(Tokyo) - For over 28 years,we have been providing the commissioned research with market and technologies, patents and licensing, technology transferes to the worldwide. (consultaion, for, R&D)
(Tokyo) - Discovery-Partners Corp. is newly established company in 2003. We focus on introducing unique drug discovery technology from overseas to Japanese life science companies. We are actively seeking partner companies who have unique drug discovery technology for licensing/research collaboration with Japanese pharmaceutical companies. We provide consulting/sales/marketing services. If you are looking for Japanese marketing partner, please contact us at any time. (outsourcing, collaborative, research, partnering, marketing, Japanease, screening, pharmacogenomics, metabolomics, genomics)
(Osaka) - Chip Conveyer Research and Development, Manufacturing, Sales, owns many Patents, Export Technology to all over the world. (chip, conveyer, R&D, Design, Manufacture, Automation, ohmine)
(Tokyo) - ALLIED is world's top level strategy consulting organization established in 1994. The area of consulting Allied has considerable experiences includes corporate strategy, business strategy, new-business entry strategy which any strategy consulting firms will handle, as well as recently often discussed issues such as R&D strategy, multimedia business strategy, environmental problems, information strategy, China business issues, etc. (business strategy, new bisiness development, R&D strategy, corporate strategy, corporate vision, marketing strategy, ITstrategy, tecnology forecast, forecast)
(Kanagawa) -(2002) We develope Canser Hyperthermia Sysytem with any hospital and technologic maker (canser, hyperthermia, project, system, R&D, medical)
(Tokyo) -(2001) Steinbeis Japan Inc.'s HomePage. We are the Japanese representative of the global Steinbeis network as well as the headquarter of networks of Japanese experts. We can provide you consulting, evaluation, partner search, etc.etc. for your success in the Japanese market. (Steinbeis, Technology, Transfer, Japanese, Market, Marketing, Partner, Search, Competitive, Global)
(Kanagawa) -(2000) Our office support management innovation,standing customer position,and we help your company. (MANAGEMENT, VE, COST, PATENT, EFFICIENCY, JQA, BUSINESS, EDUCATION, KAIZEN, RESEARCH&DEVEROMENT)
(Osaka) -(1998) We assess new ideas and technologies that you have personally or as your business for reasonable price. Results come with 3 degrees in 8 categories each and comments from professionals.We can also support you to start your new business from total aspects. (Assessment for new ideas, Business, support)
(Hyogo) -(1996) Amagasaki Research Incubation Center is owned and operated by ARIC Inc. and a member of JASPA (Japan Science Parks Association) and NBIA (National Business Incubation Association). It leases laboratory and office spaces and has various types of conference facilities. (amagasaki research incubation center, Aric, Amagasaki, enterprise, conference room, hall, training, research and development, conference, leasing)
(Tokyo) -(1996) Minato, Tokyo, Japan. (science, technical development, governmental organization, special permitted corporation)