )
pc club for beginners pc club for beginners (Iwate) -(2001) This page is made for pc beginners.And there are a lot of information about pc. (win , windows , mac , pc , personalcomputer , public , lottery , homepage, mash, beginner )
For all computer user fron TOKYO,JAPAN For all computer user fron TOKYO,JAPAN (Tokyo) -(2000) From Used PC to New PC from TOKYO,JAPAN (COMPUTER , UPGRADE , SETTING , REPAIR )
pc business pc business (Tokyo) -(2000) miyazaki's homepage (SOHO , MLM )
K's Intelligence Agency K's Intelligence Agency (Tokyo) -(2000) K's Intelligence Agency Japanese only (UG, KIA )
Fry High! Fry High! (Tokyo) -(2000) Ohta Tokyo Japan (WINDOWS , Q&A , FAQ , 98 , 2000 )
studioM studioM (Kanagawa) -(2000) this homepage is for beginners of html. (beginner , html , Q&A )
NTpage NTpage (Tokyo) -(2000) NTpage (C , NT , news , PC , computer , page)
Enjoy Windows PC Enjoy Windows PC (Aichi) -(2000) Enjoy Windows PC (Enjoy , Windows , PC )
pc beginner's page pc beginner's page (Hyogo) -(2000) pc begginer open this (pc , beginner , keyboard , mouse , howto)
Echigoya Homepage! Echigoya Homepage! (Niigata) -(2000) Echitoya Homepage! Sorry Japanese Only. (Computer , Echigoya , beginner , knowhow , PC )
Rinka's homepage Rinka's homepage (Tokyo) -(2000) UK ROCK&POPS info,essay,BERNARD BUTLER and more.Texts are only Japanese Available. (UK , ROCK&POP )
Let's try programming! Hyogo, Japan. Let's try programming! Hyogo, Japan. (Hyogo) -(2000) For the begginers who try to make a VBA program and the Author explains Electric Money and Image processing. (Programming , Electric , Money , Personal , computer , Image , Processing , Nifty , Forum , Digital , F2ndHalf)
akira's hobby akira's hobby (Hyogo) -(2000) akira's homepage (music , soccer , hobby , car , beginner , game , mailfriend , akira , PC )
personal computer counseling room personal computer counseling room (Osaka) -(2000) This is the personal computer conseling room. I'll answer your question about PC both in Japanese and in English! (personal , computer )
Hiroya's HomePage Hiroya's HomePage (Hokkaido) -(2000) Hiroya's HomePage!!! Free GAME Download!!! Novel Mail Magazine. (PC , Novel , Download , Free , Game , Beginner , Mail , Magazine )
mu100 ZONE mu100 ZONE (Kanagawa) -(2000) A commentary such as IRC, MP3, ICQ is being done. A beginner should see it. (chat , Commentary , Beginner , PCreport, bbs , mu100)
Hiro's Homepages Hiro's Homepages (Kagoshima) -(2000) Computer Dictionary (Japanese) (COMPUTER , DICTIONARY , HIRO )
PC SUPORT PAGE PC SUPORT PAGE (Saitama) -(2000) PC SUPORT PAGE (PC , suport, question )
Osozakirengou Tamakko-gumi Tokyo-shibu Osozakirengou Tamakko-gumi Tokyo-shibu (Tokyo) -(2000) Japanese Only (Japanese , Only , PC )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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