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{comic, Manga, cartoon, caricature} + {movie, cinema} + {music, musical}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
holideholic (Osaka) - Sory,Japanese Only (holiday , holic, movie , book , music , manga , travel , salon , imfomation, weekend )
sumirenoohanashihiroba (Tokyo) - minasanasobinikitene (MUSIC , LOVE , MOVIE , LINK , HOBBY , DIARY , TALK , COMIC , BOOK , GAME )
POINT OF ORIGIN (Iwate) - Takeda's HomePage (comic , game , music , art , photo , bbs , chat )
Off The Wall (Tokyo) - My home page have movies, musics & comics. My favorite actress is Angie. (Angie , Angelina , Jolie, BBS )
garasudokoubou (Gunma) - HomePage For Music,Manga,Animation Lovers (music , comic , grass , rock , movie , culture , animation , hobby )
Tokyo Lunch (Osaka) - Designer nico's self-willed style of living. (design , cinema , music , french , comic , tokyo , diary , love , chocolate , aids )
DAIKICHI-GUY THE WORLD (Kyoto) - welcome to maniac homepage! (music , mystery , jazz , soundtrack , comics , movie , sfx , toy )
hirunebo (Tokyo) - Kanegon and Pigmon`s Homepage. Oh,it is interesting. We love music,comic,book,picture and Contrabass. (comic , diary , music , picture , game , movie , contrabass , bass , book , TV )
C.M.O. Japan (Shiga) - C.M.O. Japan (music , server , creater, rental , hosting , movie , comic , photo , picture , ftp )
Blue Ball the GATE Japan (Aichi) - 30 topics in this site. (diary , animation , movie , car , book , design , macintosh , health , archive , music )
Easy Going! (Tokyo) - Hiro-Shi's Hobby (hobby , play , cinema , comic , novel , geme, diary , bbs , music , harbot )
jyozetsukiss (Tokyo) - kiss (game , anime , music )
Easy Going! (Tokyo) - Hiro-Shi's Hobby (hobby , play , comics , movie , music , game , novels , cinema )
DAIKICHI-GUY THE WORLD (Kyoto) - welcome to maniac homepage! (music , mystery , jazz , soundtrack , comics , movie , sfx , toy )
kitannippou (Tokyo) -(2002) information of Japan Entertainment and Subculture (anime , Movie , comic , novel , music , TV , magazine , mania , Link , otaku )
KodamaHanabi's Entertiment Talk Site! (Kyoto) -(2002) kyoto.kyoto.japan (movie , music , rock , animation , comic , otaku , ghibli , musketeer, bandeapart)
Masacky's Artwork Lab. (Okayama) -(2002) I'm sorry,This page is Japanese only.But Please visit my page, and see my illustlation.Thank You! (Masacky, Artwork )
CRITICGAME.BBS (Tokyo) -(2002) Japanese amateur critic's bbs. Main topic is the movies,comics,TVgames,fine art, and other subcultual media. Basically we take an interest in all kinds of topics!! (amateur , critic , movies , comics , TVgames , subculture , art )
yeh-yeh dasapop!! (Osaka) -(2002) yeh-yeh dasapop!!
Information network of a life MEGA-TEN (Fukuoka) -(2002) Information network of a life MEGA-TEN (MEGA-TEN, Information , COOKING , COCKTAIL , HOT , SPRING , Child-rearing , Movie&Video , Music , Leisure )
kusogigadokuhon (Aichi) -(2002) Shisyun's HomePage (novel , poem , essay , cinema , music )
Blue Sky, a gust of wind (Osaka) -(2002) Kiten's HomePage talking about PlayStation Soft Gunparade March (Gunparade , comics , books , BBS , games , Alfasystem, Shibamura, Hayami , movie , music )
Yumi's room (Chiba) -(2002) Welcome to Yumi's page! I like comics, books, movies, travels, music, and so on. And I'm interested in Korea. (comic , movie , Korea , diary , book , travel , music , sign , K-pop, Yumi )
Nostalgie (Kanagawa) -(2002) You can find many object what you make feel nostalgic. Vous pouvez trouver beaucoup des objets qui vous donnez nostalgique,et nous ramasse toujours les nouvelles nostalgiques et vous pouverez aussi envoyer vos objets nostalgiques.merci (ca-et-la, anime , manga , original , music , nostalgique, nostalgie , nostalgia )
mediatrading japan (Tokyo) -(2002) we are medeiatrading japan. (DVD , VIDEO , CD , LD , BOOK , TOY , GAME , MOVIE , MUSIC , ART )
ZANKI (Tokyo) -(2001) good web! (movie , film , music , soccer , comic , entertainment )
race of fire (Toyama) -(2001) Ken's HomePage (japan , toyama , Folk , Movie , MP3 , singer&songrighter, music , baseboll, BBS , Daialy)
canariya.com (Tokyo) -(2001) (indies, Ueda Gen, synthesizer , unit , toy , movie , fortunetelling , comic , instrument , riz)
bunkabu (Hiroshima) -(2001) bunkabu,literature,movie,music,neil young,japanese metal,senryu,hiroshima (bunkabu,literature,movie,music,neil, young,japanese , metal,senryu,hiroshima)
RELATION (Niigata) -(2001) [RELATION]Keisuke Yamaguti Official Web Site (RELATION , MUSIC , SPORTS , COMIC , MOVIE , SOCCER , PROFILE , LINK , BBS , GALLALY)
DAIKICHI-GUY THE WORLD (Kyoto) -(2001) welcome to maniac homepage! (music , mystery , jazz , soundtrack , comics , movie , sfx , toy )
fumahomepage (Tokyo) -(2001) fumahomepage (book , music , movie , fuma , hobby , diary , theemicellegunelephant, korn , rage , profile )
extraordinaryworld (Tokyo) -(2001) NEKO & PUI's HomePage (DURANDURAN, DAVID , BOWIE , JOE , JACKSON , THE, POLICE , 80'S , MUSIC , CINEMA )
Kaleidoscope-NAVI (Hyogo) -(2001) searchengin homepage link navigater (Music , band , Art , search , seek , MIDI , LINK , check , suport, HP, SITE , AUTO , registration , words , searchengin, support , access , ranking , artist , literature , history , picture , advertise , rental , software , hardware , computer , educate , entertainment , life , TV , radio , news , sports , outdoor , cooking , anime , internet , japan , area , travel , world , school , movie , animal , navigater, ranking , navi , registration , free , site , commerce )
shaft web (Tokyo) -(2001) come on!shaft web! (movie , music , animation....etc....)
HOKORINBOU (Tokyo) -(2001) ShikagoTakesita's World (The, Beatles , David , Bowie , Movie , Music , Art )
Hisoka's Room (Kanagawa) -(2001) Sorry.this page is Japanese only...
senrei (Miyagi) -(2001) I'm coming! (good , wow , fuck , shit , dip , boon , goon, get , del , koi)
maniaru! (Saitama) -(2001) Analizing Japanese/oversea pop cultures such as GAME, ANIMATION and the latest cool products. (game , character , movie , pop , culture , anime , manga , japanimation , toy , music )
Korosuke's Korokke Rock (Mie) -(2001) MORE HAPPY LIFESTYLE..MUSIC,CINEMA,ART,COMIC etc. (happy , music , cinema , art , comic , game , food , life , style , live )
Henkido's Home Page (Hyogo) -(2001) Inami.Hyogo.Japan (crime , budo , music , movie , mystery , comic , mondo )
HEAD ON (Tokyo) -(2001) This is a cooool website of rock music!! Love music? ...then, come in! You can feel so nice! (music , rock , punk , asia , movie , joke , animation , comic , guitar , bluse )
Welcome to pokopoko family (Ibaraki) -(2000) Pokopoko's family lives in hitachi of Ibaraki. We like Amateur orchestra, Takarazuka, Japanese sightseeing and Kendou. (orchestra , takarazuka , movie , sightseeing , kendou, hitachi )
Emi's funny HomePage (Osaka) -(2000) Fujiidera,Osaka,Japan (comics , novels , psycology , movies , music , diary , university )
PeyotlFan, Japan (Kyoto) -(2000) Fan site of Peyotl Kobo Publishing Co.,Ltd. (Litterature, Books , Art , Cinema , Underground , Music , Burroughs, Wave , Ur, Comic )
Link Paradise (Saitama) -(2000) Link Paradise (shopping , game , comic , movie , money , personal , computer , news , music , sports )
gakikutsu rainbow (Fukuoka) -(2000) Terosuke's HomePage (music , movie , cinema , book , comic , rock , salinger, outsider , clash , rancid )
SHIHOKO'S ROOM (Chiba) -(2000) SHIHOKO'S ROOM (room , photo , illustration , dialy, cat , cats , movie , musical , comic , cartoon )
maipenrai de go (Osaka) -(2000) Web Magazine (sports , music , comic , cinema , movie , starwars , webmagazine, F1 )
bannsecond,japan (Shimane) -(2000) Tyaiga's individual HomePage (chat , communication , individual , diary , movie , music , japan , caricature , opposite )
Chibimaruo's Joyful Life (Shizuoka) -(2000) tibimaruo's web site. Contents is diary,poem,bbs(icon)etc. (diary , poem , iconbbs , movie , music , pops , rock )
Media Groove (Ibaraki) -(1999) Media Groove (Media , Groove , art , movie , cg , 3d , inde)
The Golden Five (Saitama) -(1999) The Golden Five's Home Page... (music , cinema , comedy , book , comic , band )
Pon-sama's World (Tokyo) -(1999) Pon-sama's World is created by Pon-sama, a Japanese amature musician living in Tokyo. (Music , Literature , Comics , Bass , L.Carrol, J.R.R.Tolkien)
GOOD ROOM (Osaka) -(1998) my room (diary , movie , novels )
RISTORANTE LIPSTiC (Osaka) -(1998) SUPER-LIGHTSIWANE Presents [RISTORANTE LIPSTIC]!! We send you [HOT LIPS] 's information!! [HOT LIPS]is Japanese Super Funny Pop Music Band!! HA-HA-HA,C'mon!!! (HotLips, lipstic, entertainment , music , movie , game , comic )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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