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{circle, sorority, clubbing, club} + {friendship, friendly, fellowship}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Kanie LIONS CLUB Kanie LIONS CLUB (Aichi) - Liberty,Intelligence,Our Nation's Safty (LIONS , CLUB , kanie , Aichi , 334A, serve , liberty , intelligence , Nationa, safty)
bangkok for mens bangkok for mens (Tokyo) - how to play in bangkok (bangkok , thai , adult , massage, sight , hotel , night , go go bar, taniya, japanease club, karaoke , cafe , date , sex , men , play sex, night life)
Let's Get Together! Let's Get Together! (Tokyo) - LGT is a circle for all nationality doing something fun together! We will visit an old temple on a hillside along beautiful Ajisai (Hydrangea) together on June 21st Sat. and hold Melting Pot Party for all nationality on June 14th Sat. You will have your own portrait painted by a Japanese famous cartoonist at the party! Let's enjoy the diversity of people in Tokyo!! Free invitaion fo the first person from each different country to respond! Email me please! (Tokyo , Friendship , Event , Shimokitazawa , Party , Japanese , Circle , communication , culture , language )
Fukuoka YMCA ESS Fukuoka YMCA ESS (Fukuoka) - Let's enjoy using English and looking for a new world! (English , Fukuoka , nonprofit , circle , club , friendly )
welcom,deai love koi business welcom,deai love koi business (Gifu) - your life is big change ! (love , business , home, job , work )
kashiwara Lions Club's Home Page kashiwara Lions Club's Home Page (Osaka) - Kashiwara Lions Club's Home Page (volunteer , lionsclub, international , ecology , environment , blood , donation )
Deai Love Koi Deai Love Koi (Gifu) - love business is big money! (money , love , business , work , job )
You can carry PATINKO and PATISURO. You can carry PATINKO and PATISURO. (Hyogo) - You can carry PATINKO and PATISURO. (PATINKO, PATISURO, pinball )
NPO Table Tennis Friendship Club NPO Table Tennis Friendship Club (Shizuoka) - NPO Table Tennis Friendship Club, health, enjoy (NPO , table , tennis , health , friendship , science , class , sport , shizuoka , event )
kk ryozanpaku pachinko pachisuro kouryakuhou kk ryozanpaku pachinko pachisuro kouryakuhou (Chiba) - kk ryozanpaku homepage (ryozanpaku , R'ssupercourse, R'sbasiccourse, slot , amusement , pachinko )
Mukogawa Softball Team Mukogawa Softball Team (Hyogo) - Softball Team's HomePage (softball , baseball )
karepapa club karepapa club (Tokyo) - karepapa.com (mode , i, J , J-Phone , docomo , jphone , BBS , free , mail , address )
Yuka's HomePage Yuka's HomePage (Gifu) - Gifu,Japan (home, work , cash , business , side , Relations , yuka , peach , club , love )
mitikusa.com mitikusa.com - welcom to mitikusa.com (wandering , hiking , stroll , history , travel , amity, hobby , circle , leisure , trekking )
HGF Hiroshima Guitar Fellowship's Home Page HGF Hiroshima Guitar Fellowship's Home Page (Hiroshima) -(2002) Hiroshima.Japan (Hiroshima , Guitar , Fellowship , Music )
Zengyou-Zatugaku-University Zengyou-Zatugaku-University (Kanagawa) -(2002) Zengyou Lifelong University HomePage (lifelongeducation , communication , education , culture , circle , friendship , university , college , life , seminar )
waseda university bible fellowship waseda university bible fellowship (Tokyo) -(2001) waseda university bible fellowship. nonchrischan is also welcomed. (university , bible , korea , club , fellowship , christ , jesus , waseda , mission , world )
International friendship circle International friendship circle (Osaka) -(2001) We are the circle for international friendship and understanding located in a central city of Osaka. We have various events such as party, meeting, outdoor activities. Why don't you join us? (circle , international , friendship , member , party , event , meeting , activity , Osaka , Kansai )
Marriageclub,Japan, Marriageclub,Japan, (Tokyo) -(2001) RoyalMarriageHomePage
Kaiun Omiai Club Kaiun Omiai Club (Tokyo) -(2001) Kaiun Omiai Club (club , marriage , lucky , free , love , girlfriend , couple , lovers , friendship , partner )
Beverly Hills Singles Club-LaVanti Beverly Hills Singles Club-LaVanti -(2001) LaVanti specializes in introducing Americans and Asians to each other. Based in Beverly Hills, LaVanti is dedicated to helping sophisticated educated singles find someone who can share their beliefs, opinions and experiences. LaVanti is your local, national and international elite romance connection. In addition to getting help finding the person of your dreams, you will have the opportunity to attend our parties, go on exciting trips, get VIP treatment at the hottest clubs and attend relationship seminars. (date , match maker, Japanese , single , socialize, marriage , elite , partner , relationship , American )
marudaioil marudaioil (Shizuoka) -(2001) shimizu (toto , MUST )
amagasakinaka rotary club amagasakinaka rotary club (Hyogo) -(2001) amagasakishi nakarotary club,s HomePage (amagasakishi, rotary , club , hyougo , japan , The, world , friendship , International )
meet network in Tokyo meet network in Tokyo (Chiba) -(2001) Supporting fantaasic encounter for people living in Tokyo and nearby. (meeting , Tokyo , friend , girlfriend , boyfriend , love , encounter , chem, organic , chemistry )
tennis circle toyohasi tennis circle toyohasi (Aichi) -(2000) toyohasi tennis circle (tennis , sports , circle , snow , board , friendship , health , marine , toyohasi )
arumadillo HomePage arumadillo HomePage (Kanagawa) -(2000) toukyou.yokohama.kanagawa. (arumadillo, circle , play , friend , friendly , love , lovely , all, etc.)
Cosmos International Club Cosmos International Club (Tokyo) -(2000) Cosmos International Club(CIC) intends for many people to enjoy the life through the friendship with foreigners. (International , Party , Friendship , Culture , English , Foreigner , USA , Asia , Business )
Circle Friend Circle Friend -(2000) Japanese speaking fellowship gathering. once a month. (fellowship , friend , gathering , supper , San , Francisco , Information )
Aquagarden Mail Club Aquagarden Mail Club (Tokyo) -(2000) For people looking or e-mail pals/Penpals & swappers of FBs, Decos, Slams, Stationaries, & others from all over the world, The Tips, messege boards, mailing lists (ML), & newsletters by English & Japanese. (Penpal , Swapper, Friendship , Book , ML, slam , newsletter , mail , world , snail )
hustle bustle mail order club hustle bustle mail order club (Shizuoka) -(2000) Cool Japanese stuffs & hot items from the world. (hustle , bustle, mr.friendly, mailorder , afro , super , planning , sundary, stationery , usa-usa )
OfficeSAIKI.Aoba-ku.Sendai.Miyagi.Japan OfficeSAIKI.Aoba-ku.Sendai.Miyagi.Japan (Miyagi) -(1998) Welcome! I'm making HomePage! hiroyo is his secretary princess. (off , bbs , ml, FanClub )
Purole's Home Page (Friendship) Purole's Home Page (Friendship) (Chiba) -(1998) BBS, personal (BBS , chat , friend , mail , party )
U-1's(Yuichi's)World Club:This is the official homepage ofJapanese novelist Yuichi Hiranaka U-1's(Yuichi's)World Club:This is the official homepage ofJapanese novelist Yuichi Hiranaka (Hyogo) -(1996) Hiranaka, Yuichi(1965-) A Japanese novelist represents new generation. (author of "She's Rain", "Go! Go! Girls(swing-out Boys)" and more....) (reading , author , literature , love story, Kobe , link , meets , friendship , friend , Tomoko Nakayo, Osamu Harada, group , fashion , mail , penpal , Kwansei University )
Ireland-Japan Friendly Club Ireland-Japan Friendly Club (Kanagawa) -(1995) To all residents of Ireland, and all Irishmen around the world. Many of Japanese want to be your friend. (Ireland )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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