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{board, plate, boarding} + {bulletin} + {information, informational} + {network, internetworking, networking, net, internet}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Reference(frequency) {service}
WASEDAINFORMATIONNETWORK WASEDAINFORMATIONNETWORK (Tokyo) - WASEDA INFORMATION NETWORK (waseda , university , information , network , student , event , bbs )
T. I. Network T. I. Network - T. I. Network distributes much regional infomation for Japanese people. (information , kagoshima , new , york , japan , america , column , food , link , japanese )
GWP GWP (Tokyo) - Come on!G.W.P!
Sho-net Sho-net (Hokkaido) - tears and smiling fase (love , friend , dream , personal , communication , poem , osaka , sapporo , tears , YAHOO )
Horse race network Horse race network (Mie) - Horse race network (Horse , information , Anticipation )
wave information izu wave information izu (Shizuoka) - Izu Shirahama Surfcam information surfvideo dvd book cd (waveinformaion, surfcam, surfing , izu , shirahama , shimoda , surfshop , surfvideo, surfingvideo, DVD )
Sola.net Sola.net (Miyagi) - This is Sola.net's web!('sola' means 'sky' in Japanese.)From Sendai Japan, we support your communication all about Japan, hobbies, make-friends,etc...Come on! and join us now! We welcome you. (information , Sola.net, Sendai , Miyagi , Japan , Communication , friend , tour , trip )
kei kei (Saitama) - kei (keik)
BUCHO.NU BUCHO.NU (Kanagawa) - Hello! I like trying new things,to know news,listen to people's ideas,opinions... watching movies, travelling in U.S, driving my car, romantic and dance music...now I want to do and make money in Computer market. If you want to learn Japanese,I will tell you and talk with you! I'm looking for Penpal. I'd like to learn lots of things from you by exchanging mails. (download , software , internet , personal , computer , chat , america , us , usa , drive )
NO-FULL at net NO-FULL at net (Tokyo) - link collection of movie site and music site. experiment of JavaScript in arbitrary browsers. (cinema , movie , music , link , info , bbs , labo , profile , style , script )
kanagawa business net kanagawa business net (Kanagawa) - kanagawa bisiness net (kanagawa , bisiness, bbs , web , rink , yokohama , kawasaki , tokyo )
MJK MJK (Hokkaido) - JAPAN
TOTAL INFOMATION TOTAL INFOMATION (Tokyo) - THIS IS A INFOMATION PAGE. (cupple, HP, circle , job , bonus , mall , enjoy , sub , incubation , meet )
AIAIKENNEL AIAIKENNEL (Kagoshima) - We're Petshop!There are many puppy in our shop! (dog , kennel , present , breeder , petshop , news , bbs , petcircle, mailmagazine , freemarket )
TOP SECRET JAPAN TOP SECRET JAPAN (Tokyo) - TOP SECRET JAPAN. The easy business for you! (business , PC , SOHO , mail )
BBS for Dating Club and Dating Site in Hokkaido BBS for Dating Club and Dating Site in Hokkaido (Hokkaido) - This is the Site for BBS for Dating Club and Dating Site in Hokkaido. (Dating , Service , Sapporo , Dating , Site , Pure , Marry , Nozze, O-net)
nagatayukito nagatayukito (Chiba) - nagatayukito's Home Page (soft , perl , pc , computer , frend, news , like , www , internet , sex )
Netcafe jiyuukuukann Maebashi Bunkyo store Netcafe jiyuukuukann Maebashi Bunkyo store (Gunma) - It is the site of a space creation jiyuukuukann Maebashi Bunkyo store. Furthermore, the campaign information which should be known is a large number!! Please come to our store for a play. (Internet , Comics , TV , Music , shower , Game , Painting , BBS , Campaign , information )
Local-Community.Network Local-Community.Network (Fukuoka) -(2002) Local Community Fukuoka Oonojyou Network (Local , Information , Network , Communication , Member , Encounter )
e-Tokorozawa.Net e-Tokorozawa.Net (Saitama) -(2002) (saitama , tokorozawa , town information , tokorozawa , tokorozawa shop, tokorozawa company, tokorozawa movie, tokorozawa bbs)
KOUNOSU.NET KOUNOSU.NET (Saitama) -(2002)KOUNOSU.NET is Information web site in KOUNOSU-city.You will register your web page in this page . (KOUNOSU.NET, information , region , link , SAITAMA , KOUNOSU , BBS )
urbane groove network urbane groove network (Kanagawa) -(2002) urbane groove netowork (free , distribution , review , black , house , club , news , bbs , music )
Weekly Yamaguchi Appeal-Net Weekly Yamaguchi Appeal-Net (Yamaguchi) -(2002) We produce Yamaguchi in Japan recruit infomation and real estate infomaiton,every week. and others,We produce event and gourmet infomation by Bulletin Board System. (recruit , real estate , event , gourmet , cd video , sarch engine, Yamaguchi , Bulletin Board System, Japan , Web Desgin)
jiic jiic (Oita) -(2002) jiic (jiic, japan , internet , innovation , center , shopping )
Broad-Japan.net Broad-Japan.net (Hokkaido) -(2002) BroadBand Information (ADSL , FTTH , Broad-Japan.net, Broad-Japan, BroadBand , System , Internet , InternetGuide , Japan , .net )
Let's work happily in a network.com Let's work happily in a network.com (Hyogo) -(2002) which is doing its best in pursuit of the money profit method of a network that a beginner can also do simply as for janitor Ryoko and its 2 (No , charge , Network , business , Cat , Easy , Bulletin , board , Real , experience )
Beginner's Room Beginner's Room (Aichi) -(2001) Toshi's Homepage. For PC Begginer's. (CGI , PERL , BBS , FORUM , LINKER , C , BEGINNER , WindowsXP, Linux , LAN )
japannettv japannettv -(2001) InternetTV from London, providing London's information for Japanese people. features shopping, culture, restaurant, health, property, clasified, school. (japannettv, london , england , LONDONinfo, clasified, street , market , study , in, the)
boogie Net boogie Net (Fukuoka) -(2001) Communityin Fukuoka City !! (chat , bbs , hawks , love , sex , friend )
AdvantageInformationBroadcastInfomationStation AdvantageInformationBroadcastInfomationStation (Nagano) -(2001) This is AdvantageInformationBroadcastStation.We send advantage information about Computers and internet. (FreeBSD , internet , server , squid , ppp , BBS , AdvantageLucy, unix , cash , united )
Casa di Neve(Japan) Casa di Neve(Japan) -(2001) casa di A novel, a game, an animate cartoon and comics introduce an illustration and a novel to the public, and a bulletin board, a game, and so on are held in neve. Enjoy it without reserve. (BBS , Radio , SRR-net, Illustration , Game , Animation , Information )
Phrase@net Phrase@net (Osaka) -(2001) yorosiku (yroo, ALFEE , BBS )
minamix minamix (Aichi) -(2001) minamix
Gie's HP Gie's HP (Fukuoka) -(2001) TSJ (ZERO , TSJ , TSJ , SOHO )
Internet Meeting Mail Friend Internet Meeting Mail Friend (Tokyo) -(2001) Internet Meeting Mail Friend BBS Link (Meeting , Mail Friend , Lover , BBS , Seriousness , Seriousness , Marriage , Other party, Woman , Free Mail address , Closed-door, Safety )
umichanhomepage umichanhomepage (Tokyo) -(2001) UmichanHomePage (LOVE , Umi, HomePage, DownLoad , Soft , Phot, BBS , Diary , NetWork , News )
cancer navigation cancer navigation (Tokyo) -(2001) cancer navigation for good treatment (cancer , navigation )
keijiban keijiban (Okayama) -(2001) keijiban. (keijiban)
open net open net (Nara) -(2001) Free Homepage area & Free mail!! Get Now!! (free , mail , homepage, support , news , server , hot , link , buy , information )
BBS BBS (Tokyo) -(2001) BBS (BBS )
NetWorld NetWorld (Osaka) -(2001) This is a Internet Application tools site. Why can you enjoy with us? (Information , BBS , CHAT , Mobile , Tools )
side network side network (Gifu) -(2001) side network is a page of emulator informations. (emulator , trouble , solutions , download , bbs , software , playstation , nes, snes , rom )
Kamui69's Website Kamui69's Website (Tokyo) -(2001) Toshima, Tokyo, Japan (SOHO )
koiki_an koiki_an (Tokyo) -(2001) soho community site for women (SOHO , job , work , bbs , women , internet )
UL-NET UL-NET (Nagano) -(2001) hello
osaka PC infomation site osaka PC infomation site (Osaka) -(2001) osaka infomation site (pc , news , support , internet , help , Q&A , infomation, bbs , computer , trouble )
netshop netshop (Fukuoka) -(2001) welcom (netshop )
SeniorNet Sagamihara SeniorNet Sagamihara (Kanagawa) -(2000) This HomePage is the volunteer club to support how to use the personal computer include the mail and internet for elder and senior in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Pref. (LocalInformation , PersonalComputer , Network , Elder , Senior , Volunteer , Encounter , NoticeBoard , SagamiharaCity, KanagawaPref.)
Real Bit Valley Real Bit Valley (Tokyo) -(2000) Real Bit Valley is IT,Net Information Mailing List. (BitValley, Interact , MailingList , BBS , Net , Internet , Information , Computer , Japan , Technology )
okinawajohokyoku rental request okinawajohokyoku rental request (Okinawa) -(2000) (area information , internet , rental , homepage)
okinawajohokyoku freemarket okinawajohokyoku freemarket (Okinawa) -(2000) (area information , internet , bulletin , personal , shopping )
N N (Aichi) -(2000) N (N, BBS , NET )
yosakoi-town.com yosakoi-town.com (Kochi) -(2000) This site is HP of Obiyamachi Cooperative Society only in Japanese. (shoppingmall )
CSR-NET Yellow Page CSR-NET Yellow Page (Tokyo) -(2000) Total data base of Search engine (Dental club data base, Hospital information, Present board, city )
DREAM COLONY DREAM COLONY (Tokyo) -(2000) Onell's HomePage (chat , bbs , game , gundam , link , asvertisement, money , net , profit )
net-bb net-bb (Tokyo) -(2000) portalwebsite for business communication.business search,information,web design, hosting service (web , design , hosting , business information )
nem-yu NET nem-yu NET (Saitama) -(2000) nem-yu NET (lauyer, message , bord, mail , magazine , komagome , station , post , pet , sake )
iiwanet web magazine iiwanet web magazine (Chiba) -(2000) Web magazin (Chiba & Funabashi, JAPAN) (iiwanet, webmagazine, amature-orchestra)
Tadashi's Home Page Tadashi's Home Page (Yamagata) -(2000) Yamagata.Yamagata.Japan (radio , TohokuArea , InternetBBS , community )
K-NET JP K-NET JP (Fukuoka) -(2000) K-NET JP (K-NET, Bank , Link , BBS , LinkBank, Fukuoka , Computer )
the pege of plana the pege of plana (Osaka) -(2000) PLANA's Home Pege (netmeeting, love , girl , boy , disucation, chat )
YAHOO,Auction,tinpin,catalog YAHOO,Auction,tinpin,catalog (Tokyo) -(2000) YAHOO Japan auction deta! (auction , YAHOO )
net-chiba net-chiba (Chiba) -(2000) this site is Chiba area site. (net-chiba, Chiba , area , category , fortune , event , spot , index , Japan )
Common Intelligense System for Handyphone Common Intelligense System for Handyphone (Kanagawa) -(2000) free mail System for Handyphone (Handyphone , imode, groupware, free , Web , service , internet , homepage, software , convenience )
Back up your getting paid homepagemaking and allfree business information Back up your getting paid homepagemaking and allfree business information (Nara) -(2000) Welcome!! If you visite my homepage. You feel good and satisfied. then it's makes you rich!! (information , free , backup , link , BBS , banner , network , friend , get , take )
avantyhp avantyhp (Hyogo) -(2000) avantyhp.com HomePage (net , information , searching , out , register , open , place , companion , perusal, area )
Internet Station J-SUCCEED Internet Station J-SUCCEED (Kanagawa) -(2000) We have many BBS-board. Please enjoy it! (business , e-mail-friend, friend , funny , bbs , chat , game , pachinko )
Let's see AD on Net surfin!! make money!! Let's see AD on Net surfin!! make money!! (Tokyo) -(2000) This site is writing about net AD buisiness.Let's see!! (Alladvantage, Bepaid , netsurfin )
Sheet Metal Network Sheet Metal Network (Hyogo) -(2000) SheetMetalNetwork (SheetMetalNetwork)
Part Net Part Net (Kyoto) -(2000) We provide BBS for parts exchange and curcuit imformation in Japan (parts , i-mode, ezweb , imode, ezaccess, drive , partsnet)
Home Business Page Home Business Page (Kanagawa) -(2000) Yokohama,Kanagawa,Japan (business , soho , bridal , rewrite , network , work , home, sidebusiness , sidework )
Ryoko Hirosue ARIGATO NET Ryoko Hirosue ARIGATO NET (Hokkaido) -(2000) Ryoko Hirosue's fan site! There are many contents(detail information, data, quiz ,BBS, chat, vote etc...) Please come to my site! (Ryoko , Hirosue , information , quiz , photo , bbs , chat , vote , Fuku)
Hokkaido Net Community Lat43n.com Hokkaido Net Community Lat43n.com (Hokkaido) -(2000) Hokkaido Net Community, Hokkaido Japan (community , Hokkaido , BBS , Chat , information )
ma-net ma-net (Nagano) -(2000) matsumoto nagano japan guidebook (nagano , hotel , area )
Network of Kanagawa Prefecture Network of Kanagawa Prefecture (Kanagawa) -(2000) This page is made for making friends and fellows in Kanagawa Prefecture.Not only that, we also apply information about Kanagawa Prefecture. (friend , communication , chat , bbs , information , mail , network )
MIKIchan'sPARADISE MIKIchan'sPARADISE (Tokyo) -(2000) MikiIshioka'sOfficialHomePage (LIVE , DJ )
Tetsu Internet Service Tetsu Internet Service (Tokyo) -(2000) Tokyo,Adachi,Japan (TETSU , INTERNET , SERVICE , FREE , JAVA , CGI )
free web site free web site (Saitama) -(2000) this site will be a great advantage to you. (free , internet , access , homepage, job , advantage , safe , bbs , link )
A profit is made on Internet !! A profit is made on Internet !! (Okinawa) -(2000) A profit is made on Internet !! (Information , Money is made, allowance , link , hobby , life , free , No charge, notice board , delicious )
cool links of internet BBS cool links of internet BBS (Tokyo) -(2000) We want to get many information of cool site! (bbs , link , homepage, search , free , cool , information )
Parts network service Parts network service (Kyoto) -(2000) We develope a new web board system for auto parts. we also supply rental mailing list service. (auto , car , parts , race , circuit , tune )
tsubonet tsubonet (Tokyo) -(1999) There are many things to see. free picture ,bbs ,freemarket (free , rank , gallery , bbs , soft , link )
PetitNet PetitNet (Kanagawa) -(1999) Kanagawa, Japan. (petit , kanagawa , sagamihara , town , business , shop , culture , service , discount )
Furu's Home Page Furu's Home Page (Shiga) -(1999) There is BBS at this site. So There is the Net Vote at this site. (Tatsuya , Furuita, furu, BBS , Cross , square , The, Net , Vote )
MARUHO-tei`s MARUHO-tei`s (Tokyo) -(1999) MARUHO-tei. It`s On The Jap`s Loco Server.FishingNews.And More . Mac and Internet tips. Here We Go!! (Mac , Internet , BBS , Fishing , ArtGallery , Akihabara , hotline)
Free internet BBS Free internet BBS (Tokyo) -(1998) Free internet BBS (Free , internet , BBS )
Life Information Network Life Information Network (Tokyo) -(1998) Here is Life Infromation Space. Everyone join communication. (sale , BBS , talk )
TetunomachiKujiran-BBS TetunomachiKujiran-BBS (Hokkaido) -(1998) Murorancity (MuroranCity, SwanBayBridge, earthcape, kujiran, SwanFesta)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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