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{cheap, cheaply, inexpensive, cheapness} + {hotel, Ryokan, pension, motel, inn} + {sightseeing}
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guesthouse yumiko guesthouse yumiko (Kyoto) - B&B convenient guest house in kyoto.Good locate kyoto osaka.Free internet access PC ready.Sightseeing Study or business. (guesthouse , dormitry, room , cheap , B&B, student , business , backpacker , homestay , convenient )
tourist home Kamogawaen tourist home Kamogawaen (Kyoto) - This is the guidance site of the tourist home Kamogawaen of Kyoto.
jikyujisoku jikyujisoku (Kyoto) -(2002) soba (soba , MTG)
Shinshu Hakuba goryu Pension Juriya Shinshu Hakuba goryu Pension Juriya (Nagano) -(2001) It is 180 m in a/the white horse 5 dragon & HAKUBA47 skiing ground. To the stage where the owner in person favorite, mountain favorite, skiing favorite, mountain climbing 35 treats (person , hakuba , goryu , Shinshu , climbing , Outdoors , Photograph , Sightseeing )
Amenity Hotel in Hakata Amenity Hotel in Hakata (Fukuoka) -(2001) Amenity Hotel in Hakata's HomePage Amenity Space in Hakata Low Price (amenity , hotel , fukuoka , hakata , nakasu , fukuokadome, cheep )
NiigataKeihin-Hotel NiigataKeihin-Hotel (Niigata) -(2000) NiigataKeihin-Hotel (hotel , BusinessHotel , niigata , NiigataCity )
AltierHotel AltierHotel (Wakayama) -(2000) altierhotel (AltierHotel)
Matunoki-Ryokan Okayama sightseeing Link Matunoki-Ryokan Okayama sightseeing Link (Okayama) -(2000) Matunoki-Ryokan (Japanese inn Matunoki Ryokan) Just 3 minutes on foot from JR Okayama station. Cheap, quiet, good access to anywhere. \6,000 /person/night. \8,000 (w/h breakfast, dinner) Free parking charge. Free cleaning service (underwear, work clothes) (Matunoki, Ryokan , Okayama , Cheap , Hotel , reasonable , low , price )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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