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{class, grade, gradation, grad} + {examination, exam} + {school, Gakuin, Gakuen, academy, Academia} + {study, learn}
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Reference(frequency) {enter}
Tama Art University Department of Sculpture (Tokyo) - Here, it is education and the information about research. And there are a picture of a work, an image of video, and the latest news. (TAU, sculpture , carving and modeling, modeling , wood sculpture , metal sculpture, stone sculpture, bronze , cray , welding , frp , strikeing, casting , creation , the plastic arts, stone sulpture, wood sculpture , woods , carving , carving , curving knife, lifelong education , education , drawing , art , fine art , arts , contemporary art , contemporary sclupture, outdoor sclupture, open-air sclupture, exibition, gallery , studio , clafts, the plastic arts, the plastic arts class, exibition, work shop, seminar , schoolteacher, teacher's license, curator, graduation thesis, graduation thesis, a test of practical skills, entrance examination, art college, art university, examination , measure , experiment , examination , preparatory school , center examination, deviation value, laboratory , guidance , studying for an examination, professional school)
TOEFL (Osaka) - Lets Study English for TOEFL. (TOEFL , English , School , Class , Lesson , TOEIC )
kenchikushi mondaisyu (Ibaraki) -(2002) kenchikushimondaisyu (e-learning, architecture , construction , e-learning, WBT )
St.Michael's International School (Hyogo) -(2000) International school in Kobe. British National Curriculum. English language school in Kobe with 53 years' history. (Michael's , International , TOEFL , TOEIC )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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