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{chorus, choir} + {group}

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Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={chorus, choir}

  • a cappella gospel group TABE (Fukushima) -
    a cappella gospel group TABE-syoten We are sing gospel soulful
    (gospel, choir, gospelchoir, chorus, afro, tabesyoten)

  • VOEM website (Tokyo) -
    VOEM is a vocal group. We hope you can feel what we are trying to express through our melodies.
    (vocal, unit, band, group, indie, Japanese, male, boys, chorus, harmony)

  • OPERA GROUP (Tokyo) -
    COME HERE !!
    (opera, mozart, nicorai, tamasi, tamashi, uta, song, gassyou, ongaku)

  • Higashimurayama Citizen Chorus (Tokyo) -
    Higashimurayama Citizen Chorus HomePage
    (classic, mixedcholus, japansuite, okinawasong, auditionroom, mass)

  • NIITU_HIGH_SCHOOL (Niigata) -
    Home page of Niitu high school. Sing club,BUNGEI culub
    (school, high, young, student, sing, song, music, club, idol, together)

  • Himeji citizen Chorus Group (Hyogo) -

  • Calling-web (Fukuoka) -
    chorus group calling web site
    (chorus, fukuoka, woman, KumiSueyoshi, ShizukaOyamada, NaoYamamoto, AmiTakahashi, No.1Group, ProMusician, R&B)

  • Chorus (Akita) -
    Memorial Joint Concert Akita Universty Mixed Chorus and Akita Mixed Chorus

  • Tamba Famba African Choir -
    You can access a choir they sing African songs for their beloved land, Africa.
    (zimbabwe, africa, song, shona, choir, africansong, jica, jocv, harare, tambafamba)

  • Garden Place Choir (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (choir, ebisu, garden place, sapporobeer, audition)


  • La dolce time (Hiroshima) -(2002)
    We are a mixed chorus grupe [La dolce].So Let's enjoy sing a song with us. Please come in!!
    (Ladolce, Chorus, dolce)

  • FEEL Official Home Page (Tokyo) -(2001)
    FEEL Official Home Page
    (FEEL, Chorus, vocal, music, sing, gospel, hermony)

  • mizutani's personal homepage -waterstream gallery- (Kyoto) -(2001)
    This site is Mizutani Ryu's personal homepage including contents about CG, games and MIDI.
    (MIDI, chorus, CG, manga, comic, game, review, circle, DDR)

  • A Cappella Chorus Group -affini- (Osaka) -(2001)
    We are affini,A cappella chorus group in Japan.
    (affini, affinity, A, Cappella, acappella, chorus, music, song, sing, live)

  • Mixed chorus Group, Tenjyou Hanabi (Osaka) -(2001)
    We are an amateur mixed chorus group in Kansai area, Japan.
    (chorus, concert, GOSPEL, mixed, osaka, kansai, sing, song, group)

  • TERRA mixedchorus group in Shizuoka,japan (Shizuoka) -(2001)
    TERRA mixedchorus group in Shizuoka,japan
    (chorus, mixedchorus, shizuoka)

  • kisekinohoshi (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    tomi's HomePage
    (TheGospellers, A, Cappella, R&B)

  • ERDE OPERA (Tokyo) -(2001)
    ERDE OPERA's HomePage

  • Home page of Handa Mixed Chorus (Aichi) -(2001)
    We are Handa Mixed Chorus.
    (hobby, song, chorus group, gospel, music, harmony, culture, Chita, Nagoya, member)

  • panda chorus group homepage (Nara) -(2001)
    panda chorus group

  • Nagano Academy Choir (Nagano) -(2001)
    One of amateur chorus group in Nagano city. We are singing works of J.Brahms.
    (nagano, chorus, Chorus group, academy, tatsuya muratami, yasushi abe, brahms, messiah, nagano city, community chorus)

  • a cappella group VoiceMagic (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    We are Voice Magic. a cappella group CD info,Midi file,Live info etc
    (a, cappella, picture, Live, music, cholus, realaudio, present, CD)

  • Mino City Opera (Osaka) -(2000)
    (Japanese Only) Mino city opera purposes to establish local opera calture, and perform opera once a year, in Mino city Osaka Japan. Toward the next performance, we are going to have an audition for soloists and recruiting chorus member.
    (opera, soloist, audition, chorus, recruit, performance, calture, local, mino, osaka)

  • Gospel Chorus Group Eighth Colors' home page (Hyogo) -(2000)
    Gospel Chorus Group in Kobe, Japan. This site is having a live information, practice diary and members' self introduction. You can download our live music by MP3.
    (Kobe, chorus, Gospel, group, choir, download, music, diary, live, information)

  • Let's A Cappella in NARA (Nara) -(2000)
    A Cappella Club in NARA
    (TAKE6, Real, Group, TRY-TONE, ROCKAPELLA, Gospellers, Acappella, A, Cappella)

  • Chorus Group Yokohama Seagull (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Chorus Group Yokohama Seagull's HomePage
    (Chorus, Yokohama, Seagull)

  • maenner-cor-tokai (Aichi) -(2000)
    men's chorus nagoya
    (chorus, group)

  • Kimio Iwabuchi's music friends (Iwate) -(2000)
    Kimio Iwabuchi's HomePage kurokita toho
    (toho, music, wind, instruments, chorus, kurokita, iwate, highschool)

  • Pons Show You Home Page (Fukuoka) -(2000)
    a capella chorus group in Fukuoka,Japan
    (Pons, Show, You, a, capella, chorus, group)

  • Vivid style (Tokyo) -(2000)
    acappella chrous group made in japan
    (acappella, chrous, ChrousGroup, vivid, v-style, band, gospellers)

  • KashiwaCivilChorus (Chiba) -(1999)
    This is homepage of KASHIWA CIVIL CHORUS. In contents, what songs we sing, concert infomation, how to enter the club. Please come to our home page!!
    (chorus, circle, kashiwa, Join)

  • Setsuko Uzuki Voice Training (Tokyo) -(1998)
    Tokyo, Japan.
    (vocal, training, chorus, vocalist, band, recording, stage, karaoke)

  • Chorus Information (Saitama) -(1997)
    Chorus Information
    (chorus, chorus, member, member, invitation, information, link, notice, music, classic)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan