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Word(s): @={delay}

  • Metamorphosis-One Deep Zone (Kanagawa) -
    Information for Musician(Japanese). Presented by Metamorphosis-One Yokohama,Kanagawa,Japan
    (MIDI, recording, equalizer, compressor, music-magician, net-musician, reverb, delay, Metamorphosis-One, OneMan-Band)

  • SCI network card (Tokyo) -
    SCI network card connect WS and servers with high-speed transfer rate and low-latency.
    (parallel, cluster, high-speed, low-latency, hot-swap, dolphin, Scali)

  • Reform Plan of JR (Ibaraki) -
    Reform Plan of JR
    (railway, restroom, OSAKA, SHIBUYA, delay)

  • Delay line from Elmec Technologies (Kanagawa) -
    Elmec manufactures ultra high-speed, compact delay line that radically reduce distortion and jitter at high frequencies. Whether you're looking for fixed single pin, fixed surface mount,or variable, our products deliver the speed and precision you need for your applications.
    (Delay, line, Elmec)

  • Iyo Engineering's HomePage (Ehime) -
    (senile, dementia, GPS, care, system, Dopa, assistance, detection, support, navigation)

  • Iyo Engineering's HomePage (Ehime) -
    (senile, dementia, GPS, care, system, Dopa, assistance, detection, support, navigation)

  • KS Family Japan (Kanagawa) -
    Klinefelter Syndrome
    (Klinefelter, Syndrome, Syndrome, GID, XXY)

  • ActiveDirectory (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (ActiveDirectory, NIS, Solaris, Windows2000, UNIX, WindowsNT, DC, AD, GC, LDAP)

  • the roxx candy homepage (Gifu) -(2001)
    nagoya, Japan,
    (roxx, candy, sleazy, r&r, pop, glam, la, live, hr, band)

  • INREAL in JAPAN (Osaka) -(2001)
    HomePage of INREAL in JAPAN

  • Zoukei Rhythmics (Tokyo) -(2001)
    zoukei-rhythmics Home Page
    (rhythmics, rythmique, handicapped, tamano, yoshio, infant, down, syndrome, autism, disabilities)

  • Yokohama Psycho-Developmental Clinic (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    The Yokohama Psycho Developmental Clinic was set up in 2000 to to provide a complete diagnostic, assessment and advice service for children, adolescents and adults with autistic spectrum disorder,ADHD and LD.
    (autism, asperger, syndrome, LD, SPLD, ADHD, MR)

  • OLD-FASHION (Aichi) -(2000)
    The illustration of the game, the animate cartoon is put. There is a picture bulletin board.
    (playstation, playstation2, game, Animate, cartoon)

  • Audio codec , APT , Systembase , Hitachi (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Audio Processing Technology , Systembase , Audio codec, ISDN, HSD ,STL , Broadcast, STL
    (APT, Codec, Low, delay, Audio, Processing, Technology, Pro, Broadcast, HI)

  • mama's homepage (Aichi) -(2000)
    aichi japan

  • Alimamas.Homepage (Kochi) -(2000)

  • dip fanbbs (Tokyo) -(2000)
    BBS for dip fan.
    (dip, bbs, cracked, weekender, crawl)

  • TAC-LAB (Aichi) -(2000)
    This site explains the special theory of relativity for high-school students in Japanese.
    (special, theory, of, relativity, Lorentz, moving, watch, delay, Einstein, time)

  • The study meeting in Japan about the education of the person who the intellectual development has delay (Tokyo) -(1998)
    This meeting is the civilian study group which is composed by the member who concerns a fault person in the scene. The professional field of the member ranges over varieties such as the education, the welfare, the labor and the medical treatment. This meeting carries a practice report and an exhibition chair report and so on on the organization magazine. The responsibility person in this meeting presents an accessing person with the organization magazine latest number!
    (Fault, person, Special, education, Down, Syndrome, Autism)

    (japan, animation, criticism, resignation, behind, inconsistency, GANDAM, PATLABOR, ONEAMIS, BONOBONO)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan