Athenaeum Japanese Fan Site (Tochigi) -(2002) Athenaeum Official Japanese Fan Site News Biography Discography etc (Athenaeum, North, Carolina, Aware, Records, Collapsis, Mike, Gariggan, Evan, Olson)
TORTOISE AND DRAGON (Aichi) -(2001) This page is a page of tortoise and arowana. (geochelone, radiata, elegance, testudo, horsfieldi, kleinmanni, terrapene, carolina, major, triunguis)
Nandemo Diary -(1998) If you're interested in the Japanese culture and you can read Japanese, please visit my home page! It contants are the information of NC or MN, comparative culture (Japan vs U.S), dairy life, music of the day and lots more fun. Don't miss it! (Japanese, Culture, life, abroad, information, North, Carolina, Minnesota, personal, diary)
Nanndemo Diary -(1998) If you're interested in the Japanese culture and you can read Japanese, please visit my home page! It contants are the information of NC or MN, comparative culture (Japan vs U.S), dairy life, music of the day and lots more fun. Don't miss it! (Japanese, Culture, life, abroad, information, North, Carolina, Minnesota, personal, diary)