(Kanagawa) - This homepage explains the acupuncture therapy to persons who are interested in Traditional Cinese Medicine. (TCM, acupuncture, massage, health, Kawasaki, Asao, pain, meridianpoint, acupressure, Oriental)
(Hyogo) - In this hospital, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and medical treatment that took in Western medicine synthetically are performed. Chinese medicine medical treatment, acupuncture, and Western medicine are taken in synthetically, and custom-made is treated. The patient of the first medical examination or the clinic which can visit the hospital freely and can consult about anythings is aimed at. Even if it carries out various medical treatment until now, unless it becomes good, doesn't it come for consultation at once those who are troubled? (Chinese medicine, Hospital, Medical treatment, Kobe, Choouku, The department of Eastern medicine, The department of a digestive organ, Surgery, The department of rehabilitation, Doctor, Recovery, Insurance, Consultation, Atopy, Migraine, Gastritis, Tinnitus, Asthma, Insomnia, Autonomic imbalance)
(Tokyo) -(2002) Here you can find Anticancer Chinese herbal medicines which have no side effects, Medicines for various diseases, also Diet food and Food for beauty. (herb, medicine, china, cancer, anticancer)
(Hyogo) -(2001) Clinic in Kobe Japan, Physician, Cardiologist, Internal Medicine, English and Chinese are avilable.Herb & Acupuncutre therapy are also consultating. Please visit our Web site. (Clinic, Internal, Medicine., Ken, S., Chen, Physician, doctor, M.D., Kobe)
(Tokyo) -(2000) It is the traditional method of China which uses only a hand for treating illness. Since it is safe and gentle, it can be used also at the medical persons or a home. (treatment, QIGONG, illness, China, health, acupoint)
(Osaka) -(2000) Welcome to our homepage Fujibayashi Clinic, Internal Medicine and Traditional medicine (clinic, internal, harbs, osaka, traditional, medicine)
(Tokyo) -(2000) information of oriental tariditional medicine; acupuncture, moxibustion written by Japanese (accupuncture, moxibustion, chinese, medicine)