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{calligraph, calligraphy} + {penmanship}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={calligraph, calligraphy}

  • Syodou and bread (Hyogo) -
    Syodou and bread
    (Syodou, bread, kobe)

  • yuhitsu shodoin (Tokyo) -
    Why not you challenge Japanese caligraphy? From child to grown up, we coach you Japanese caligraphy.
    (shodo, adachi-ku, ryogoku, kojo, caligraphy, Japanese)

  • keikou-syodou (Hyogo) -

  • shoji.sekine internet museum (Saitama) -
    shoji.sekine internet museum
    (poem, art, human, gallery, calligraphy, chirography, penmanship, soul, museum, artist)

  • Japan calligraphy Gndacyuoh school and Ongano school (Fukuoka) -
    Japan calligraphy Gndacyuoh school and Ongano school

  • Calligraphy (Kyoto) -
    Calligraphy's page

  • keikoh (Osaka) -

  • yumesoufu's homepage,isesaki,gunma,Japan (Gunma) -
    yumesoufu's homepage take calligraphy lessons
    (calligraphy, syougi)

  • Designer (Fukuoka) -
    Japanes designer
    (Designer, Art, Japanes, hand, Right, Artist, Graphic)

  • fudemoji-art-design (Kanagawa) -
    Let try fudemoji!
    (fude, art, design, shodou, shuuji, sho, nameplate)

  • ancient cvilization (Tokyo) -
    this homepage will recommend you the ancient cvilization.
    (ancient, cvilization, aesthetics, penmanship, theory, writing, brush, literature, philosopher)

  • itoushodoukaikan homepegi (Aichi) -
    welcom to itousyodoukaikan's homepegi
    (syodou, mouhitu, itoushodoukaikan, syo)

  • keikou-syodou (Hyogo) -

  • Welcome ! Calligraphy and Interior and Fashion (Saitama) -(2002)
    Kanda's HomePage
    (syodou, penmanship, takasaki, school, fashion, interior, maebashi, chiba, saitama, art)

  • bokusuikai (Kyoto) -(2002)

  • bokusuikai (Kyoto) -(2002)

  • syodou (Kyoto) -(2002)

  • Sohundo (Osaka) -(2002)
    This is s Sohundo's online shop. We sell goods for calligraphy. Brushes,inkstones,inkstics,papers and others.
    (calligraphy, inkstone, inkstic, brush, paper, art)

  • Japanese Zen Calligraphy (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Try Japanese Calligraphy. You can learn Japanese Kanji through Calligraphy. No need to prepare tools.
    (Japanese, Calligraphy, Kanji, Zen, Culture, Shodo, Instructor, Tokyo, Hiragana, Shuji)

  • bokusuikai (Kyoto) -(2002)

  • bokusuikai (Kyoto) -(2002)

  • The World of BONZO's Calligraphy (Tokyo) -(2002)
    BONZO's Home Page of the Japanese Calligraphy explains how to make your handwriting with pens good and beautiful. I'll be glad to help you and correct your penmanship individually.
    (calligraphy, Japanese, penmanship, pen, write, characters, handwriting, writing, bonzo)

  • koretika syo academy (Osaka) -(2002)

  • randou (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Randou Noda
    (randou, noda, calligraphy, penmanship, calligrapher, calligraphist, penman, orchid, mustache, beard)

  • The World of BONZO's Calligraphy (Tokyo) -(2002)
    BONZO's Home Page of the Japanese Calligraphy explains how to make your handwriting with pens good and beautiful. I'll be glad to help you and correct your penmanship individually.
    (calligraphy, Japanese, penmanship, pen, write, characters, handwriting, writing)

  • The pen of the sorcery (Osaka) -(2001)
    It introduces the book of the dream colorfully. It mentions communication education, a poem and the word to like.
    (qualification, Japan, poem, ink, picture, The, pen, of, the)

  • mail (Kanagawa) -(2001)

  • calligrapher HomePage (Okayama) -(2001)
    syodou's HomePage

  • The Kyotou's room (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    This site is introducing my works of calligraphy.Please come in.
    (calligraphy, postcard, japan)

  • ryuhin calligraphy (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Japanese Calligraphy ryuhins HomePage
    (calligraphy, ryuhin, hoshikoudo, koudo, koudou)

  • Gensenshodokai (Kumamoto) -(2000)
    Learn Japanese calligraphy from an internationally renowned artist at a reasonable price!
    (calligraphy, art, lecture, calligrapher, culture, artist, zen, writing, Japan, group)

  • utoushojuku(aichi) (Aichi) -(2000)
    utoushojuku's HomePage

  • Let's enjoy calligraphy!! (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This web-pages give you a lot of information about "SHO" (Japanese traditional calligraphy). A great calligrapher, Yoshun Ohtani, is waiting for your work. Once your work is worth commenting on, we will report it on the web-page. Let's check it out and try!!
    (calligraphy, calligrapher, Yoshun Ohtani, Japanese tradition, sho)

  • Hyogu (Niigata) -(2000)
    hyogu-japan,syodou. Niigata,Hyougu,Japan
    (hyogu, hyougu, syodou)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan