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{core, kernel} + {music, musical}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
Apple CORE Apple CORE (Kanagawa) - shena ringo fansaite (apple , shena , ringo , utada , hikaru , japan , music )
Sugadaira.Famille Lodge Core Sugadaira.Famille Lodge Core (Nagano) - Sugadaira Famille Lodge Core's HomePage
self-core.org self-core.org (Yamaguchi) - team self-core.org's WebSite. (Unix , FreeBSD , Linux , IPv6, djbdns, apache , BSD )
nasum-ism nasum-ism (Osaka) - stay!brutal (nasum, deathmetal , grindcore, heavymetal )
Historian's Home Historian's Home (Mie) - My homepage deals with history and games(AOC/AOE/Rise of Nations/sangokumusou). (history , historian, sangokumusou, mysterious , thriller , AOC, AOE , music , ARMORED , CORE )
ito's HP ito's HP (Saitama) -(2002) my HP (itoyama , youhei , CORE , OF, SOUL , hiro:n)
POP(OS)absolute' MUSIC POP(OS)absolute' MUSIC (Hyogo) -(2002) POP(OS)absolute' MUSIC (POP , TECHNO , NOISE , ambient , electric , amidaspiral, mp3 , progressive , core , avant-garde)
We Love Music & Cinema We Love Music & Cinema (Miyagi) -(2002) We love music and cinema.Please come and see our homepage.I want you to be happy very much.Thank you! (music , cinema )
hayabusa hayabusa (Shiga) -(2002) my hobby mirered site. (music , game , spitz , coreofsoul, soft , spitz , core , of, soul )
ukuleleland ukuleleland (Kanagawa) -(2002) welcome to Ukulele land (ukulele , koawood, koamele)
the-phonic.com the-phonic.com (Tokyo) -(2001) the-phonic.com (phonic , club , core , event , tasaka, kenzo , michio , furusawa , DJ , music )
Hybrid Space Hybrid Space (Chiba) -(2001) review site /gothic/grind/ethnic/healing/world/pops/ (gothic , grind , ethnic , world , trad , fork , pops , techno , healing , review )
UKULELE MART UKULELE MART (Shizuoka) -(2001) UKULELE SHOP (ukulele , uke, sell , retailer , music , instrument , hawaii , kamaka, koa )
YUMMY YUMMY (Osaka) -(2001) yummy's page...I like music,bedhead,low,slow core band... (bedhead, low , slowcore, art , starflyer59, experimental )
muune.com muune.com (Tokyo) -(2000) MUsical presure on Universul NEtwork (realvideo, realaudio , realplayer , core , deep , recording , mania , recordingstudio, muune, studio )
my favorite mismatch my favorite mismatch (Nara) -(2000) Htoko's HomePage (inxs, thecorrs, japan , billyjoel, 80'smusic)
Audio Space Core Audio Space Core (Fukui) -(2000) Audio Space Core.Audio Shop. (audio , fan , music , core , sound , player , amp , speaker , deck , space )
RESORT RECORDS RESORT RECORDS (Tokyo) -(1998) Tokyo, Japan.
Ukulele's HomePage Ukulele's HomePage (Tokyo) -(1998) Adachiku.Tokyo.Japan. (Ukulele )
AppleCoreMusic&Studio AppleCoreMusic&Studio (Tokushima) -(1998) Used&Vintage Instruments.Guitar.Bass.MIDI. Effecter.etc. (used , instruments , guitar , bass , vintage , music , MIDI , drums )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
こちら 。