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{board, plate, boarding} + {CGI} + {diary}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Free Information/freeDB Free Information/freeDB (Miyagi) - Free service and Free server and rental server information. (Free service , Free server , Free web space, Free HP, Free rental server , Home page, Free bulletin board , Bulletin board , Free mail , Mail , Free counter , Counter , Free chat, Chat , Free diary, Diary , Free URL transmission, URL transmission , Free link , Rental server , Share server, Exclusive use server, FTP Proxy, Free , Search , Server , Information , Tada1, Tada , CGI , PHP , Advertisement , Database )
server information server information (Miyagi) - Free service and Free server and rental server information. (Free service , Free server , Free web space, Free HP, Free rental server , Home page, Free bulletin board , Bulletin board , Free mail , Mail , Free counter , Counter , Free chat, Chat , Free diary, Diary , Free URL transmission, URL transmission , Free link , Rental server , Share server, Exclusive use server, FTP Proxy, Free , Search , Server , Information , Tada1, Tada , CGI , PHP , Advertisement , Database )
Take it easy ! RYOQUEST presents, aichi, japan. Take it easy ! RYOQUEST presents, aichi, japan. (Aichi) - Take it easy ! RYOQUEST presents, aichi, Japan. We love pawafuru puroyakyu.This is personal site of pawafuru puroyakyu and everything amuse ourselves. Do you play baseball ? We play baseball. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. How did you amuse yourself yesterday ? Let's play everything with us, today ! Here we goes ! (CGI , baseball , soccer , BBS , diary , GAME , syndrome , people , dictionary , link )
Joe's Page Joe's Page (Saitama) - You can get friends in our Page. (chat , bbs , cgi , php , rent , free , java , jsp , diary , download )
Grow up, and it is recorded a child Grow up, and it is recorded a child (Fukushima) - I introduce a growth record from created time to Maine, but information exchange is enacted with a bulletin board service or a diary. (FLASH , BBS , CGI , JAVA , PARL, HOME, BABY , DATA , PROFILE , KAPPAAVE)
CGI AVENUE CGI AVENUE (Hyogo) - Reina's Home Page (BBS , diary , link )
FLEUGEL SOFTS FLEUGEL SOFTS - mizuki's php/perl scripts site. (php , mizuki , cgi , perl , fleugel, soft , group , flashphp, flashcgi, phpbbs)
bigcosmic bigcosmic (Tokyo) - It customizes on a HTML level. An originality bulletin board, a diary, an automatic link collection, etc. can be created. (Rental , Free , bulletin , board , diary )
HADES's ROOM HADES's ROOM (Aomori) - There are many cgi game which is very interesting. And my homepage is fun site of PIERROT. (CgiGame , PIERROT , BBS , DIARY , RankingVote , GAME , DISCOGRAPHY , LINK )
mogu mogu (Hokkaido) - welcome (mogu, kupo, BBS )
ANALYZE - Kyoto, Japan. ANALYZE - Kyoto, Japan. (Kyoto) -(2002) ANALYZE is a website for those who love B'z. (analyze , karaoke , koshi , inaba , tak, matsumoto, CGI )
Kyoko's room Kyoko's room (Yamaguchi) -(2002) Welcome! Kyoko's room. (introduction , photograph , diary , mail-magazine , chat , guest-book , Harbot , ham , welfare , poetry )
CAFE-CGI CAFE-CGI (Tokyo) -(2002) This site lends a bulletin board for nothing.Please use it for a homepage material. (cgi , bulletinboard , free , homepage, material)
peach tree peach tree (Ehime) -(2002) you can meet exciting story! (text , dialog , cgi , php , column , meet , ehime , friend , good , days )
nandemoarinaHP nandemoarinaHP (Kanagawa) -(2002) everything ok (picture , grafic, anime , CGI , BBS , diary )
torohouse torohouse (Tokyo) -(2002) hallo! (toro , netgege, CGI , RX-7)
Web-Up-Search Web-Up-Search (Hiroshima) -(2002) ComputingHardSoftWareWebHostingrentalsite (Free , rental , CGI , counter , chat , diary , bbs , space , Web , Search )
FICKLE PAGE FICKLE PAGE (Tokyo) -(2002) Fickle toto Diary Flash CGI Java (Fickle , toto , Diary , Flash , CGI , Java )
Pakkun Presents Pakkun Presents (Tokyo) -(2002) Pakkun Presents (pakkun, presents , news , bbs , diary , link , PhotoGallely, Copyright , mini , cgi )
Kobe,Hyogo,Japan Kobe,Hyogo,Japan (Hyogo) -(2002) Please request. Please nice idea. (mailmagazine , chat , cookie , java , gestbook, BBS , ats)
TOKYO MISSILE TOKYO MISSILE (Kanagawa) -(2002) Don't miss it! (text , essai, column , diary , design , stylesheet , programing, web , CGI )
nikumarunoasobiba nikumarunoasobiba (Hokkaido) -(2001) abc (nikumaru, CGI )
fake star fake star (Kanagawa) -(2001) Don't miss it! (text , essai, column , diary , design , stylesheet , CGI )
private of sin private of sin (Hyogo) -(2001) The perl lecture aiming at the BBS creation for distribution of a its original work CGI script, and a beginner etc. (CGI , perl , Free , BBS , Link , Diary , Free , BBS , Link )
I wanna be with you. I wanna be with you. (Gunma) -(2001) I love Music! My favorite artist are Shena ringo,Bump of chicken... (bump , of, chicken , SHUUBI, mp3 , icq , napstar, chat , CGI )
Program Garden Program Garden (Tokyo) -(2001) There is programs programed or edited by Pam. (CGI , Delphi , Perl )
BRC,Best Rental CGI BRC,Best Rental CGI (Ibaraki) -(2001) View the best rental cgi! (Chat , BBS , Diary , Vote , Quiz , Game , Count , Rental , access , Dorama)
T's world T's world (Osaka) -(2000) T's world Home Page (C , Perl , CGI , T-chiyo, SSI , programing, BBS , gallery , diary , counter )
Rental CGI Parktown Rental CGI Parktown (Ibaraki) -(2000) rental,count,access,nikki,diary,bbs,board,form,mail,fsmole,icon (RentalCGI, BBS , Diary , Chat , Dorama, Banana , imgboard, Quiz , Vote , Count )
fake star fake star (Kanagawa) -(2000) Don't miss it! (text , essai, column , diary , design , stylesheet , CGI )
MSR's Homepage MSR's Homepage (Hyogo) -(2000) This is the MSR's homepage. (msr, canbe, windows , cgi , bbs , perl , pc , 98 , 21 , hdd )
Ogawa Ogawa (Kanagawa) -(2000) sorry,Japanese only! Sagamihara,Kanagawa,Japan (CGI , OGAWA )
Nishio Net Japan Nishio Net Japan (Kanagawa) -(2000) Nishio Net Japan's Home Page. (name , member , forward , mail , address , nickname, bbs , diary , counter , icon )
web omocyabako web omocyabako (Shiga) -(2000) kazuya's HomePage (CGI )
six-o-six six-o-six (Tokyo) -(2000) music (ELECTRIBE, music , techno , CGI , BBS )
the fool's miniature garden the fool's miniature garden (Tokyo) -(2000) the fool's miniature garden (teachat, munzer, cgi , perl , FireEmblem , FE , akaneia, chat , bbs , iserlohn)
Shiori Asano's Home Page.. Shiori Asano's Home Page.. (Kanagawa) -(2000) Shiori Asano Highschool girl's homepage.She is a singer. (highschool , singer , actress , diary , chat , bbs , cgi , photo , japanese , girl )
Lincle network service Lincle network service (Ibaraki) -(2000) Web & CGI Rental!! (rental , community , town , bbs , board , counter , diary , formmail, game , cgi )
lulunoier lulunoier (Fukuoka) -(1999) Levin's HomePage (game , diary , BBS , counter , column , favorite )
Hiroshi Okada's Page Hiroshi Okada's Page (Tochigi) -(1999) Java guest book etc. (Java , JavaScript , CGI , Genum, TG)
-e m w- the electric mujin web -e m w- the electric mujin web (Tokyo) -(1998) This is the famous chatter of NiftyServe,MUJINKUN's webpages. CBers Page Navigator and many cgi programs are here. (CGI , NiftyServe, chat , board , CB , CBer, WebDrama, WEBZINE, animation , gif , mujinkun, diary , rock , yanase , DJ , search engine )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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