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{character} + {design, designing}
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| Editor's Note
TG3rd TG3rd (Chiba) - Designer team of web design&ZIPPO design&T-shirt (design , designer , homepage, web , zippo , t-shirt , charactor, flash , accessibility , original )
Designer's if Designer's if (Kanagawa) - It designs for you. (DTP , Design , designer , if, logo , web , japan )
Ms Ms (Gifu) - Ms Originalcharacter LetterSet OriginalDesign (Ms , character , PostCard , Letter , Original , Design , freeMarket )
ALLFOLIA IBARAKI ALLFOLIA IBARAKI (Osaka) - ALLFOLIA IBARAKI's Home Oage (ALLFOLIA, original , custom , originaldesign, custommade )
WORLD COM WORLD COM (Tokyo) - character licencing.on line shopping. exhibition. italia design project. printing. world com (character , licencing.on, line , shopping. , italia , design , project )
JOJO A GOGOGO!! JOJO A GOGOGO!! (Hokkaido) - It is the WEB site which made JOJO'S BIZARRE Adventure the metaphor. Graphic design and the WEB material are exhibited. (giogio , BIZARRE , Adventure , japan , animation , manga , typography , design , jamp, stand )
dotlia dotlia (Tokyo) - masakichi's HomePage icon site (startrek , blythe , Mac , icon , desktop , pixel , art , resedit, icontool, dot )
design,copying,Asakusabasi,Tokyo,Japan. design,copying,Asakusabasi,Tokyo,Japan. (Tokyo) - shunran's HomePage design copying
Sound ART Sound ART (Chiba) - Event Create & Total Design (event , dvd , video , design , live , sound , cm , rental )
code:0 code:0 (Osaka) - code:0 is the group which designs all about the thing. What the member made is exhibited. (code:0, design , wallpaper )
fudemoji-art-design fudemoji-art-design (Kanagawa) - Let try fudemoji! (fude, art , design , shodou, shuuji , sho , nameplate )
DigitalCraftKobo-Atto DigitalCraftKobo-Atto (Gifu) - PRINT! (card , poster , laser , design )
sign-ex sign-ex (Tokyo) - We deal with signs in Japan Kanda,Tokyo,Japan (sign , kanda , poster , nihonbashi , kirimoji, design , nobori, SignExpress, tiyoda-ku, misumi )
O-TSUKA O-TSUKA (Osaka) - O-TSUKA is advertise sign conpany. (OTSUKA , sign , sakai , advertising , design , neon , event , advertise )
DEVILJAM DEVILJAM (Shizuoka) - DEVILJAM official site (deviljam, design , bbs , flash , fashion , eSHOP , shizuoka , printing , T-Shirt , character )
kaisya-annai.com.Osaka.Japan. kaisya-annai.com.Osaka.Japan. (Osaka) -(2002) kaisya-annai.com by CREATIVE FACTORY TAN Osaka.Japan. (kaisyaannai, kaisya-annai, webdesign , homepage, print , photo , photographer , photograph , copywriter , design )
Design Wizard Bees Eye Design Wizard Bees Eye (Osaka) -(2002) cool'n'hot design maker. Check it out! (design )
sankusuart HomePage sankusuart HomePage (Tokyo) -(2002) japan (Print , Screenprint , phoneprint, poster , plandesign, signboard , ink-jet )
Design shop ONECUT Design shop ONECUT (Saitama) -(2002) designshop onecut pop (ONECUT, POP )
Home page of SUMI no ATELIER Home page of SUMI no ATELIER (Chiba) -(2002) Japanese Calligraphy SHO (sho , calligraphy , Japanese calligraphy , calligraphy Design, write , Japanaese Art, charactor, art , design )
BON PROJECT BON PROJECT (Tokyo) -(2002) bon yamamoto and bon project homepage (PROJECT , bonjour , Yamamoto , character , card , uraharashokudo, atm. , BON , design , bonymmt)
ganbare takashi ganbare takashi (Kanagawa) -(2002) web movie (flash , web , animation , html )
Sea-Links WEB MATERIALS Sea-Links WEB MATERIALS (Kanagawa) -(2002) It's Free Web Materials site. (Wallpaper , banner , charactore, materials , design , free )
k-daiichi k-daiichi (Saitama) -(2002) Sign board and card design,card print. We offer low price. Nishikawaguchi,Kwaguchi,Japan (billbord, print , visiting , card , logo , desing, saitama )
steganofinder, Chuouku, Tokyo, Japan. steganofinder, Chuouku, Tokyo, Japan. (Tokyo) -(2001) Image File Search Potal Site >Free< Filename search & OCR search. (Image , pix , picture , ocr , portrait , search , jpeg , bitmap , gif , pdf )
Pro East Koizumi Pro East Koizumi (Kanagawa) -(2001) ADD (designe)
WORKS NAKASHIMA WORKS NAKASHIMA (Hyogo) -(2001) I design it and draw, and, exact metal plate processing, laser processing, a notice about a pawn running out character with a scanner, it is production of a nameplate. (Production , of, a, notice , about, a, pawn , running , out , character )
Japan Nesamac Corporation Japan Nesamac Corporation (Osaka) -(2001) Manufacture & Sales of UBPEN(marking pen)/Developing OA Software Package/Network System/Manufacture & Sales of Computer/Information Processing System Consulting (ordermade , software , network , system , recognition , consulting , package , manufacture , computer , web )
NET-DTP NET-DTP -(2001) NET-DTP (net-dtp , shyaken, font , moji , syotai, dezain, shinka, syotaioutline)
COMIC CHOP COMIC CHOP (Tokyo) -(2001) Original design(Japanese style) T-shirts for sale. (Japanese , Tokyo , clothing , sale , shopping , Kimono , fashion , original , design , charactor)
Mojiya Mojiya (Osaka) -(2001) Good relation between calligraphy and interior design. Let's decorate the room with calligraphy. (calligraphy , interior , design , art , syo)
Say Kikaku, Sapporo, Japan. Say Kikaku, Sapporo, Japan. (Hokkaido) -(2001) Saykikaku's Home Page.Cdr,calligraphy,desing, (desing, CDR, culture , shodo , lesson , teachingmaterial , tradition , calligraphy , calligraphycopying, copying)
takahasi disign takahasi disign (Chiba) -(2001) Sign Painter (sea , dorphine)
ALS ALS (Nagano) -(2000) ALS HomePage (Flash , ALS )
kokolo.net kokolo.net (Kanagawa) -(2000) Barrier Free about infomations. (barrierfree , volunteer )
WEBroad hpcontest.com WEBroad hpcontest.com (Osaka) -(2000) homepagecontest,webroad hpcontest.com (contest , homepage, homepagecontest, web , webroad, design , banner , rogo, character , creater)
CASUAL WEAR AAA-SHOP CASUAL WEAR AAA-SHOP (Osaka) -(2000) CASUAL WEAR AAA-SHOP (T-shirt , trainer , oliginal, surf , tlend, online , shop , shopping , design , casual )
CHARACTERS FARM CHARACTERS FARM (Tokyo) -(2000) Renowned artist will offer you original new characters that just fit to your corporative image, (CHARACTER , CHARACTER DESIGN)
Taiseidenshi Homepage Taiseidenshi Homepage (Tokyo) -(2000) Taiseidenshi.Japan. (Webdesign )
KantoDenko-MediaSpace- KantoDenko-MediaSpace- (Saitama) -(2000) SignBoard Design & Makeing (Signboard , Design )
MOON MOON (Saitama) -(2000) Nao Uzuki's Calligraphy Design (Calligraphy , Typeface , Prize , Gasyapon, Figure , Toy , CuttingPaper, Art , Design )
to-be FONT FACTORY to-be FONT FACTORY (Akita) -(2000) ORIGINAL JAPANESE 2byte FONT Creator's Party. TrueType for Mac&Win. Many FREE FONT and more... (FONT , JapaneseFont, OriginalFont, 2ByteFont, FreeFont , DESIGN , DTP , CD-ROM )
KOYO's_gallery KOYO's_gallery (Gifu) -(1999) KOYO's workshop of Japanese commercial calligrapher (design , calligraphy , commercial )
Mumbo-Jumbo Mumbo-Jumbo (Osaka) -(1998) Diary&Photo's site.Let's Mumbo-Jumbo! (Photo , Letter , Diary , Amusement , Design , Stylesheet )
Design Competition Design Competition (Tokyo) -(1998) Send us the design of BIRD. It will be used as image of project called B.I.R.D. (Best quality, Innovative product, Respect customers' voices, Dinamic thinking.) (Design , competition , BIRD , project , Get , 100000 Yen)
smile characters smile characters (Tokyo) -(1996) Momiy's Homepage (art , design , character , smile )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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