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[ top | new | E-word | J-word | pref | domain | regist | search ]

{circle, sorority, clubbing, club} + {internation, internationally, internationalization, international}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={circle, sorority, clubbing, club}
@2={internation, internationally, internationalization, international}


  • Kanie LIONS CLUB (Aichi) -
    Liberty,Intelligence,Our Nation's Safty
    (LIONS, CLUB, kanie, Aichi, 334A, serve, liberty, intelligence, Nationa, safty)

  • seikatsu (Saitama) -

  • Kawasaki Rotary Club Web Site (Kanagawa) -
    Kawasaki Rotary Club Web Site
    (Kawasaki, Rotary, Club)

  • F.C.majikao,ootawara,tochigi,japan (Tochigi) -
    Futsal circle F.C.majikao @I.U.H.W.
    (majikao, F.C.majikao, futsal, circle, soccer, I.U.H.W., IUHW)

  • American International Brains Kiddy Club (Kanagawa) -
    English Day-Care School in Tsurumi, Tsunashima, Saitama, Yokkaichi, Kyoto.
    (English, Daycare, nursery, rhythmic, Brains, school, American, kiddy, kids, children)

  • circle (Saitama) -
    circle is best

  • B-ABLE (Tokyo) -
    We are looking for native English speaking teathers Private English Lesson Y3000 /hour
    (B-ABLE, native, English, teacher, international, study, foreigner, gaijin, friend)

  • Jubilee Iraq -
    In the 1980s many countries gave Saddam huge loans which financed his wars, palaces and oppression of the Iraqi people. Today Saddam owes up to $400bn in debt and reparations. If the Iraqi people are made to pay this each will owe $15,000 - many times their yearly income.
    (jubilee, Iraq, Hussein, Paris, petition, debts, reparations, $4000bn., odious, victims)

  • ISA Osaka Chapter (Osaka) -
    International Student Association of Japan;ISA Osaka Chapter's Home Page!!!
    (International, Kansai, Osaka, University, Association, Univercity, Kandai, Japan, exchange, Student)

  • MIX (Hyogo) -
    A student group which supports foreign students studying in Kanseigakuin University, Hyogo, Japan.
    (culture, student, kanseigakuin, university, international, interaction, foreign, activity, group, japanese)

    Tokyo-Japan most Creativity Design Company. That's ME! Come on! & Dance With Me!

    HIPPO FAMILY CLUB start new group in Ikegami Ota-ku Tokyo from 1st March 2003

  • Law Students' Forum (Tokyo) -
    This page was named Law Students Forum aiming at two things.The interchange of ideas between you and Japanese law students.Send my message to you. The main part of my page such as the International Discussion Table is available. From 2002.9.11. I started this International Discussion Table on this page in order to make more chances to exchange ideas between foreign law students and Japanese law students. And the most important reason why I started this Table at Sep.11th was that in my opinion we could avoid it, if we knew and told with that people. So talking with each is the most important thing we need. Please join us!
    (law, student, Japan, university, discussion, forum, international, ALSA, legal, culture)

  • Gogroupe's homepage (Toyama) -
    The tales of Go-groupe namemed Gamusyara.
    (Go-salon, Go-groupe, Boardgame, Go-game, Go-spread, Go-instruction, international, exchange)

  • tsuyama_shurakulions_club (Okayama) -

  • English International (Osaka) -
    5 mins walk from Tsutaya Higashikori in Korien. Small classes with native English speaker. Monthly fee of 7000 yen for adults and 6000 yen for children. Free attendance classes for 1000 yen per 60 mins also available. No entrance fee if you enrol now!
    (English, Korien, monthly fee, small classes, native speaker)

  • G.T.Party (Kyoto) -
    Come to G.T.Party every Friday, get more datails!
    (Job, Drinking, English, Japanese, French, culture, Italian, Kyoto, Osaka, Tradition)

  • Michinobu Ohta (Nagano) -
    Welcome to Michinobu Ohta's Web Site
    (michinobu, ohta, nagano, japan, government, assembly, lion, club)

  • Club & Pub Produced by TONFU INTERNATIONAL (Hokkaido) -
    You can find your favorite gals in this site. This's official homepage of TONFU GROUP.
    (susukino, club, roppongi, pub, gals, drink, women, tokyo, sexy, beer)


  • Law Students' Forum (Tokyo) -
    This page was named Law Students Forum aiming at two things.The interchange of ideas between you and Japanese law students.Send my message to you. The main part of my page such as the International Discussion Table is available. From 2002.9.11. I started this International Discussion Table on this page in order to make more chances to exchange ideas between foreign law students and Japanese law students. And the most important reason why I started this Table at Sep.11th was that in my opinion we could avoid it, if we knew and told with that people. So talking with each is the most important thing we need. Please join us!
    (law, student, Japan, university, discussion, forum, international, ALSA, leagal, culture)

  • International Family Club DREAM MARKET (Fukuoka) -
    International Family Club DREAM MARKET

  • Ebina International Society (Kanagawa) -
    The EBINA International society is a volunteer group of conscious peoples.Programs are free of politics,religion and commercial activity.EIS aim is to contribute for the diverse development of Japanese culture through intenational interchange and indwell creativity.These goals involve in building good relationship with non-Japanese communities living in Ebina and the surrounding area. EIS has been actively forking for these challenges since its establishment in 1991.Freedom to express ones opinions and ideas are deeply encouraged.
    (ebina, cultural, International, exchange, interchange, ebina-shi, volunteer)

  • Club Chili Chiri -
    Marriage life journal of Korean-Japanese couple in Houston.
    (houston, texas, america, united, states, korea, international, marriage, clear, lake)

  • kooriyama international swimmig club (Fukushima) -(2002)
    This club performs consistent swimming instruction by the full-time coach system, and aims at deepening and combining a right understanding and right concern about swimming, and aiming at training of healthy mind and body, and promotion of a sport.
    (fukusima, kooriyama, Indoor, Baby, family, Crawl, Fitness, Schoolchild, Breaststroke, swimming)

  • the cafe (Tokyo) -(2002)
    new style cafe! the homepage of dragonball,korin,goldblend.

  • kooriyama international swimmig club (Fukushima) -(2002)
    This club performs consistent swimming instruction by the full-time coach system, and aims at deepening and combining a right understanding and right concern about swimming, and aiming at training of healthy mind and body, and promotion of a sport.
    (koriyama, indoor, club, baby, adult, Course, famiry, schoolchildren, Pool, swimming)

  • 2550BaseballLeague (Tochigi) -(2002)
    RI District2550 beseballLeague
    (rotaryclub, tochigi, baseballleague, utsunimiya, kanuma, RI)

  • WASEDA BEST (Saitama) -(2002)
    We are an international and intercollage Circle. We invite native speakers of English and make a lot of friends from many countries. BEST stands for Bible, English, Sport and Trips. Many of our guests are chrisitans who volunteer to help us.
    (Waseda, circle, Christian, Bible, Travel, English, Sports, International)

  • International Middle Aged Men's Club (Kyoto) -(2002)
    We are just a group of fun loving middleaged men and young women. Come join us and have fun!
    (Sakaiminato, yachting, skiing, travel, Yosemite, Kilimanjaro, Indian_Ocean, Pacific, Atlantic, Japan_sea)

  • enlarge the circle of japanese language teachers (Aichi) -(2002)
    This site is opened for people who are who want to become a Japanese teacher, or interested in Japanese language education. The purpose of this site is to share information, carry out an opinion, a question, etc. Please come freely!
    (japanese, teacher, education, international, language, school, Phonetics)

  • seikei international association (Tokyo) -(2002)
    We enjoy international association
    (international, association, international)

  • Would you like to know Japan? Japanese Living in countryside in Ireland -(2002)
    Japanese living in Ireland (Co.Mayo). We would like to meet non-Japanese.
    (English, Ireland, Japan, Irish, Japanese, Co.Mayo, culture, custom, language, cuisine)

  • Chikyujin Club(Yokohama) is sponsoring the series of lectures for international understanding for you !No.2b (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Chikyujin Clubis sposoring the series of lectures how to raise our children internationally minded for you!
    (Education, Children, international, diversity, suggestion, competition, English, comparison, subjectivity, freedom)

  • Chikyujin Club(Yokohama) is sponsoring the series of lectures for international understanding for you ! (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Chikyujin Clubis sponsoring the series of lectures for international understanding for you at Tsuzuki, Yokohama, Japan.
    (Chikyujin, Club, lectures, international, understanding, multi-national, people, co-live, local, society)

  • unofficial bimieiyoitiza homepage (Osaka) -(2001)
    The Drama Club of IBU BIMIEIYOITIZA HOMEPAGE <The International Buddhist University>
    (bimieiyouitiza, ibu, drama, engeki, International, Buddhist, University, yocky, tommy, ayano)

  • Club The International (Saitama) -(2001)
    Club The International Tokyo and Saitama Guest house, Japanese teacher, travel.
    (Guesthouse, International, Japanese, borderless, sherlock, kibbutz, israel, travel)

  • Home page for marigge (Shizuoka) -(2001)
    shizuoka, shizuoka, japan
    (marigge, chinese, japanese, harbin, shizuoka)

  • Marco Polo Club (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Marco Polo Club holds monthly events for cross-cultural friendship in Tokyo.
    (intercourse, international, Tokyo, foreign, circle)

  • KUISham-club (Hyogo) -(2001)
    (ham, miki, musen, amatyuamusen, kuis, denpa)

  • asoka eigo (Osaka) -(2001)
    asoka eigo
    (E.S.S., ASOKA, eigo, club, English, circle)

  • oneness kids club (Tokyo) -(2001)
    OnenessKidsClub HomePage
    (Oneness, Kids)

  • International friendship circle (Osaka) -(2001)
    We are the circle for international friendship and understanding located in a central city of Osaka. We have various events such as party, meeting, outdoor activities. Why don't you join us?
    (circle, international, friendship, member, party, event, meeting, activity, Osaka, Kansai)

  • kiu,baseball (Fukuoka) -(2001)
    kiu-baseball club

  • DREAMER (Yamagata) -(2001)
    DREAMER is the exchange site of people who pursue a dream.
    (DREAM, DREAMER, Encounter, Internationalproblem, Circle)

  • Find your partoner with our support. (Hiroshima) -(2001)
    YoungMountain's home page. If you are interest in Chainise lady,come our home page and find your partnaer.
    (marrige, tour, to, china, chinese, ladies, golf, YM, golfroom)

  • Okiduri Club (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Welcome to Okiduri Club's homepage. We provide valuable fishing tackles with great discounts. We do have; fin-nor, Penn, shimano, daiwa, abu, and so on.
    (fin-nor, Penn, international, rods, used, reels, fin, nor, saltwater, trolling)

  • A.S.A.C. International Group (Nara) -(2001)
    We are thining about Education&Japanese Language. Please join us!
    (ASAC, A.S.A.C., Group, Circle, Japanese, Language, Education, Kansai, Ocat, Class)

  • The Rotary Club of Yachimata (Chiba) -(2001)
    Rotary Club of Yachimata was chartered in 1966 sponsored by Rotary Club of Narita

  • RussianTokyo (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Cheerful Parties, Cooking sessions, and other activities.
    (party, dance, marriage, international, Tokyo, Russian, outdoors, club, gaijin, expat)

  • RussianTokyo (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Partis, Cooking Sessions, Outdoors, and other Cheerful activities.
    (Association, Russian, Tokyo, Gaijin, Party, Dancing, Dance, European, Club, marrige)

  • Shizuoka Ex-JAPAN Overseas Coopration Volunteers (Shizuoka) -(2001)
    Shizuoka, Shizuoka, JAPAN
    (JOCV, volunteer)

  • newkokusai's homepage (Tokyo) -(2001)

  • Kyun International Corporation(Japan) (Osaka) -(2001)
    Kyun International Corporation(Japan) is a pioneer of one price shop developing it toward the world.
    (Business, 100yen, Global, Oneprice, ASEAN, International, Reputable, Coordinator, Creator)

  • Club India -(2000)
    Indian(Hindi) movie latest information, Indian wedding.
    (India, Culture, Wedding, Movie, Film, fassion, International, shopping, music, asia)

  • Cosmos International Club (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Cosmos International Club(CIC) intends for many people to enjoy the life through the friendship with foreigners.
    (International, Party, Friendship, Culture, English, Foreigner, USA, Asia, Business)

    no file
    (tennis, sports)

  • Friends of Haiti (Yamanashi) -(2000)
    Join us now to make a difference in Haiti. Check us out!
    (Haiti, Volunteer, Nonprofit, Poor)

  • Meet and make Japanese friends and partners (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    This International Love Page helps you meet Japanese and Japanese culture.
    (Japanese, culture, friend, meeting)

  • entori (Ibaraki) -(2000)
    Circle( party, drive, small trip, international, cultural exchange )
    (party, circle, drive, trip, cultural, exchange, internatinal, meetings, sport, all)

  • welcome! cruising club (Osaka) -(2000)
    welcome! cruising club
    (sea, ivent, member, osaka, kishiwada, cruising, IYFR, club)

  • NIKI_CLUB (Tochigi) -(2000)
    Just 20 rooms in the vast, 105,000 square meters land. The main building has a comfortable atmosphere and the new building was a modern taste that cannot be seen in other hotels or ryokan. One of the rooms has a Japanese tea ceremony facility, one with traditional Japanese fire place and some are western style, none of them are alike in this hotel. Make yourself at home in this relaxing nature, no one will bother you. NIKI CLUB offers you European herb cuisine at its garden restaurant, La Brise. Reportoire of goose, chicken and vegetables that make use of the fine agricultural products raised here in Tochigi Prefecture. More original menus are created here, traditional clay pot dishes and charcoal grilled dishes. The seasonal plate promises to bring the atmosphere, climate and the culture of Nasu to you.
    (NIKI, hotel, restaurant, slh, cuisine, nasu)

  • Internationl Kaiwa Club (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Internationla marriage for Japanese, candidates are from russia and china
    (international, marriage, russia, china, vladivostok, harbin)

  • International Marimo Club (Saitama) -(2000)
    This is International Marimo Club(IMC)'s Homepage
    (MarimoClub, IMC)

  • entertainment/club (Tokyo) -(2000)
    (entertainment, club, Roppongi, international)

  • kobe international kendo club (Hyogo) -(2000)
    kobe international kendo club Home Page
    (kobe, international, kendo, club)

  • Healthcare for Happy Life (Shizuoka) -(2000)
    Make an introduction of anti-oxidized food working like SOD and rooibos tea products for healthy and happy life
    (Niwa, Tiger, Yukie, SOD, anti-oxidant, rooibos, atopic, disease, FMC, Syntron)

  • LawnBowls (Hyogo) -(2000)
    Hyogo Wheelchair Lawn Bowls Club Home Page

  • dainihon business ltd. (Kagoshima) -(2000)
    education of English conversation for children
    (English, children, education, language, club, dainihon, lesson, international)

  • MASA's HomePage (Ibaraki) -(1999)
    ibaraki japan
    (MASA's, HomePage)

  • NICO International web site (Hyogo) -(1999)
    The target of our brands are the ladies around 55 years of age. We hope our brands, with a high sense of beauty, will be an integral part of your life.

  • United Nations Club,Soka University (Tokyo) -(1999)
    (United, Nations)

  • Musashi Toastmasters club (Saitama) -(1999)
    You can learn how to speech and leadership in Musashi Toastmasters Club.And You can learn Japanese language in this club,too.
    (toastmasters, speech, speak, presentation, debate, japanese, study, learn, club, international)

  • Best Marriage Apple Club (Tokyo) -(1999)
    You will find the SweetHeart in My Page
    (Marriage, SweetHeart)

  • hado (Tokyo) -(1999)

  • Halftime,Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(1999)
    You will find the Tour friend & Sweetheart in My homePage
    (TourFriend, Sweetheart, Marriage, Japan, Tokyo)

  • 10th Annual American Day (Aomori) -(1998)
    The Misawa Internaional Club was organized in 1987 in order to promote the development of the international city of Misawa, Aomori through better human and cultural relationships between two countries.
    (Misawa, International, Club)


  • 3D International for the computer application machines (Tokyo) -(1998)
    3d international manufactures and sales the computer application equipment. They are indoor golf simulator machine, seal printer and parking system.
    (golf, indoor, leisure, simulator, computer, application, parking, system, 3d, ecology)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan