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Word(s): @={deafness}

/ deaf /

  • Hokkaido Notetaker's Volunteer for Deaf People. (Hokkaido) -
    Hokkaido Notetaker's Volunteer for Deaf People.We support DEAF People. Volunteer page.
    (notetaker, volunteer, deaf, Hokkaido, sign, language, free, school, study, interpreter)

  • hyakusouan (Miyagi) -
    haykusouan is kanpo-phamacy.
    (hyakusouan, kannpo-phamacy, cancer)

  • Notetaker's HomePage at Sapporo Gakuin University (Hokkaido) -
    Notetaker's HomePage at Sapporo Gakuin University. We support DEAF STUDENT. Volunteer page.
    (notetaker, volunteer, deaf, Sapporo, Gakuin, university, free, school, study, Fujikake)

  • DEAF (Tokyo) -
    (DEAF, PC, MCP)

  • awa (Tokushima) -
    (self, help, groupe, npo)

  • asakusa-hochouki (Tokyo) -
    (asakusa, tokyo, hochouki, nachou, kanto, kensa, aftercare, mimikake, kanaru, chouryoku)

  • watanabe clinic (Chiba) -
    (watanabe clinic, jibika, jibiinnkouka, kahunsho, matudi-shi, clinic, Chiba-ken, bien, nancho, memai)

  • The circle of sign language KAGAYAKI (Tokyo) -
    The circle of sign language KAGAYAKI is good contents.
    (DEAF, sign, language, KAGAYAKI, circle)

  • volunteer note-take group TOMODACHI (Aichi) -
    volunteer note-take group TOMODACHI. Aichi pref, JAPAN.
    (volunteer, notetake, group, tomodachi, inuyama, aichi, challeged)

  • omron earmate widesystems (Tokyo) -
    omronn ear-mate
    (omron, earmate)

  • sakuraijibika,Katsushika-ku,Tokyo,Japan. (Tokyo) -
    Sakurai-Jibiinnkouka:a clinic of otorhinolaryngology(ear,nose,throat).Katsushika-ku,Tokyo,Japan
    (ear, nose, throat, tinnitus, hearingloss, vertigo, Katsushika)

  • Kagayaki Pascon School (Tokyo) -
    The information which is useful to a life of a hardness-of-hearing person, a hearing-impaired person, etc. is carried one by one.
    (Hardness, of, hearing, Hearing, obstacle, Sign)

  • News about Educational Audiology Japan (Ehime) -
    News about Educational Audiology Japan
    (hearing, auditory, aid, cochlear, deaf, HOH)

  • kagayaki,pasocon,school (Tokyo) -
    This school representative is also a hardness-of-hearing person. Therefore, especially Sonority is putting power into the consideration and the device to the more inconvenient one.
    (nanchou, pasocon, school, def)

  • MIYO'S WEBSITE (Tokyo) -(2002)
    A mother's diary talking about her twin

  • nanchousya choukakusyougaisya ni yasasii pasokon kyousitsu (Tokyo) -(2002)
    nanchousya choukakusyougaisya ni yasasii pasokon kyousitsu

  • kyoto hardhearing com (Kyoto) -(2002)
    we are hardhearing parsons. we are activing in kyoto.
    (kyoto, hardhearing, jimaku, youyaku)

  • Oiki Ear & Nose SurgiCenter (Osaka) -(2002)
    We will present good sugery for any kind of otitis media.
    (Otolaryngology, otitis, daysurgery)

  • Association for hearing aid users (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Association for those who use hearing aid
    (hearing iad, hearing, hard of hearing)

  • L-mode homepage of Murakami ORL (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    L-mode homepage of MurakamiORL
    (Allergy, Pollinosis, dizziness, Deafness)

  • video for health (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    video for health
    (windows, media, foamat, health, medicen)

  • freqent asked question of otorhinologyt (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    frequent asked question of otorhinology

  • Assistive listening device 'Kikuchan'(Bone conduction system) (Tokyo) -(2001)
    About assistive listening device 'Kikuchan'(Bone conduction system).
    (bone, conduction, listening, speaker, earphone, assist, hard, of, hearing, microphone)

  • Homepage of Murakami ORL CLINIC (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    Head & Neck Medicine & Surgery at Tomakomai City Hokkaido Japan
    (windows, media, foamat, otology, rhinology, larryngology, Head, &Neck, Medicine, Surgery)

  • Division of Otolaryngology,Keiyukai Sapporo Hospital,Sapporo,Japan (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    We show hearing loss and hearing aid in this page.We have counseling about these and lend out hearing aid for who consult
    (Otolaryngology, ear, aids, rehabilitation, hearing, loss, Hokkaidou, Keiyukai, Sapporo, Hospital)

  • kyoto united.japan (Kyoto) -(2001)
    def football culb in kyoto!
    (football, soccer, def, kyoto)

  • CHC (Tottori) -(2000)
    Introduction of comfertable hearing aid as sefety hearing test

  • CHARGE ASSOCIATION (Osaka) -(2000)
    (clcp, deafness)

  • komori ENT clinic homepage (Ishikawa) -(2000)
    Fine explanatation of ear,nose and throat disease. Kindly showinng of hearing difficulty and hearing aid.Discussion about allergic disease.Talking about future social security sustem.Introduction of Hegura island and woman divers.
    (ear, nose, throat, disease, hearing difficulty, hearing aid, allergy, social security, Hegura island, woman diver)

  • Nihon Cochlear Co.,Ld. (Tokyo) -(2000)
    The Nucleus24 Cochlear Implant System from Nihon Cochlear, a subsidiary of Cochlear the world leader in cochlear implant technology which is a hearing alternative for the deaf
    (cochlear, hearing, aids, implant, bte, deaf, Nucleus, prosthesis, ESPrit, SPrint)

  • NATUS-ALGO HOME PAGE (Tokyo) -(2000)

  • QLE webshop (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This is QLE webshop mainly selling SAMONAS SOUND THERAPY CDs in Japan. QLE provides services only to those who reside or live in Japan. Those who live outside of Japan, please contact to your country distributor of Sonas Media avv. Thank you for your understanding and sorry for your inconvenience.
    (Stress, Relaxation, Healing, Therapy, Health, Hearing, Tinnitus, Music)

  • KASAI Ears, Nose & Throat Clinic (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Kasai ears, nose & throat clinic
    (otorhinolaryngology, nasal allergy, pollinosis, snore, laser surgery, cancer, vertigo, tinnitus, hearinglos, herval medicine)

  • ALL of TMJ (Tokyo) -(2000)
    ALL of TMJ

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