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| Editor's Note
tyabashiratouritsu (Oita) - all text (text , aho)
Non*Concept (Kyoto) - Come onnnnnn!!! (asia , kyoto , university , japanese , illustration )
Key Person Q (Tokyo) - designer's text
HAPPY CRAZY (Aichi) -(2002) textsite dairycolumn (HAPPY , CRAZY , TERA, TEXT )
labo faction (Tokyo) -(2002) yuzutuki home page (novel , cat , angel )
idle text site (Tokyo) -(2002) idle text site! This site is constitute of idol,book,literature,and so on. (idle , idol , text , literature )
useful SA (Tokyo) -(2002) this page help your site.because my page takes many people to your site. (access , up , BBS )
SUPER GIRL (Aichi) -(2002) Rico`s officialHP! Rico is 15 years old! (poem , text , photo , bbs , juniorhighschool , officialsite )
Is nothing got to know yet? (Kyoto) -(2002) I am a budding writer's Hegoon. You with many time. Please enjoy Is nothing got to know yet?~Otanoshimi wa korekaraka? (Hegoon, Hegoon'sRoom, Writer , Text , Movie , Fishing , BASS , LURE , e-koubou, Novel )
SimpleText Churchyard (Tokyo) -(2001) Satanist Only! (novel , text )
Deep in the sea -(2001) DEEP IN THE SEA Nobody except you comes here.You can't find anything aroud here.Here is nothing you can see.But You can find yourself. Nobody disturbs you.Listen to the sounds,Feel the atomosphere aroud you. (column , weak , text , BBS , energy , deeper , Black )
Yokuu! OSAKA (Osaka) -(2001) netmagazine Yokuu! OSAKA.column and netidol and consult and more.... (creator , column , text , illustration , desire , netidol , culture , netmagazine , suffering , girl )
I look for my fragment. (Shizuoka) -(2001) I look for my fragment. (heart , student , text , writing , school , hamamatsu , sizuoka , poem )
LOCAL WORKS (Tokyo) -(2000) Here is LOCAL WORKS!!I have writen texts about movie,music,persons,books and so on.But this page is JAPANESE ONLY.Sorry. (music , movie , American , Independent , movies , columns , persons , texts , advertisement )
Plus_Minus (Kanagawa) -(2000) THIS SITE IS MY MIND METAPHOR NANNCHATTE (text , various )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。