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{design, designing} + {illustration, illustrate, illust} + {picture, pict, pics, pic, paintings}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
SeparaSo SeparaSo (Tokyo) - SeparaSo Homepage (story , poem , illust , dot , design , movie , image )
No Moss No Moss (Tokyo) - It is illustrator KIMURA Kunihiko living in Tokyo.Big concern is not only in an illustration but in the production of a tale, and the picture-book is exhibited per year several times by the web.Please look at a humorous and lonely picture. The top page is updated on Friday every week. (Illustation, Photograpy, Picture , Book , Design )
nemyu nemyu (Tokyo) - entertainment (Nature , Animal , Plant , Illustration , Design , Picture , Music , Photograph , Postcard , Brand )
SAiNO&SS-web SAiNO&SS-web (Hokkaido) - Infographics,Informationgraphics,Illustration,Design,Presentation (infographics, informationgraphics, design , presentation , map , pictgram, diagram , powerpoint, chart )
CI VI MARK CI VI MARK (Tokyo) - Simbol mark Design. by OAK's Home. (simbolmark, logotype, design , graphic , caractor, web , homepage, illustration , pict )
shippo-sya shippo-sya (Tokyo) - Production of an illustration which is helpful to children's books and a text. (Juvenile , picture , Illustration , design , Free-lancer, Teaching , materials, Text , child )
illastreter Tokunaga wako illastreter Tokunaga wako (Ibaraki) - illastrater Tokunaga wako
Buffer66 Buffer66 (Osaka) - Dragon Illustration (dragon , japan )
gungoographics gungoographics (Chiba) - hello (design , illust , photoshop , anime , japan , graphics , gungoo, gungoographics, fukai , painter )
HARUKA MUSEUM HARUKA MUSEUM (Saitama) - HARUKA MUSEUM (museum , mouse , children , tokyo , picture , illustration )
Designer is Speaking On a Slum Designer is Speaking On a Slum (Tokyo) - Kenji Yamamoto's HomePage (Japanese only) (comic , illust , flash , japanese , design , cg )
SOUL SQUALL SOUL SQUALL (Kumamoto) -(2002) original illustration,design,manga (boys , air , choir , libera, harry , potter , hanson, angel , voices )
shinkawa's Homepage shinkawa's Homepage (Tottori) -(2002) tottori,tottori,japan (Graphix, Design , modeling , illustration , Shade )
moko moko (Chiba) -(2002) Illustraion site (Flash , Illustrator , Photoshop , CG , design , illustration , material, wallpaper )
Welcome to KAZZ's room Welcome to KAZZ's room (Ishikawa) -(2002) Illusutrated by KAZZ (illustration , snapshot, dog , cat , taste , handdraw, handmade , design , picture , woodprint)
KSWARE! KSWARE! (Saitama) -(2002) This page is KEIKO's homepage. A colored pencil illustlation and more. (illustlation, illust , design , ksware)
Nagao no E Nagao no E (Tokyo) -(2002) Various works of prominent Japanese artist Nagao Minoru including book and CD covers design, fantastic world, Haiga, Haiku Illustrated are ehxhibited. (Illustration , Haiga , Haiku , illustated, CD , jacket , bookcover, painter , interior , design )
glad glad (Okayama) -(2002) Do you like to see paintings? Illustrator tuna's HomePage (cg , tuna , Illustrator , Illustration , Flash , graphic , character , paintings )
neatical neatical (Kyoto) -(2002) neatical Design's official website. (neatical, design , photo , flash , illust , Kyoto , Nagano )
name-san-site name-san-site (Aichi) -(2002) Japanese illustrator name-san's site. please enjoy yourself with my works. (illust , postcard , design , fish , panda , designer , nagoya , picture , angel )
MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustrator's Design Office, Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) MOKKU Co. Ltd. Illustration work company. (illustration , cartoon , design , graphic , picture , symbol , comic , animation , character , animal )
Asian Bee's honey Asian Bee's honey (Kanagawa) -(2002) Asian Bee's honey is the personal site of poo. (CINEMA , ANIMATION , CAT , DESIGN , ILLUST )
milkfeti milkfeti (Osaka) -(2001) fasion illust hat (fasion, illust , hat )
TT9 Web TT9 Web (Aichi) -(2001) tatsumi takehiro's Web illustration & picture book (ehonn, TT9, tatsumi , takehiro , illustration , picture , book , nippon , design , movie )
No Problem. EveryThing All Right ! No Problem. EveryThing All Right ! (Tokyo) -(2001) Yes!lots of gif-animations,poem,graphics about unknown creatures. (gif-animation , poem , graphics , daiary, design )
Marie's Cafe Marie's Cafe (Tokyo) -(2001) Marie's Cafe (Home, Page, Web , Design , Game , Illust , Column , Computer , PC , Alice )
BACK TO SQUARE ONE BACK TO SQUARE ONE (Osaka) -(2001) jpanese only! (web , BACK , TO, SQUARE )
TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan. TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan. (Osaka) -(2001) TSC design is a graphic design team in Osaka,Japan.(3D illust,2D illust,WEB design,DTP design) (design , illust , 3Dillust, 2Dillust, DTP , web , homepage, package , CG , graphic )
Electric Sheep Graphix Electric Sheep Graphix (Tokyo) -(2001) ESG is OOLONG&RYO's graphic(2D3DCG,illustration,web design) gallery site.(language:Japanese only) (electricsheepgraphix, esg, graphic , illust , webdesign , cg , design , 3dcg , oolong , ryoimura)
cherry cherry cherry cherry (Tokyo) -(2001) Hitomi Nagao's illustrations (illustration , illustrator , fasion, japanese , japanizm, dezign)
Ametani's HomePage Ametani's HomePage (Ishikawa) -(2001) Japan (Book , Card , Illustorasion, Sign , Design , Cat )
Design Pocket TaMaGo Design Pocket TaMaGo (Fukuoka) -(2001) Flash animetion DESIGN-site! picturebook & illustration & game & G-dard etc... (flash , design , picturebook , game , illustration , card , playstation , egg , cool , qute)
Digital Graphics Digital Graphics (Hokkaido) -(2000) Desktop Wall Papers (desktop , wall , paper , design , graphic , picture , free , illustration , cg )
Asphalt Sun Republic Asphalt Sun Republic (Chiba) -(2000) keity's HomePege (MP3 , move , icon , ilust, font , design , graphic , dawnroad, AKIRA , game )
sumiegyarari sumiegyarari (Tokyo) -(2000) sumie no ilast desu (sumie, ilusut)
cooltic5 cooltic5 (Yamaguchi) -(2000) Takeshi's Home Page (illustration , design , car , music , tak)
HaoHao,takarazuka,hyogo,japan. HaoHao,takarazuka,hyogo,japan. (Hyogo) -(1998) HaoHao's HomePage Picture book, travel essay (picturebook , travel , essay , illustration , design , delicious , dog , taiwan , roc, greece )
K&K Unit WEB tokyo K&K Unit WEB tokyo (Tokyo) -(1998) K&K Unit kaw's Home Page (Design , Public , advertisement , illustration , Picture , Current , Topics , CAD , 3D , DTP )
chika's portrait pastel gallery chika's portrait pastel gallery (Nara) -(1997) chika's portrait pastel gallery (portrait , pastel , gallery , chika )
MAUD BOOK STORE FOR DESIGNERS MAUD BOOK STORE FOR DESIGNERS (Osaka) -(1997) BOOK STORE FOR DESIGNERS, FOR ARCHITECTS, FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS. (graphics , design , book , interior , architect , architecture , photo , picture book , illustration , foreign books, CD-ROM )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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