(Tokyo) - KANNON ENZO, new type of cemetery. Garden with statues of Buddha You can select a type of statue. (cemetary, Buddha, tombstone, grave, funeral, memorial)
(Tokyo) - Asuka is a funeral expert. We accept all kinds of funeral styles. (Asuka, funeral, memorial, death)
(Kumamoto) - Go of the mild vetch is this graveyard to do to the cremation, bone raising, control of a graveyard, a memorial service leading large size pet graveyard. (Kumamoto, Spirit, Pet, bone, Cremation, Memorial, service, Funeral, Tomb, Animal)
(Ibaraki) - Sermons that are translated into English. (Sermon, Buddhistic, Buddhist, Sermons)
(Hyogo) -(2001) =MIOTUKUSI Pet Ceremony Circle= Home Page (Pet, Ceremony, dog, cat, Himeji, bird, Miotukusi)
(Miyagi) -(2001) hagi
(Tokyo) -(2001) User participation type communication space where individual's opinions or needs regarding lifestyle will be reflected to develop new value added products and services. (Living, Lifestyle, Family, Cardboard, Craftwork, Funeral, Memorials, Coffin, Spacemissions, SpaceExploration)