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{board, plate, boarding} + {bulletin} + {diary} + {poem, poetic} + {service}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
-Noise- (Tottori) - explanation column, the novel, and the diary were assumed to be the main. (Kyohei , Noise , Novel , Service , BBS , Link , Mail , ShortStory , Poem , Diary )
-Noise- (Tottori) - The text site of a poem, a novel, and the main diary. (KyoheiYamasita, Poem , Diary , Service , Link , Shortstory , Noise , BBS , Chat )
Moonforest (Tokyo) - ShionFujinami@moonforest!! (ShionFujinami, novel , story , myth , dialy, profile , bbs )
Dream Park (Fukuoka) - Dream Park (Dream , BBS , DIARY , poem )
kusakanmurinoakiBBS (Tokyo) - More Magic Words Parenting
TOURNIQUET (Kanagawa) - This is my originalworks page. It contents novels,poems,diarys,pictures,GLAY,etc. Additionaly,you can advertise your homepage!! (novel , chat , bbs , link , advertise , GLAY , picure, diary , poem , webring )
dark hospital, Japan (Saitama) - Rinka's Home Page (dark , hospital , depression , nailart , diary , bbs , picture , poem , Rinka, cat )
Cepheid (Tokyo) - I sometimes write diary in English.And I wrote how to make something to eat in English. I like Ragnarok Online game so much^-^ Please watch!! (Cepheid, English , Ragnarok , diary , poem , tarot , BBS )
the snow world (Hyogo) - Yuki,18-years-old,'s diary.you can write poems and read a mailmagazine. (poem , bbs , diary , phs , communication , mailmagazine , free , teenager )
GERO (Tokyo) - K.T's room.Poem,painting,diary.....etc..... (poem , diary , painting , drowing , BBS , woman )
Shudder ogre wing (Aichi) - It is HP which it tried to make for the first time. It is asked though completion hasn't done happy. (poem , profile , diary , bbs , lineage )
drop of moon (Chiba) - The place which makes language the thread of the heart by which those who were led to the moon and met are not seen, and spins it slowly (moon , poem , Diary , love , Goutte, de , lune , BBS )
hotto milk (Saitama) - it's Mr.Fullusuwing of HP. (hottomilk, yamakuraasagi, pbbs , bbs , diary , works , novel , battle , top , kiliban)
One time (Niigata) - I'm sorry. It is only Japanese. The poem written by me is exhibited. Does it come for play? (poem , diary , hide , bbs )
an answering machine (Hyogo) - an answering machine... (telephone , BBS )
NONTITLE SITE (Hokkaido) - Shiina's NONTITLE SITE !! Main contents >> Photo Gallery,PaintoBBS,Chat. (photo , gallery , paintbbs , chat , diary , shiina , poem , bbs , paint , nontitle)
Melting Point (Kanagawa) - This site is treated Mitsu's original illustrations,poems,and novels. (Illustration , Novel , Words , Poem , Art , Dialy, BBS , Sentence , mitsu , em)
Angel Garden (Hokkaido) - Mieve's Home Page (sapporo , poem , bbs , diary , mieve, Angel , Garden , greeting , card )
Bird of paradise ,Kobe,Hyogo,Japan. (Hyogo) - poem,diary,words,essay,BBS,etc.i'm Yuki,a japanese girl.i want to accept enyone.please come on! (diary , poem , BBS )
Mary's Home Page (Aichi) - Mary's Home Page (nurse , BBS , diary )
miffy_kiss'sROOM (Osaka) - miffy_kiss'sROOM (miffy , Poem , Photo , USJ , diary , harbot , Picture , bbs )
dream factory (Kanagawa) - this site pass out simple material. it is free. (material, diary , poem , bbs , simple , game , chat , free )
HELP ME (Saitama) - chigusa HomePage (HELP , ME, POEM , TEXT , BBS , DIARY , ABOUT, LINK , TOP )
Yokohama Kanagawa Japan (Kanagawa) -(2002) Only the person who can read a Japanese word come. (Happy , BBS , chat , MIDI , Poem , DOC , diary , taka , J-POP )
HOUROU (Ishikawa) -(2002) SPITZ&TIGERS (BBS , SPITZ , GAME )
Room JUN (Fukuoka) -(2002) Room JUN (poem , movie , bbs , diary , profile , story , gallery )
-17hours -(2002) Kanon's Diary & Poem & BBS. (BBS , DIARY , POEM , USA )
Aika's World (Osaka) -(2002) Japanese Only. (tanka , diary , index , literature , bbs , Osaka , woman , student , profile , poem )
chako's Style (Tokyo) -(2002) chako's style (style , play , recipe , bbs , diary , pet , moon , poem , link )
skyward (Nagano) -(2002) A photograph and poetry are carried and are. The photograph material of machining freedom is distributed. (photo , poem , game , free , get , money , chat , diary , bbs , material)
Eri's poem (Hokkaido) -(2002) It cures and is the homepage of a system. While the author itself fights with depression, the world of poetry or an illustration is built. The contents of a diary are also substantial. There is also a poetic bulletin board. ML is also taken out. (poem , illustration , diary , BBS , discussion )
Poem=Satoshi's HomePage (Kyoto) -(2002) Satoshi's HomePage (poem , diary , profile , bbs , comic , photo , kyoto , gifu )
himacha (Shizuoka) -(2002) chat.BBS. (chat , bbs , movie , shizuoka )
pikkypikky (Hokkaido) -(2001) I am Pikky.Welcome to my Poem Page. (poet , poetry , fairy , essay , diary , bbs , murmur , pikky, pig , bakaring)
Khaos_Cosmos (Yamaguchi) -(2001) Hauki's HomePage (words , love , sentence , poem , diary , bbs , encounter , writing , talk , affection )
SIDE-09 (Osaka) -(2001) This is hidenobu's HP. (hidenobu, 108, diary , poem , column , chat , friends , dream , draw , BBS )
Carpe diem (Kyoto) -(2001) movie,word,diary,kyoto (movie , word , favorite , diary , cafe , about, bbs , index , black , poem )
Kangoro's Home Page (Okayama) -(2001) Kurashiki,Okayama,Japan (Camera , Diary , Poem , Slide , BBS , Photo , Mother , Chariders)
MIKI'S SHOWER (Tokyo) -(2001) Welcome to my poem Page! (miki , poem , dialy, bbs , shower , progress , with)
club hip's (Chiba) -(2001) vanity's home page (photo , game , comic , adultchildren, profiel, diary , bbs )
Sak-ing Express (Kanagawa) -(2001) poem,essay,diary,GLAY,novel,chat,fortunetelling, advertisement (poem , novel , fortunetelling , music , diary , read , talk , communication , advertisement , search )
DEEP BLUE (Osaka) -(2001) Mutsuki's HomePage (novel , poem , phot, bbs )
sadistic castle (Ishikawa) -(2001) Produced by a high scool student in japan. Here are my diary ,photo and poem. (bbs , photo , diary , poem , yuko , castle )
snackmoon,japan (Ibaraki) -(2001) snackmoon (writing , bbs , couplet, diary )
floral (Hyogo) -(2001) illust,diary and live report and so on. (illust , diary , music , picture , BBS , poem , art , Australia , travel , link )
Chez Josette (Tokyo) -(2001) This is Yuki's HP!!! I got some lyrics(oroginal), BBS, Diary... and stuffs!! People from all over the world, come drop in!!!(^0^)/ (I can speak Eng. dayo!) (Lyrics , Diary , Highschooler, ISKL, New-Caledonia, Malaysia , Virgile, Josette, Essay )
Kurosuke's room (Chiba) -(2001) Kurosuke is my best friend. He is dog. There is his albums,diary,etc. (kurosuke, pet , dog , diary , material, photo , chat , bbs , colum, animal )
Natsuo no toko (Kyoto) -(2001) Natsuo's home page!! (photo , illustration , poem , gallery , sco, bbs , dairy , portlate, portrate)
Light Blue Miracle (Saitama) -(2001) There are my novels,poems,words and so on. (original , novels , poems , words , diary , bbs , exchange , scratch )
ASTY -- poetry and heartful world -(2001) BBS for submitted poetry, chat rooms, and prominent poetry in Japanese (poetry , fairy-tale , bbs for poetry, chat , diary , essay )
Keiko's Photoshop (Nagasaki) -(2001) Keiko's Homepage (Cat , Kitten , Photo , Poem , Giants , Retouch , Free , Illust , BBS , Diary )
Digital-KaniXX (Tokyo) -(2001) This page is KANI no Ashi Tomo no kaiOfficialWebSite. (radiodrama, mailmagazine , witted, comic , poem , crab , laughter , diary , Association , bbs )
Pink affect (Hokkaido) -(2001) kumako's lovey site! (poem , photo , postpet , download , bbs , pink , diary )
SWEETS (Kanagawa) -(2000) naomi (sweet , poet , diary , photo , girls , words , naomi )
Weekly kerintyo (Saitama) -(2000) Weekly kerintyo is managed by Komainu & Az. Komainu writes original Novels&poems. Az draw original CG. (original , novel , poem , Computer , Graphic , draw , diary , BBS )
Swinging Flower (Tokyo) -(2000) Akari Amehana' s HomePage. I believe in the power of words. Please visit my page and enjoy poetry, essay, diary,etc. (swing , flower , poem , profile , essay , words , bbs , chat , diary , laughter )
sadistic castle (Ishikawa) -(2000) Produced by a high scool student in japan. Here are my diary ,photo and poem. Let's look for seacret door! (bbs , photo , diary , poem , yuko , castle )
TALK OVER . GUNNMA.JAPAN (Gunma) -(2000) talk over. gunnma.japan. hibisucus's web page. (poem , diary , bbs , link , man , free , japan , gunma )
Aya's Room (Tokyo) -(2000) Aya's HomePege. There is Diary,Photo,Poem...etc. (profile , diary , photo , poem , love , letter , BBS , Talk , to, myself )
Masaki's Home Page!! (Chiba) -(2000) Tiba,Japan (poem , diary , bbs , soft , link , profile , etc, Cool , Free , Hot )
Hyuuga's ROOM (Tokyo) -(2000) Takeda's HomePage (poem , graphic , BBS )
ramie net (Osaka) -(2000) ramie's HomePage (poem , diary , bbs , love , link , foverite, room )
Silly's (Fukuoka) -(2000) Original world about mainly poetry by pretty site manager "MIKA" . Poetry about in love.There have some pictures and games. Please feel free to visit!! (Literature , Women , Diary , Novel , Picture , Game , BBS , Homepage, Search Engine Registrations , Love )
Crimson Road (Fukuoka) -(2000) This homepage is the official page of KARMA. (mp3 , realaudio , bbs , lyrics , band , indies, diary , kyusyu )
miruku's house (Tokyo) -(2000) This site is maltese's profile page! and picture,diary (dog , maltese , miruku, diary , poem , bbs )
Chibimaruo's Joyful Life (Shizuoka) -(2000) tibimaruo's web site. Contents is diary,poem,bbs(icon)etc. (diary , poem , iconbbs , movie , music , pops , rock )
afters (Hyogo) -(2000) m@iko's homepage.I love DA!Iceman!AXS! (Iceman , access , axs , DA, BBS , diary , maiko , produce )
izayoi (Nara) -(1999) izayoi Homepage (chat , bbs , love , poem , izayoi )
Name of Sky (Yamanashi) -(1999) Yosuke's HomePage (poem , diary , BBS , Sky )
z-dreamer (Tokyo) -(1998) ZIoN's HOMEPAGE d-text cg voice diary bbs (text , diary , bbs , tokyo , human , highschool , angel , poem , essay )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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