(Fukuoka) - we,NKhousing co ltd., is loghouse building company in Japan. we stand in Onojo-city Fukuoka pref. using excellent material from finland. (reform, loghouse, finland, pinewood, outdoor, countrylife)
(Tokyo) - VAN KRAFT's HomePage The Basement roominterior design,housing planning,planner,house design,space planning,live space,tachikawa,tokyo,japan,kunitachi,build,builder,architect,architecture,piano room,undergrand,audio,listening room (basement, room, housing, planner, house, space, live, tachikawa, tokyo, japan)
(Gunma) - The Housebuilder that supply comfortable house by AIRCYCLE-SYSTEM. (aircycle, aircyclehome, LUCE, cielo, MODERNITY, BASIS, FACT-E, noguchi, Brise, ixst)