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Word(s): @={collision}

  • -
    GLOBALEX is the US-Japan cross-cultural specialist to give your company the optimum environments where your global business can have maximum potential on your project and daily business. For all companies and people aiming towards the global business market, the challenges are always there in front of us, including linguistic, mental & psychological differences, as well as variances in cultural and behavioral norms when approaching business transactions. People in the business world often believe that these challenges are approachable through their own daily experiences and wisdom. However, things are far more complicated and much deeper than one might predict. It is obvious that, as shown by many stories told by leading companies in the global market, lack of understanding and insight into cultural differences can cause confusion and conflict. In order to avoid these frustrating and often embarrassing situations, and to lead your global work force to new heights of achievement, GLOBALEX provides effective aid in multi cultural settings with various coaching programs and personal help.
    (Japan, US, cross, cultural, training, coaching)

  • (Tokyo) -
    The Atomic Bombs were the Western civilization's answer to the challenge of the Japanese civilization. A story where the founder of kamikaze corps and the first attacker argue about the effectiveness of Kamikaze mission and reveal inconsistency and illogoc of the Japanese civilization.
    (Kamikaze, Atomic-Bomb, Clash-of-Civilizations, Pacific-War, Pearl-Harbor-attack, Takijiro-Onishi, Yukio-Seki, World-War2, divine-wind, Japan)

  • (Tokyo) -
    Collision Design is the architect & design office in Tokyo.
    (architect, reform, design, furniture, building, construction, shop, rock)

  • (Ehime) -(2002)
    Tidus's Web Page
    (FINALFANTASY, pointer, tidus, DirectX, D3D, program, programming)

  • (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Shoutotsu Anzen Body's Official Site[Performing arts group]
    (safety_b, shoutotsuanzenbody, officialsite, perfoming, stage, play, drama, theater, actor, actress)

  • (Osaka) -(2001)
    The maximum reference site of collision repair facsilities in Japan. auto-scratch fortune-telling and daiagnosis of your car boby damage.
    (collision-repair, reference-repairfacsility, fortune-telling, autobody-diagnosis, autobody-repair, repair-price, QUOcard, benefit-autobobyrepair, repair-price-discount, bodyshop)

  • (Fukui) -(2000)

  • (Tokyo) -(2000)
    MADYMO is an engineering software tool that allows users to design and optimise occupant safety systems efficiently, quickly and cost-effectively.
    (Crash, safety, Child, seat, simulation, passive, air, bag, dummy, CAE)

  • (Tokyo) -(1997)
    Automobile Safety Information in Japan. This page shows the safety performance tests results about the cars selling in Japanese market. You can get the results of braking performance test and crashworthiness test for frontal collision.
    (automobile, car, safety, test, crash, brake, japan)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan