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Reference(similarity) / comic /
Comical success story Comical success story (Okayama) - Success consultant & Comic wrlter's website (success , consultation , bussiness, fun , wish , emotion , healing , notice , life , goldenrule)
hisui's story hisui's story (Miyagi) - hisui's story (hisui's, story , SS)
VECS-ARTS VECS-ARTS (Osaka) - comical and hyper real illustlation. girls and animal charactor illustlation! cute and cool! (arts , comical, sexy , girl , illust , animal , lllust)
WELCOME TO BATTERY! WELCOME TO BATTERY! (Kanagawa) -(2002) Welcome to the BATTERY's officail sites! (westcoast, comicalpunk, mobile , band , guiter, bass , drums , cool , official )
Rabbit Punch! Rabbit Punch! (Fukuoka) -(2002) iz's Home Page.Sorry,Japanese only. (text )
Spocket's HomePage Spocket's HomePage (Tokyo) -(2002) from Tokyo Japan (gagmate, punk , band , comical, comic , funny , gag )
comicalsite comicalsite (Yamanashi) -(2001) comicalsite (magistrate , harem , daughter , diary , fancy , text , comical)
massban homepage massban homepage (Kanagawa) -(2001) massban homepage (massban, rock , band , live , music , comical, shibuya , japan , homepage, rock&roll )
The Mansion of the Cold Soup The Mansion of the Cold Soup (Kyoto) -(2001) Laughter of language of the incorrect conversion completed with Japanese language input software is introduced. To other, The picture which Mr.Gazpacho drew is exhibited. The manufacture process of his picture is also exhibited on real time. Japanese only. (Comical, Humor , Picture , word , illustration )
818 ism. 818 ism. (Tokyo) -(2001) Simple is Best. Enter to 818 ism. (Simple , Text , Novel , Diary , 818)
kikurou's homepage kikurou's homepage (Tokyo) -(2000) kikurou kokontei's homepage!! (comical, story , tokyo , rakugo , yose)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。