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{concert, recital} + {piano}

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Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={concert, recital}


  • Yukino Fujiwara, pianist, classic, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo) -
    Yukino Fujiwara (pianist, classic), official homepage. Her profile, repertoire, concerts, CDs can be looked at. HP run by Beata-Ziegler-Society Japan. Also presenting the unique piano method of 'Inner Hearing' (Das Innere Hoeren), founded by Beata Ziegler (Germany). Yukino Fujiwara spent about 30 years in Munich/Germany and was tought this method and pianist's studies by Anna Stadler, who was Beata Ziegler's pupil.
    (Yukino, Fujiwara, Beata, Ziegler, Anna, Stadler, pianist, classic, repertoire, piano)

  • Koji Oikawa un-official web site (Ibaraki) -
    about pianist Koji Oikawa
    (piano, pianist, concert, Koji)

  • Elton John Japan Tour 2001 (Tokyo) -
    Elton John Japan Tour 2001 Report
    (EltonJohn, DaveyJohnston, NigelOlsson, Japan, Tour, Live, piano, YourSong, RocketMan, CrocodaileRock)

  • mizunoshashinkan.tajimisi.homepage (Gifu) -
    (mizunoshashinkan, photoshop, didital, bridal, pianoconcert, pasport, colorprint, studiophoto)

  • Cafe & Jazz Bar BLUE TRAIN (Hokkaido) -
    Jazz Live Infomation
    (Jazz, Live, JazzGuitar, ad-lib, Bigband, PianoTrio)

  • KidsFashion (Osaka) -

  • a society for the support of Pianist Mari Kuge HIBIKIAI (Osaka) -(2002)
    a society for the support of Pianist Mari Kuge HIBIKIAI
    (Pianist, Mari, Kuge, concert)

  • Ensanble Piri (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Ensanble Piri
    (Ensanble, Piri)

  • Live House of Mrs.K (Nara) -(2002)
    We offer to you a small place at a low price which you can play the piano,Jazz or classic music.There are about 50 seats in the room and you get drink and Japanease food for live.
    (Live, House)

  • kid's dress shop cute-cute (Tokyo) -(2002)
    ARM Studio Co.,Ltd cute-cute
    (dress, kid's, CUTE-CUTE, cute, cutecute, kid'sdress, panier, ARMSTUDIO, cutecutecute)

  • piano ishikawa (Iwate) -(2002)
    piano ishikawa
    (aomori, akita, iwate, miyagi, hukusima, yamagata, piano, move, ishikawa, niigata)

  • Todai Piano no Kai (Piano Circle at University of Tokyo) Official Web Site (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (Sorry, this site is Japanese only.) Our circle often held concerts. Please check it out!
    (University, of, Tokyo, Todai, piano, circle, concert, hamelin)

  • Photo Studio Azuma (Saitama) -(2002)
    Welcome to Photo Studio Azuma!

  • pianopia (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    (pianotuner, pianorepir, pleyel, bechstein, boesendorfer, steinway, apolopiano, concert, pianohanmer, piano)

  • WOHO Accordion -(2002)
    Music Academy, Yokohama & Tokyo, Japan. European style seminars & certification for ACCORDION ORGAN PIANO. Planning & organization of live performances, events, concerts, radio & TV features. Joint concerts Europe USA Australia.
    (accordion, piano, concert, organization, international, lesson)

  • Hiroyuki Tsuchiya (Hiroshima) -(2002)
    Welcome to Hiroyuki Tsuchiya's HomePage
    (HiroyukiTsuchiya, hiro, Mazda, foto, homeconcert, concert, vienna, wien, hiro_tsuchiya, rxht)

  • Hiroyuki Tsuchiya (Hiroshima) -(2001)
    Welcome to Hiroyuki Tsuchiya's HomePage
    (HiroyukiTsuchiya, hiro, Mazda, foto, homeconcert, concert, vienna, wien, hiro_tsuchiya, rxht)

  • PIANO DUO (Osaka) -(2001)
    (PIANO, DUO)

  • ODIN KID'S & BABY (Osaka) -(2001)
    baby's and child's cloth shop
    (gift, formal, present, nonnon, moononnon)

  • Atelier Piano (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    Tuner in Sapporo.
    (piano, tuner, sapporo, concert)

  • highrankchildclothesgrandchildclothesikedasyokuninn (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (highrankchildclothes, grandchildclothes, dress, party, child, grandchild)

  • River (Chiba) -(2001)
    Prrity and cheepdress for child
    (dress, child)

  • Soundabout (Osaka) -(2001)
    If you're looking for cool sound.Click and come to my homepage!
    (recording, orignal, piano, songwriting, dorama)

  • Teneramente (Aichi) -(2000)
    Teneramente the pianotuner

  • Rental Dress (Chiba) -(2000)

  • Pianist Yu Kosuge Official Web Site (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Japanese pianist Yu Kosuge live in Germany is wonderful.
    (piano, pianist, classic, yukosuge)

  • RORO'S ROOM ,KOBE ,HYOGO,JAPAN (Hyogo) -(1999)
    (MARI, MATSUMOTO, pianist, musician, live, band)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan