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{board, plate, boarding} + {bulletin} + {chat, chitchat, chatter} + {diary} + {service}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
enjoy room (Fukushima) - Welcome to my homepage! (enjoy , room , reihouiide)
natogoya (Kanagawa) - natori's HomePage (natori , natogoya, diary , chat , bbs , love )
Free Information/freeDB (Miyagi) - Free service and Free server and rental server information. (Free service , Free server , Free web space, Free HP, Free rental server , Home page, Free bulletin board , Bulletin board , Free mail , Mail , Free counter , Counter , Free chat, Chat , Free diary, Diary , Free URL transmission, URL transmission , Free link , Rental server , Share server, Exclusive use server, FTP Proxy, Free , Search , Server , Information , Tada1, Tada , CGI , PHP , Advertisement , Database )
shaberiba (Tokyo) - shaberiba (shaberiba, chat , bbs , diary , teenager , nhk , education )
softtennis's boss (Ishikawa) - softtennis's page (soft , tennis , boss , bbs , chat , diary , happy , study , ktc, club )
server information (Miyagi) - Free service and Free server and rental server information. (Free service , Free server , Free web space, Free HP, Free rental server , Home page, Free bulletin board , Bulletin board , Free mail , Mail , Free counter , Counter , Free chat, Chat , Free diary, Diary , Free URL transmission, URL transmission , Free link , Rental server , Share server, Exclusive use server, FTP Proxy, Free , Search , Server , Information , Tada1, Tada , CGI , PHP , Advertisement , Database )
CHRONO's HOMEPAGE (Saga) - There are BBS, PBS, a chat, etc. Although there are no contents not much, I want to call in people rapidly. (CHAT , PAINTING , DIARY , LOG , PBS)
ka-chan's room (Okayama) - bbs,chat,diary,etc. (bbs,chat,diary,etc.)
-Noise- (Tottori) - The text site of a poem, a novel, and the main diary. (KyoheiYamasita, Poem , Diary , Service , Link , Shortstory , Noise , BBS , Chat )
Kyushu-Market (Fukuoka) - Here are many photos taken by people all over Kyushu, and with a camera in mobile phone. (HP, link , photo , gallery , profile , diary , shop , staff , bbs , chat )
Free Your Mind (Okayama) - http://www.hinoataru.net/ (ocd, utu, bbs , diary , chat , main , cafest, Cafe )
SmartSlot! (Saitama) - Rerebo's slot Home Page. (slot , rerebo, smart , free , easy , chat , bbs , max, condor , bet )
zatudaniinkai - zatudan's HomePage (rihumi, adults , rifumi, diary , session , video , voice , picture , yahoo , chat )
diji tomoto (Kanagawa) - welcome (feeling , photo , dialy, profile , bbs , chat )
Kao's HomePage (Tokyo) - Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan. (comic , comics , bbs , chat , diary , guest , illustration , question , animation , game )
Joe's Page (Saitama) - You can get friends in our Page. (chat , bbs , cgi , php , rent , free , java , jsp , diary , download )
Pleasant time of Kesu-gomu (Iwate) - Joyful contents, such as a chat, and PBBS, a Flash room, and a plan carry a full load. Under mutual site collection. (Chat , BBS , Diary , pleasant )
2LDK's cottage Special-MIX (Chiba) - Kemumaki's hobby page!! (princeoftennis, bbs , diary , galley , chat , pop'nmusic, dream , hobby , tennis , Special-MIX)
canary (Tokyo) - URU's homepage. (illusts , Miyazaki , Hayao , southpark, medarot , diary , BBS , paintBBS , chat )
evilgarden Japan (Okayama) - enjoy!onlinegames (bbs , daiary)
shaberiba (Tokyo) - shaberiba (shaberiba, chat , bbs , diary , teenager , nhk , education )
ben world (Tokyo) - diet/wight down/helth care (Diet , training , mascle, BBS , chat , diary )
TOURNIQUET (Kanagawa) - This is my originalworks page. It contents novels,poems,diarys,pictures,GLAY,etc. Additionaly,you can advertise your homepage!! (novel , chat , bbs , link , advertise , GLAY , picure, diary , poem , webring )
Cubic Room (Kanagawa) - There are subject of a bicycle(r&m BD-1), a bulletin board, a chat, a diary, etc. (C.G. , Photo , Cube , HomeServer, BBS , Chat , Monologue , Diary )
BLUE GARLAND (Kanagawa) - come come (deai, bbs , diary , chat )
run's Room (Hokkaido) - run's HomePage (sports , chat , movie , hobby , link , diary , photo , bbs , B'z , happy )
Seiryoden (Kanagawa) - cell phone's wall paper,photo,travel,self introduction,BBS,diary,chat,links (cell , phone , wall , paper , photo , travel , self , introduction , BBS , diary )
Rough Stand (Tokyo) - mark2 (jzx81, drift , chat , bbs , accident , diary , hystory)
green light (Miyazaki) - urikku's Home Page (MOVIE , STARWARS , BBS )
Y's Website (Gunma) - Aestheticism Site (Photo , Diary , Blythe , Chat , Classic , BBS , Travel , MIDI , Essay , Novel )
ferret in japan (Hyogo) - ferret in japan.welcome my homepage. (ferret , rabit , animal , japan , sho-jyo-tai, pet , bbs , dog , cat , link )
run's HOME (Hokkaido) - run's HomePage (chat , bbs , diary , photo , link , game , video , movie , cd )
RAYCIOUS (Hyogo) - This is exciting site. There are chat and bbs. etc... (chat , bbs , raycious)
Diary (Tokyo) - Tokyo (diary , chat , bbs , text )
Sizuka's HomePage (Saitama) - sakado,saitama,japan. (chat , L'Arc~en~Ciel, link , sizuka, hamasakiayumi , bbs , ra-men )
NONTITLE SITE (Hokkaido) - Shiina's NONTITLE SITE !! Main contents >> Photo Gallery,PaintoBBS,Chat. (photo , gallery , paintbbs , chat , diary , shiina , poem , bbs , paint , nontitle)
T's Bar (Kyoto) - fairladyz (fairladyz, fairlady , z, 300x, bbs , chat , z32, diary )
starry-eyed enfant (Mie) - It is my capricious site with many hobbies. Many contents are also prepared. A HABOTTO link is also under collection. This site is Japanese only. Please come for play. Please also give me the writing to a bulletin board. (harbot , diary , photo , profile , chat , bbs , favorite , free , material)
cabotine-room (Iwate) - cabotine-room (HP, DAIRY , ALBUM , BBS , CHAT , YAHOO , WOMAN , PHOT, CABO, INTERNET )
TAKARIN'S ROOM (Fukuoka) - sorry japanese only! (sorry , japanese , only! )
Benkei's Room (Saitama) - Benkei's HomePage (Benkei , Diary , Chat , BBS )
kaihou-ku (Kanagawa) - Lets comunication! (Chat , BBS , Meets , Photo , Handy-Phone , Diary , Play , Love , Friend )
Tea lightly laced with sirup. (Ibaraki) - Ruri's HomePage (BBS )
GirlsTalking (Akita) - Hi! Let's enjoy us! (bbs , chat , diary&GirlsTalking)
Wind of... (Osaka) - Sorry Japanese only (CG , BBS , Pain )
yuukirinnnoheya (Aichi) - yuukirinnnosyuminoheya (yuukirinn)
SweetFactory (Hokkaido) - Ren's page (Love , Cute , Girl , Chat , BBS , Photo , Diary , Beauty , health , Woman )
dream factory (Kanagawa) - this site pass out simple material. it is free. (material, diary , poem , bbs , simple , game , chat , free )
Route-135 (Kumamoto) - Route-135 (toru , chat , bbs , diary , release , music , wallpaper , quiz , mailmagazine , photo )
THE URBAN DISADVANTAGED (Tokyo) -(2002) diary (diary , BBS , piazzolla, debate , discussion , mumuki, lunfardo, lun, chat )
HINATABOKKO (Kanagawa) -(2002) This is the private page for fans of SMAP.If you like SMAP,please come!!But,there is no English translation... (Nakai , bbs , chat , novel , diary , Some , girl'SMAP, Masahiro )
ARTY BIRD (Ehime) -(2002) Please join the Bulletin Board to chat in English-beginners level. (English , chat , conversation , bbs , beginner , feng , shui , metarial, illust , improve )
ARTY BIRD (Ehime) -(2002) Please join the Bulletin Board to chat in English-beginners level. (English , conversation , beginner , feng , shui , metarial, chat , bbs , diary , improve )
ARTY BIRD (Ehime) -(2002) Please join the Bulletin Board to chat in English-beginners level. Please join us to chat in English and share your news and thinking. (english , beginner , bbs , chat , feng , shui , study , improve , conversation , diary )
X JAPAN (Osaka) -(2002) Ayumi's HomePage (X , JAPAN , YOSHIKI , BBS )
Yokohama Kanagawa Japan (Kanagawa) -(2002) Only the person who can read a Japanese word come. (Happy , BBS , chat , MIDI , Poem , DOC , diary , taka , J-POP )
SR SITE (Chiba) -(2002) This page is CG-painting site. (photoshop , IRC , BBS )
Chipmunk Time (Tokyo) -(2002) My lovely pet,Chipmunk,Ruru's home page. You can see photo,movie,etc. (chipmunk , squirrel , skiouros, photo , movie , bbs , chat , dairy )
software (Gunma) -(2002) some Software (software , BBS , hsp, Pl@m)
TRAIN TRAIN (Fukuoka) -(2002) interesting site (game , BBS )
Lovely My Home (Miyagi) -(2002) diary BBS photo(flower) (BBS , chat , photo , flower , dialy)
DANDELION (Fukui) -(2002) postpet diary bbs chat game tabletennis (postpet , diary , bbs , chat , tabletennis )
FINAL FANTASY XI GUILD (Saitama) -(2002) Welcome to Turboo works (GAME , FainalFantasyXI, CROSSGATE, Turboo, SAITAMA , rooms , eat&drink , BBS , CHAT , DIARY )
Movie forest (Kanagawa) -(2002) movie chat bbs DB (movie , chat , BBS , DB)
Kanzen Muryou Otoku Site Syuu (Hyogo) -(2002) Free internet Service (Free Provider,Internet , Money,PTS,income, Free,Rental,Homepage,Rental Surver, Free,Rental BBS,bbs,Rental Dialy,dairy, Free Rental Chat,rental chat, Free Domain, Free Rental Counter,counter,access, Free Mail,ML,Mailing List, Free Graphics,Free Photo, Free translation,translation, Free Movie,Streaming, Free Music,MP3, Meeting,Mail Friend, Present , Free Fortune-telling , Access Up,home,page)
ten's chat communication (Kanagawa) -(2002) chat room , bbs, photographs, dialy, frienndships (photograph , chat , freebbs , friendship , mail , japanese , graphic , design )
mahirunotuki (Saitama) -(2002) Simozuki's HomePage (mac , macintosh , moon , chat , bbs , photo , diary , profile , link , EZweb )
casa-de-kou (Tokyo) -(2002) CasaDeKou'sHomePage (chat , baseball , hobby , bbs , casa-de-kou)
Zin.Net, Inc. -(2002) free rental bbs chat form diary (free , bbs , chat , diary , form , rental , zin.net, zin )
Captain Crash's Room (Osaka) -(2002) LOVE&PIECE&ROCK'N ROLL! (DIARY , BBS , CHAT , ROCK )
let`s fly high! (Osaka) -(2002) this page is text only. and,japannese only. (text , comic , japanese , japan , jpn )
Net IDOL Yoko's Room (Hokkaido) -(2002) Japan. (BBS , diary , Yoko , chat , IDOL , NET )
Web-Up-Search (Hiroshima) -(2002) ComputingHardSoftWareWebHostingrentalsite (Free , rental , CGI , counter , chat , diary , bbs , space , Web , Search )
Kunimaru's HomePage (Aichi) -(2002) Nagoya,Aichi,Japan (night , remenber, love , freg, link , diary , karaoke )
chipmunk (Kanagawa) -(2002) My lovery pet chipmunk Ruru's page. (chipmunk , photo , food , diary , BBS , chat )
Oga's Secret Base (Osaka) -(2002) There are a Paint BBS, online games, and an internet radio broadcaster .This page is managed by individual. (paintBBS , game , radio , diary , soft , BBS , chat , mail-magazin, localizing, Firewall )
Room of KONCHI (Tokyo) -(2002) This is Room of KONCHI (MUSICIAN , VOCAL , KONCHI, KONCHICCHI, diary , bbs , CHAT , song , sound , midi )
skyward (Nagano) -(2002) A photograph and poetry are carried and are. The photograph material of machining freedom is distributed. (photo , poem , game , free , get , money , chat , diary , bbs , material)
LOVEHAMBALOON (Aichi) -(2002) KAZURIN'S HOMEPAGE! (HAMSTAR, diary , bbs , chat , pet )
OKI'S GALLERY (Nara) -(2002) ooki oki MINI FC FD SA over chat bbs game (ooki, oki , MINI , FC, FD, SA, over , chat , bbs , game )
Kobe,Hyogo,Japan (Hyogo) -(2002) Please request. Please nice idea. (mailmagazine , chat , cookie , java , gestbook, BBS , ats)
Kunta's HomePage,from Okaya. (Okayama) -(2002) Miyabi,Okayama,Japan (snowboard , bodyboard , music , cinema , movie , bbs , diary , chat )
musiCrew (Tokyo) -(2002) link band bbs chat music (music , band , live , bbs , chat , mp3 , link , guestbook , text , mail )
himacha (Shizuoka) -(2002) chat.BBS. (chat , bbs , movie , shizuoka )
SQUALL Site (Gifu) -(2002) chat for biginners and regulars,students and workers. bbs for area,mail friend and so on... (chat , bbs , biginner, regular , encounter , mailfriend , publisity, area , diary , communication )
hiroki in perth (Osaka) -(2002) perth (perth , west , bbs , chat , dariy)
RuTuBo (Osaka) -(2002) Welcome to webhermit's web-page RuTuBo But sorry,japanese only... (web , hermit , seven , bbs , chat , column , story , song , link , free )
chipmunk (Kanagawa) -(2002) My lovery pet chipmunk Ruru's page. (chipmunk , photo , food , diary , BBS , chat )
Oga's Secret Base (Osaka) -(2002) There are a Paint BBS, online games, and an internet radio broadcaster .This page is managed by individual. (paintBBS , game , radio , diary , soft , BBS , chat , mail-magazin, localizing, Firewall )
chipmunk (Kanagawa) -(2002) My lovery pet chipmunk Ruru's page. (chipmunk , photo , food , diary , BBS , chat )
areafree (Oita) -(2001) hello! (Bike , Music , Diary , Rock , Guitar , Quiz , Profile , BBS , Chat , AREA )
SIDE-09 (Osaka) -(2001) This is hidenobu's HP. (hidenobu, 108, diary , poem , column , chat , friends , dream , draw , BBS )
WE'RE FUKKY (Osaka) -(2001) We are Fukky's Fan. We're enjoying chat and bbs. (baseball , chat , bbs , love )
RiRi's House (Akita) -(2001) Welcome to my Home page[RiRi's House]! Please enjoy your stay. (bbs , color , face , travel , chatroom , disneyland )
Claire's HomePage (Hyogo) -(2001) Claire's HomePage (Claire , commue, BBS , Lune )
ten's chat communication (Kanagawa) -(2001) chat room , bbs, photographs, dialy, frienndships (photograph , chat , freebbs , friendship , mail , japanese , graphic , design )
Sounds (Hyogo) -(2001) Kirigami's HomePage. Nishinomiya,Hyogo,Japan. (AC , METALGEAR , MGS , ARMOREDCORE, diary , chat , bbs , quiz , novel , Sounds )
kaoru's Home (Yamaguchi) -(2001) chat/bbs/etc (chat , bbs )
friendry (Miyagi) -(2001) my hp (yukie , friendry, BBS )
peaceneild (Fukuoka) -(2001) This is hobby'page. (Diary , Profile , Link , Hobby , Chat , BBS , Friend , Fishing )
Sak-ing Express (Kanagawa) -(2001) poem,essay,diary,GLAY,novel,chat,fortunetelling, advertisement (poem , novel , fortunetelling , music , diary , read , talk , communication , advertisement , search )
parfait mix (Hiroshima) -(2001) Mitsu's Homepage. This homepege is My diary,soccer-info.andBBS,etc...:) (diary , soccer , football , bbs , chat , music , j-pop , world , cup , champions )
Lip Service (Tochigi) -(2001) Lip Service (Lip , Service )
hiro wald (Aichi) -(2001) cat bbs game nikke etc (hiro , cat , cut , memoly, game , bbs , etc)
REIKO'sROOM (Saitama) -(2001) imode&J Phon&EZ HP (imode, chat , bbs , diary , link , mailfriend )
SAKOWORLD (Fukuoka) -(2001) sako'HomePage. Kasuga,Fukuoka,japan. (Chat , BBS , Diary , shop , shopping )
Sako's HomePage (Fukuoka) -(2001) Kasuga,Fukuoka,japan. (Baby , Diary , Game , Chat , BBS )
BLUE BOOK (Saitama) -(2001) Kappa's HomePage (photo , game , chat , new , diary , bbs , music )
BLUEBOOK (Saitama) -(2001) kappa's HomePage (photo , game , chat , new , diary , bbs , music )
Snow Beauty's Apartment -(2001) Here is Snow Beauty's Apartment. A party for solitude people. speaking about Addiction, DV, or Hearing. (BBS, , Chat, , Essay, , Direy,, Alchohol,, Hearing, , Addiction, , DV)
ASOBINIOIDEYO from Japan (Chiba) -(2001) Yamabui'sHomePage (asobinioideyo, bbs , chat , friend , seek , look , game , izakaya, mail , diary )
SOU-FACTORY (Saitama) -(2001) OverClock of intel CPU or the Part Report of DOS/V PC (OverClock, intel , DOS/V, Report , Icon , BBS , Chat , Diary , Link , iMODE)
tsukiko's room (Chiba) -(2001) tsukiko's room homepage (chat , diary , bbs )
kayo's room (Osaka) -(2001) kayo's room (cherry , kayo , netidol , bbs , chat , diary , photo , maol, girl , friend )
kayo's room (Osaka) -(2001) Sakura kayo official homepage.photo,profile,diary,bbs and chat (cherry , netidol , diary , photo , bbs , model , idol , frend, mail , chat )
ookuwa (Kyoto) -(2001) DCB/DA (DCB, DA, Dorcus , Antaeus )
Tea for two (Ibaraki) -(2001) Hello! (Postpet , diary , macintosh , chat , BBS , friend , communication )
Crazy Sanctuary (Kyoto) -(2001) Sorry Japanese only (hentai)
Ayano'sRoom (Chiba) -(2001) Ayano's Page - diary,BBS,Chat,page for Handy Phone,and page about Programming (diary , BBS , chat , handy , phone , programming , single , life , cat , trip )
Kurosuke's room (Chiba) -(2001) Kurosuke is my best friend. He is dog. There is his albums,diary,etc. (kurosuke, pet , dog , diary , material, photo , chat , bbs , colum, animal )
REINA'S Dream (Wakayama) -(2001) REINA'S Dream (private , photos.chat.diary.bbs)
Stage Row-Side Story (Kyoto) -(2001) Clitic of all contents in the stage of the ROW side (MP3 , clitic, files , smaf, text , diary , chat , bbs , stage , story )
**Un petit ange** (Tokyo) -(2001) **Un petit ange** means a small angel, in French. Some of the contents are, chat, bbs, and diary. Come and relax in my website. If you like here, I'd be encouraged to update my website. (angel , diary , chat , bbs , peace , parasite , university )
nyanko's website (Osaka) -(2001) nyanko's website (music , theater , fukamidori, bbs , chat , diary , moon , friend , moonshine, fashion )
rakutya (Aichi) -(2001) HomePage (game , chat , fortune , judgment , bbs , self-introduction , link , diary , lovely , lactia)
NET FRIEND (Tokyo) -(2001) hello!this site is serch for friends!! (only , net , friend , yuko , bbs , chat , link , diary , profile , new )
*Kaori'sroom* (Kanagawa) -(2001) Girl who want to be a tarent,Kaori's homepage.Contents are photo,diary,bbs,lovetalk,etc. handyphone is avairable. (photo , diary , bbs , netidol , model , tarent, chat , link , lovetalk, i-mode)
ASTY -- poetry and heartful world -(2001) BBS for submitted poetry, chat rooms, and prominent poetry in Japanese (poetry , fairy-tale , bbs for poetry, chat , diary , essay )
Magnetic Butterfly (Kanagawa) -(2001) Luna's Homepage!Sorry this homepage is Japanese only. (BBS , chat , profiel, diary , novels , gift , link , ranking )
meshi's HomePage (Chiba) -(2001) matudo,tiba,Japan. (student , BBS , chat , picture , diary , friend )
tsukasa's website (Kanagawa) -(2001) My house is Japanese lady photogallery. (photo , gallery , girl , lady , girlfriend , camera , talk , mail , bbs , japan )
kokochat -(2001) This is the HOMEPAGE which can find your soul mate via movie chat.and also this page concentrate on movie director Ingmar Bergman.but unfortunately,we don't have english font page yet.if you know and can read Japanese, you may enjoy this site. (movie , chat , diary , Ingmar, Bergman, BBS )
DETECTIVE CONAN!! (Fukuoka) -(2001) DETECTIVE CONAN!! (chat , bbs )
One Day School Story (Osaka) -(2001) Presented by Kojiro Welcom Welcom (BBS , CHAT , School , Game , Diary , Happy , Club , mail , Profile , Story )
HuntingGirledCollective (Tokyo) -(2001) Techno,Club,Event!!HuntingGirledCollective! (techno , club , event , drug , love , groove , chat , bbs , diary , beat )
magic eye (Kanagawa) -(2001) Lets go!! (BOOK , BBS )
JUNK from Osaka,Japan (Osaka) -(2001) JUNK from Osaka,Japan Only Japanese (starbucks, coffee , STEPWGN, car , Osaka , miniban, steppy, bbs , chat , diary )
the-medium-slate-blue (Kyoto) -(2001) Kairi's Home Page (Gallery , RAGNAROK , BBS , CG , Diary , PostPet , SS, Original , Chat )
Nyao's HomePage, Hiroshima, Japan (Hiroshima) -(2001) Nyao's HomePege (chat , bbs , diary , child , woman , essay )
U-creation (Iwate) -(2001) game (game , chat , BBS , SF )
take it easy! (Shizuoka) -(2001) page.japan (chat , bbs )
BRC,Best Rental CGI (Ibaraki) -(2001) View the best rental cgi! (Chat , BBS , Diary , Vote , Quiz , Game , Count , Rental , access , Dorama)
SHO ROOM 21 (Shizuoka) -(2001) SHO's HomePage (CHAT , BBS , DIARY , COMMUNICATION , GAME , HTML , CGI , BANNER , SHO , STOCK )
MANDARIN (Hiroshima) -(2001) haru's home page. (friends , friend , girl , girls , diary , BBS )
PARADAICE (Fukushima) -(2001) sorry! I don't know English. (Diary , BBS , Chat )
hihumi's website (Nagano) -(2001) Hello. This is Hihumi's website. (bbs , chat , diary , mail , friends , meeting , love , roadster , fix )
itinennanakumi (Saitama) -(2000) itinana HomePage (chat , bbs , Album , diary , Mail , profile , link )
Dai's musicroom (Osaka) -(2000) Dai's Homepage. (tuba , brassband , windband , music , classical , bbs , diary , chat )
Ken Ken 's Homepage (Ishikawa) -(2000) Come! And enjoy! (diary , face , mark , UCO, vote , chat , bbs )
kasppy the liar (Kanagawa) -(2000) joke animations. (animation , gag , joke , diary , bbs , chat )
TOKO's Home Page (Aomori) -(2000) TOKO's HomePage (hair , artist , chat , auction , bbs , toko , fence , of, defense , ML)
MIEKO'S Web Site (Tokyo) -(2000) MIEKO'S Web Site (Dialy, Animal , BBS , Chat )
miyutravel (Gifu) -(2000) Welcome to my homepage. It is about Photo,travel,bbs,chat. (travel , photo , japan , artist , bbs , chat , diary , miyutravel)
mayu (Miyagi) -(2000) mayu (diary , gallery , chat , links , BBS , fhoto)
Hamster, Taisyo's Homepage (Tokyo) -(2000) hamster,photo,movie,diary (hamster , goldenhamster, photo , movie , diary , video , bbs , chat )
rentalserver-mokomoko.com (Osaka) -(2000) rentalserver&domain.30MB-\500 (rentalserver , homepage, domain , domainsearch, rental , bbs , chat , diary , hosting , server )
poorly (Hokkaido) -(2000) Hisae's poorly Home Page (MOVIE , MUSIC , PUNK , ROCK , THA , DIARY , BBS , CHAT )
ERINKO'S PAGE (Aichi) -(2000) ERINKO'S PAGE!!! (erinko, happy , cute , bbs , friends , art , profile , link , good , beautifle)
Rental CGI Parktown (Ibaraki) -(2000) rental,count,access,nikki,diary,bbs,board,form,mail,fsmole,icon (RentalCGI, BBS , Diary , Chat , Dorama, Banana , imgboard, Quiz , Vote , Count )
Aw!Behind Life. (Ibaraki) -(2000) Welcome!! Pamu's Homepage!! (diary , BBS , chat , pet , cat , life , college , jam , bike , interest )
Mind Escape' (Saitama) -(2000) HomePage Contents *Chat*Mail*BBS* (chat , MailFriend , game , diary , MessageBoad, BBS )
free rental-mokomokohiroba (Osaka) -(2000) free BBS&CHAT&COUNTER&DIARY (bbs , counter , chat , diary , free , rental , server , domain )
You's museum (Chiba) -(2000) You's HomePage (story , museum , chat , diary , tennis , BBS , Lleyton.Hewitt, link )
ROCK STAR (Kanagawa) -(2000) the yellow monkey unofficial site (BBS )
Swinging Flower (Tokyo) -(2000) Akari Amehana' s HomePage. I believe in the power of words. Please visit my page and enjoy poetry, essay, diary,etc. (swing , flower , poem , profile , essay , words , bbs , chat , diary , laughter )
MIA's room (Aichi) -(2000) chat and bbs for beginners (chat , bbs , friend , lover , B'z , dailry, beginner , beginners )
HEAVEN'sGATE (Kanagawa) -(2000) keisuke's home page (chat , bbs , teenager )
Maruyu's Hage-HomePage is chatting car&bike. (Miyagi) -(2000) Let's talking. Sendai,Miyagi,Japan. (chat , bbs , car , bike , diary , Maruyu, NS50F)
SumMon'S HP!! (Hiroshima) -(2000) SumMon'S HP!! (chat , bbs , diary , MIDI , picture , music , game , art )
Uzumaki&Fatom's Homepage (Kanagawa) -(2000) Yokohama,Kanagawa,Japan. (diary , bbs , wallpaper , paper , craft , icon , high , school , student , idle )
EVEN DEEPERs (Tokyo) -(2000) my minimal techno diary and chat and BBS,sorry japanese only (techno , longpigs, diary , rave , BBS , chat )
UIC (Tokyo) -(2000) Free rental service!! (free , rental , bbs , chat , counter , analys, vote , dialy, autolink , forward )
my homepage (Ibaraki) -(2000) ore-page I can't speak English !! (MP3 , music , link , diary , bbs )
movie (Osaka) -(2000) osaka,japan (movie , cinema , bbs , chat )
hides garden (Kanagawa) -(2000) Come'n joy us! (diary , column , chat , sports , bbs , horse , profile )
Hi-Blow on WEB (Aichi) -(2000) Hi-Blow Homepage. This page is theme of Windsurfin' (windsurfin', bar , Hi-Blow, bbs )
Idle Chatter Of FF fan (Fukushima) -(2000) Takurin's HomePage. Fukushima, Japan. (FINAL , FANTASY , SQUARE , NEWS , BBS , DIARY , FF11)
yuchan's park -(2000) yuchan's Home Pege !! (play , yuchan, BBS , chat , friends , links , diary )
Au clair due Lune (Chiba) -(2000) PurpleMoon's HomePage (chat , bbs , waseda , diary , novel , moon , univercity, essay , ringo , fantasy )
miyurinn's room (Toyama) -(2000) miryurinn's homepage (friend , diary , money , link , bbs , pritty, frendly)
This is makes happy! (Shizuoka) -(2000) tomozo's homepage (like , chat , bbs , mail )
kazuya's Homepage (Okayama) -(2000) oku,okayama,japan (japan , chat , BBS )
the fool's miniature garden (Tokyo) -(2000) the fool's miniature garden (teachat, munzer, cgi , perl , FireEmblem , FE , akaneia, chat , bbs , iserlohn)
NACCHI'S HOBBY ROOM (Kanagawa) -(2000) chyat&idoll photo to yukari fukui (chyat, bbs , photo , yukarifukui)
Silly's (Fukuoka) -(2000) Original world about mainly poetry by pretty site manager "MIKA" . Poetry about in love.There have some pictures and games. Please feel free to visit!! (Literature , Women , Diary , Novel , Picture , Game , BBS , Homepage, Search Engine Registrations , Love )
THE IONOSPHERE (Tokyo) -(2000) It's Soyogo NOHARA's HP.This site has Myprofile,Dairy,MyPet'sProfie,photo,Letters,Colorchart,Seachengine'scollection,chat,BBS.I am waiting your visit!! (IONOSPHERE, Soyogo, NOHARA, Dairy , PHOTO , MyPet'sProfie, COLORCHART, SEARCHENGINE , CHAT , BBS )
yukiyuki (Osaka) -(2000) yukiyuki's HomePage (imode, link , chat )
Dream and romance by yumeko (Osaka) -(2000) diary,chat,bbs and so on,by yumeko (diary , chat , bbs )
Mushroom (Osaka) -(2000) mushroom (chat , diary , noticeboard , bulletinboard , link , SD-1)
Shiori Asano's Home Page.. (Kanagawa) -(2000) Shiori Asano Highschool girl's homepage.She is a singer. (highschool , singer , actress , diary , chat , bbs , cgi , photo , japanese , girl )
RED SPIDER (Tokyo) -(2000) kilala's HomePage (RED_SPIDER, BBS )
Lost Memory (Hyogo) -(2000) Metatron's page on the web. (hobby , animation , comics , PR , diary , BBS , chat )
I'll make you happy!! (Shiga) -(2000) Illustration & Midi site (Jeanne , Illust , Midi , BBS , Chat , Link , Diary )
Nana's room (Hyogo) -(2000) Nana's homepage (photo , diary , bbs , chat )
TAKARIN's ROOM (Kagawa) -(2000) chat dairy BBS (chat , dairy , BBS )
Happy Together (Tokyo) -(2000) bbs&chat&recently...etc (recently, bbs , chat )
horserace soccer pog (Fukuoka) -(1999) kitakyushu.fukuoka.japan (horserace , soccer , formula1 , bbs )
Nekosogi junior school PTA (Tokyo) -(1999) Nekosogi Junior School PTA...Chat!BBS!Comedy!!Funny!Sawayakazu! (comedy , live , comedian , chat , BBS , Takashi , Kakizaki, diary , fool , meets )
acohome (Tokyo) -(1999) acohome-akiko's homepage (homepage, acohome, piano , score , spanish , link , bbs , chat , dictionary , profile )
izayoi (Nara) -(1999) izayoi Homepage (chat , bbs , love , poem , izayoi )
AIR'S HP (Kanagawa) -(1999) AIR'S HP (AIR'S , HP, POPS )
hiromi,Japan (Kagawa) -(1999) hiromi's HomePage (BBS , LINK , JAPAN , SHIKOKU , DATE , DIARY , CHAT )
hikaru's home page (Kanagawa) -(1999) Kanagawa, Japan (chat , diary , bbs )
Wu-Dra's Box (Okinawa) -(1998) Okinawa's view photograph billboard chat room contribution photograph ingredient page and others consists. Well an affair of every day approximately also renews every day today's remark Special talk . (photo , chat , bbs , Diary , Wu-Dra)
Architect of Music (Osaka) -(1998) Original MIDI & SoundVQ File.BGM & Composer Diary. (JukeBox, Diary , Chat , BBS , Free , Original )
Party room Yukari (Tokyo) -(1998) This page name is Party room Yukari. Travel diary & Cooking etc. (Travel , diary , Cooking , chat , BBS )
Muramasa's Homepage (Kanagawa) -(1997) This is Muramasa's Homepage. PC/AT compatible machine, Digital camera photo gallery, Muramasa's diary, Muramasa's profile, Bulletin Board System, Chat, URL search engine, etc. (Muramasa , chat , BBS , link , diary , profile , photo , Yokohama , Kanagawa , Japan )
Swan's Home (Saitama) -(1997) Chat rooms concerned 1. Michael Schenker (Guitarist) 2. Slam Dunk (Japanese Comic) 3. Classic Ballet (Schenker, Slam Dunk, Ballet , Chat , BBS , Diary , Gallery )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
こちら 。