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{Bizen} + {pottery, Porcelain}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
the socialist Republic of vietnam (Hyogo) - Akasai Hyogo japan (the, socialist, Republic , of, vietnam , and, bizennpottery)
nagomian (Okayama) - nagomian is happy (kagura , happy )
Bizen-yaki Kimihiko Buyo (Okayama) - Kimihiko Buyo's HomePage Kimihiko Buyo is Japanese Ceramic Artist. Bizen-yaki is traditional ceramic in Japan. His works are naive and very beautiful. MIGAKI and SUKASHI are his original technique. (Kimihiko, Buyo, Ceramic , Artist , Bizen , MIGAKI, SUKASHI, Bizen-yaki)
humiharu Kino HomePage (Okayama) -(2002) Okayama
eutuwaya (Chiba) -(2002) (bizenyaki, hagiyaki, gift , kinenhin, wasyoki, kurasiki , hikidemono, hidasuki, tougei, touki)
hagiyaki,bizenyaki (Fukuoka) -(2002) hagi (hagi,bizen)
bizen furou (Okayama) -(2002) bizenyaki furou (bizen )
Potter Land (Ehime) -(2002) potter pottery car repair doll (potter , bizen , car , shop )
Hekizan (Okayama) -(2002) bizen ceramic factory hekizan (hekizan, bizen , ceramic )
@bizen-yaki (Ehime) -(2002) bizen-yaki shop (bizen , beer , cha, cup , japanese , yakimono)
HEALTHY GARDEN (Hyogo) -(2002) Ako,Hyogo,Japan (pilow, ako , water )
Antique art kohama (Kagawa) -(2001) ALL old Japanese furniture,tableware, etc. Are exhibited and sold. (antique , bizen , imari )
bizenyaki (Okayama) -(2001) Okayama Japan (bizen , kankonsousai)
kamagure koubou (Osaka) -(2001) ceramic art (ceramic , art )
It is Club-Choice if it is the thing of Bizen ware. (Okayama) -(2001) If you want to get the thing of Bizen ware, it is to the Club-Choice. As a practical vessel, they are many Bizen ware which we selected carefully. It has had in stock tableware, a cup of Japanese Sake, a tea set, a vase, and other attractive Bizen ware. We are eagerly looking forward to seeing you. For the moment, it is only the Japan sale. (cup , gift , Bizen , earthenware , tableware , Sake , vase , tea , coffee , vessel )
manekineko (Tottori) -(2001) manekineko (manekineko)
Japanease traditional pottery (Nagano) -(2001) Japanease traditional pottery (traditional , pottery , Japan , Unglazed, kiln , yakisime, Ashes)
kamagure koubou (Osaka) -(2001) ceramic art (ceramic , art )
Tokyo, JAPAN, Tokyo Rule,bizen yaki (Tokyo) -(2001) Shopping page Tokyo Rule (shopping , bizen )
bizenyaki kamamoto shouen (Okayama) -(2001) bizenyaki kamoto shoen (bizen , yakimono, kamamoto, okayama , kagato)
janp (Osaka) -(2001) http://www.janp-pet.co.jp
TSUIKI COPPERWARE AT KAMAKURA SEIGADO (Kanagawa) -(2001) TSUIKI is the art of shaping copperware by pounding with a mallet.It's beauty is enhanced with each use. (copperware)
OFFICE C' pottery studio (Kanagawa) -(2001) pottery works, fireing illustration report, traveling report (pottery , works , pieces , ceramic , fire , travel , bizen , kiln , raku, china )
wabi (Okayama) -(2000) bizenyaki (bizenyaki)
Shellmounds in Chiba City (Chiba) -(2000) Introduction of shellmounds in Chiba City in Japan. Consider on Jomon period. (japan , jomon , shellmound, pottery , archaeology , chiba , dwelling , clothes , food )
art-nippon (Hiroshima) -(2000) Art-Nippon.com is designed to introduce workmanship and spirit to younger generations and to people of all over the world. (art , nippon , japan , Ceramic , Dyeing , weaving , textiles , Folk , artist , bizen )
JAPANESE POTTER YORIAKI MATSUMOTO (Okayama) -(2000) His various career shown us his various design,we can't see other bizen-ware. (WARE , POTTERY , BIZEN , POTTER )
oriental decorative arts, nangshin-do (Kochi) -(2000) gallery of oriental decorative arts, nangshin-do (gallery , of, oriental , decorative , arts , nangshin-do)
OkayamaGakunantyouTyuuouTyounaikai (Okayama) -(2000) Okayama (okayama , gakunantyou, tyuuou, tyounaikai)
Gallery KAN (Okayama) -(2000) old art antipue shop. (Gallery , tea , bowl , vase , antique , porcelain , china , art , old , japan )
ARTIST Takekiyo's HomePage (Okayama) -(2000) artist,kurashiki,japan (artist , ceramist , silver , okayama , bizenyaki)
bizenyaki NishikawaMasami (Tokyo) -(2000) bizenn
siawasekoubou (Aichi) -(2000) Siawase-koubou HomePage Handmade-Pottery,Other-Art (pottery , bizen , tuboman, art , hina )
Gallery Mugenan (Okayama) -(1999) art. bizen,okayama,japan. (art , gallery )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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