(Osaka) - This is INUYASHA CONAN HUNTERHUNTER s fan site. (inuyasha, conan, hunterhunter, radioactor)
(Kanagawa) - Sara Haduki's HomePage (DETECTIVECONAN, CONAN, JapaniseOnly)
(Miyazaki) - The Chairman will be paying special attention to the new Technology division that we established last year. (chahoo, aconite, sherry, japanese)
(Nagano) -(2002) This is Conann&Inuyasha's Fansait! (Inuyasha, Conann, Gallery, Novel, BBS, Fansait)
(Fukushima) -(2002) Kyo's Home Page
(Hokkaido) -(2002) This homepage[MARUMERO] is treating L'Arc's illustration. Since it is a dear illustration, please come for play. (L'Arc, illustration, cute, game)
(Saitama) -(2002) This site is YUKIRU SUGISAKI and Detective CONAN and other FanSite All tracks Illustrations and design by Shui.Aosaki (DETECTIVE, CONAN, The, candidate, for, Goddess, DNANGEL, Yukiru, Sugisaki)
(Shimane) -(2002) This is Kindaichi-syonen no jikenbo&Detective Conan's fun site.Japanese fonts required to view this site. (kindaichi, conan, stork)
(Gunma) -(2000) Detective conan's home page. (detective, animetion, love, letter)
(Gunma) -(2000) my diary and ilasutoratetion. (travel.ilasutolation)
(Osaka) -(2000) Illust pf my favorite anime. mika's Home Page. (rurouni, kensin, card, capter, sakura, saiyuki)
(Tokyo) -(2000) here I show fan arts and parody comic of slayers combined with other japanimations(pokemon, anpanman,black jack,etc.)all the words in comics are written in english (sorry,poor) and romaji. (kurume, slayers, zelgadiss, rezo, japanimation, pokemon, fantasy, parody, comic, konan)