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Word(s): @={Carolina}

/ carol // south /

  • History of Commodity Culture, Studies on Slavery, and Haiku Poem for our Future (Osaka) -
    Shimosan's Open Lab: History of Commodity Culture, Slavery in Colonial South, Tulip Culture, & Modern Haiku Poem
    (Commodity, Commerce, slavery, Carolina, South, tulip, caries, history, mentality, Haiku)

  • Athenaeum Japanese Fan Site (Tochigi) -(2002)
    Athenaeum Official Japanese Fan Site News Biography Discography etc
    (Athenaeum, North, Carolina, Aware, Records, Collapsis, Mike, Gariggan, Evan, Olson)

  • The Wind from North Carolina -(2001)
    this is Mizuki's Home Page. There is infomation about living North Carolina for Japanese people.
    (North, Carolina, Charlotte, Japanese, living, infomation, sightseeing, America, United, States)

  • TORTOISE AND DRAGON (Aichi) -(2001)
    This page is a page of tortoise and arowana.
    (geochelone, radiata, elegance, testudo, horsfieldi, kleinmanni, terrapene, carolina, major, triunguis)

  • Toshihisa Matsui -(2000)
    About my diary in South Carolina, environmental ethics and environmental policy in America.
    (environment, environmental, ethics, University, of, South, Carolina, USC, AliceinChains, Columbia)

  • Attention please ! (Aichi) -(1999)
    Dealers for Carolina Classic Grady-White Shamrock in Japan.
    (CarolinaClassic, Grady-white, Shamrock, boat, FishingBoat)

  • Mariko's life in USA -(1999)
    A Japanese housewife with 2 sons in South Carolina tells her real life that happens when she's not expecting. It includes her own illustration and cartoons. She answers questions concerning studying abroad. Message board is also avairable.
    (America, South Carolina, studying abroad, English, child care, studying English, housewife, illustration, message board, English)

  • Nandemo Diary -(1998)
    If you're interested in the Japanese culture and you can read Japanese, please visit my home page! It contants are the information of NC or MN, comparative culture (Japan vs U.S), dairy life, music of the day and lots more fun. Don't miss it!
    (Japanese, Culture, life, abroad, information, North, Carolina, Minnesota, personal, diary)

  • Nanndemo Diary -(1998)
    If you're interested in the Japanese culture and you can read Japanese, please visit my home page! It contants are the information of NC or MN, comparative culture (Japan vs U.S), dairy life, music of the day and lots more fun. Don't miss it!
    (Japanese, Culture, life, abroad, information, North, Carolina, Minnesota, personal, diary)

  • GlobeLink International WWW Media Server (Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.) -(1995)
    GlobeLink International brings the world together by specializing in the internationalization of software and online media (WWW) between the languages of Japanese, English and French.

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan