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{design, designing} + {structure, structural}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
SEKI DOBOKU SEKKEI SEKI DOBOKU SEKKEI (Niigata) - The company which holds public drain design (public , drain , design )
Civil Engineering Design Office RATECH Civil Engineering Design Office RATECH (Gifu) - Civil Engineering Design Office RATECH (CAD , AUTOCAD , MASU , KOUZOU , KOUZOU , KYOURYOKU, BRIDGE , SUURYOU, WING , RC )
Civil Engineering Office Civil Engineering Office (Gifu) - CIVIL ENGINEERING (CIVIL , GIFU , OOGAKI , DESIGN , AUTOCAD )
on and on inc. osaka japan on and on inc. osaka japan (Osaka) - The company which draws plans, such as air-conditioning,sanitary facilities, and fire extinguishing, a working drawing, and a drawing showing the completed structure. (on, and, on, osaka , japan , air-conditioning , sanitary , drawing , structure )
Murai Architect Design Office Murai Architect Design Office (Osaka) - Murai Architect Design Office's ROOM (architect , design )
I.S.art-project-GAEA I.S.art-project-GAEA (Tokyo) - Architect&Artist (architect , craft , gallery , artist , art , ceramic )
NichidaiPavementNetwork NichidaiPavementNetwork (Tokyo) - Page of dissemination concerning pavement!Nihon University is offering this page. (Pavement , study , Yorimasa, Abe , Nihon , University , Special , lecture , outline , Structure )
Archi.J/Structure Design Archi.J/Structure Design (Tokyo) - Structure Design (ARCHI.J, JIS, 2x4 )
TIW. Tokyo. Japan TIW. Tokyo. Japan (Tokyo) - TIW HomePage (TIW, structural , steel , pipe , truss , cutting )
welcome to sunline welcome to sunline (Fukuoka) - civil (civil , CALS )
Structural Science Home Page Structural Science Home Page (Kanagawa) - Please enjoy our Science program! We love systems(STARModal,QuickField,...) - and we hope that you'll like it as well! (Structural , Science , SSINST, STARModal, STARAcoustics, FEMtools, QuickField, electromagnetic , magnetics , Tera)
aquatic aquatic (Fukushima) - Aquatic Home Page (aquatic , shinchi )
TG group TG group (Tokyo) - TG group is a company with the actual result of the wooden structure over 20 years. I want to protect a visitor's life, property, and happiness from the damage of an earthquake. (antiearthquake, aseismic, earthquake , wooden , structure , design , resistant )
Akiyama design structure Akiyama design structure (Osaka) - Akiyama's Home Page:Design from simmple frame (Simple )
structure design proposal structure design proposal (Tokyo) - SITE FOR STRUCTURE ENGINEERS TO PROPOSE UNIQUE IDEA OF STRUCTURAL DESIGN. (architect , structure , design , proposal , competition , presentation , matching , engineer )
CTK corporation Ltd. CTK corporation Ltd. (Aichi) - Welcome to CTK Corporation. We are Steel Industrie's in Japan. We have ISO9001 system sice 2001. (steel , tower , iso9001 , japan , plate , planning )
lusty Home lusty Home (Kanagawa) - Lusty Home (Lusty, Home, ALC )
Kaneshin Corpolation Kaneshin Corpolation (Wakayama) - IshinHome Wkayama Corpolation.This site is expressed in only Japanese. (Apparatus , BASIC , Beam , board , Building , Calculation , Certificate , Comfortable , Company , Construction , Consultation , Contract , Design , Display , Durability , Earthquake , Equipment , Essence , Estimate , European-style, Fire , Floor , form , Foundation , frame , Freedom , Hardware , Heat , High , Home, Hope , House , Indoor , insulation , Japanese-style , joint , Junction , Kitchen , Laminate , lumber , materials , Metal , Method , Modification , Original , Outside , Packing , Panel , performance , Pillar , Plywood, Power , Precious , precision , Precut , prevention , Proposal , Question , Rationalization , Realization , Reformation , Refractoriness, Residence , resistance , room , Safe , Safety , Sale , sash , Siding , Standard , Steel , Strength , Structure , Support , system , Techno , temperature , Tenderness , Tree , Unification , Ventilation , Wakayama , Wall , Wooden , wrap )
Port and Airport Research Institute, Structural Mechanics Division Port and Airport Research Institute, Structural Mechanics Division (Kanagawa) - The division was established in 1974 as a former name of Subaqueous Tunnels and Pipelines Laboratory. Since then, the Division has been actively engaged in various research on providing harbor and airport structures with high reliability. Research at the Division encompasses topics widely ranging from reinforced concrete to steel-composite structures, from structural design to lifecycle management of structures, and from traditional type to newly developed type structures. Current research include mechanical properties of structural elements, assessment of structural performance, and decrease in structural performance during the life span of structure. (Port , Airport , Research , Institute , Structural , Mechanics , Division , Concrete , Structure , Ruselt)
Taiseikiso Sekkei co.,ltd. Taiseikiso Sekkei co.,ltd. (Tokyo) - Taisekiso's HomePage (soil , groundwater, environment , reserch, ground , structure , design , earthquake-resistant , measurement , analysis )
kyosei-ado kyosei-ado (Nara) - profile (architecture , job , work , planning )
Kaneshin Corpolation Kaneshin Corpolation (Wakayama) -(2002) Kaneshin Corpolation.This site is expressed in only Japanese. (Apparatus , BASIC , Beam , board , Building , Calculation , Certificate , Comfortable , Company , Construction , Consultation , Contract , Design , Display , Durability , Earthquake , Equipment , Essence , Estimate , European-style, Fire , Floor , form , Foundation , frame , Freedom , Hardware , Heat , High , Home, Hope , House , Indoor , insulation , Japanese-style , joint , Junction , Kitchen , Laminate , lumber , materials , Metal , Method , Modification , Original , Outside , Packing , Panel , performance , Pillar , Plywood, Power , Precious , precision , Precut , prevention , Proposal , Question , Rationalization , Realization , Reformation , Refractoriness, Residence , resistance , room , Safe , Safety , Sale , sash , Siding , Standard , Steel , Strength , Structure , Support , system , Techno , temperature , Tenderness , Tree , Unification , Ventilation , Wakayama , Wall , Wooden , wrap )
sec-sanden.net sec-sanden.net (Hyogo) -(2002) sec-sanden.net (denkikouji, harimacho, sougousetubi, sekkei, kenntikukouji, haganekouzoubutu, seikan , sangyokikai, keisouseigyo, sikou)
SYOGAKUSYA Associate Architects SYOGAKUSYA Associate Architects (Osaka) -(2002) SYOGAKUSYA Associate Architects (architect , designer , ecology , natural , life , remodel , house , built , custom , order )
the programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers the programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers (Hyogo) -(2002) The programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers (ship , marine , engineering , design , structural , consulting , naval-architect, structural-engineer, professional-engineer, PANASE)
METAFORM METAFORM (Kanagawa) -(2002) Architecture Design.3DCG (ArchitectureDesign , 3DCG , web3d, lightwave3d)
METAFORM METAFORM (Kanagawa) -(2002) Architecture Design.3DCG.Web3D (web3d, lightwave3d)
Welcome to Narata architectural Atlier's Website Welcome to Narata architectural Atlier's Website (Yamanashi) -(2002) Welcome to Narata architectural Atlier's Website (architectural , JAPAN , interior , coordinate , CAD , design , atlier)
the programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers the programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers (Hyogo) -(2002) The programs assisting naval-architects and structural-engineers (ship , marine , engineering , design , structural , consulting , naval-architect, structural-engineer, professional-engineer, PANASE)
daikos homepage daikos homepage (Kyoto) -(2002) architecture drawing construction (architecture , drawing , construction )
two x four Tokai two x four Tokai (Aichi) -(2001) two x four Tokai (2x4 , a building contractor's office, design office , building materials maker, tokai , housing , earthquake-proof structure, building )
OSAEngineering OSAEngineering (Hyogo) -(2001) goodjob OSAEngineering! (goodjob , OSAEngineering)
NCN'sHomepage,Tokyo,Japan NCN'sHomepage,Tokyo,Japan (Tokyo) -(2001) New Constructor's Network,SE METHOD (Constructor's , METHOD , Network , HOUSE , New , CAD )
yottyan's homepage yottyan's homepage (Kumamoto) -(2001) Homepage for a Design Engineer (civil , engineering , a, design , engineer )
Engineered wood and joints Engineered wood and joints (Ibaraki) -(2001) Technical Information on Engineered Wood Products (Engineered, Engineering , Design , Reliability, Timber , Wood , Structure , Lumber , Composite )
try system lab co.,ltd. try system lab co.,ltd. (Fukuoka) -(2001) try system lab co.,ltd.HomePage civil engineering consultant (try , system , lab , AutoCAD , CAD , DynaCAD, Vector , Works , V-nas, JWCAD)
Retec Engineering Inc. Retec Engineering Inc. (Tokyo) -(2001) Retec Engineering Inc.'s home page
plume structure plume structure (Chiba) -(2001) Let's enjoy webdesign ^^ (webdesign , link , diary , kaze )
Modeling the Evaluation Structure of KANSEI Modeling the Evaluation Structure of KANSEI (Ibaraki) -(2001) University of Tsukuba Special Research Project's Home Page (sense , sensitivity , evaluation , structure , design , robot , appreciation , infomation, science , kansei)
ChubukaihatsuConsultant ChubukaihatsuConsultant (Ishikawa) -(2000) Chubukaihatsu's HomePage (Civil , Measurement , Compensation , Construction , Cemetery , Road , Park , Drain , Service , Water )
MIGHT Inc. MIGHT Inc. (Osaka) -(2000) osaka,japan (civil , might, plan , design )
FUN/IT utsunomiya, japan FUN/IT utsunomiya, japan (Tochigi) -(2000) FUN/IT architect office digital perspective studio (3D , CG , perspective , architect , graphic , formZ)
Home page of Miyakawa SD Home page of Miyakawa SD (Kanagawa) -(2000) Miyakawa Architects Office, Sagamihara Japan (Architects , Structural Design)
KOUKENEngineering Co. KOUKENEngineering Co. (Saitama) -(2000) KOUKEN Engineering CO. Home Page (PC , RC , CFRC, GFRC, PCC, PCM, Construction , Civil , Dsign, PIC )
GOO! GOO! (Saitama) -(2000) IT'S GOOD PRICE! (NET )
daido homepage daido homepage (Fukushima) -(2000) sirakawa,fukusima,japan (cad )
atsukawa atsukawa (Kanagawa) -(2000) developer (autocad , cals )
3Fmokuzoukouzou 3Fmokuzoukouzou (Saitama) -(2000) merit! (3F)
KAJIMA INSTITUTE PUBLISHING CO.,LTD. KAJIMA INSTITUTE PUBLISHING CO.,LTD. (Tokyo) -(2000) Publisher of SD (architecture , design , SpaceDesign )
c.hinoki.a c.hinoki.a (Tokyo) -(2000) desain.cost (cost )
godfoot planning corporation godfoot planning corporation (Hyogo) -(1999) Godfoot develop structure design and analysis system. (structure , design , analysis , science , calculation , cable , staid, bridge , godfoot)
Bio-material Engineering Lab - Nagoya University, Japan Bio-material Engineering Lab - Nagoya University, Japan (Aichi) -(1998) The research aim of this laboratory is to establish the effective utilization of bio-materials such as timber using physical and engineering methods. The research is developed mainly in the fields of timber engineering which covers the following three research areas: 1) Utilization system and evaluation for biomaterials as an echo-material: The study on application of fracture mechanics to biomaterials is performed to investigate the mechanism of deformation in such materials as a honeycomb structure, by using a fractography and AE method for example. In this area, acoustoelasticity of wood and biomaterials is also investigated to apply the phenomenon for the determination of stress conditions of these materials. 2) Structural performance and design methods for timber structures: The studies on development of a rigid frame construction and establishment of the limit state design method for timber structures are currently in progress. 3) Evaluation of the space environment surrounded by a biomaterial: Japanese traditional timber constructions are structurally analized and investigated with special concern with their historical and climatic backgrounds. (wood , timber , honeycomb structure, fractography, acoustoelasticity, AE, rigid frame construction, limit state design method, timber construction , nondestructive testing)
amplHomepage amplHomepage (Kochi) -(1998) GPS survey surroundings design ampl Homepage (survey , design , ampl, Homepage, WEB )
Archi Support Akahori Architectural Design Office ltd. Archi Support Akahori Architectural Design Office ltd. (Saitama) -(1997) Archi Suport Akahori Architectural Design Office ltd. (Akahori , tetsuya , archi , design , saitama , toshihiko )
Mech D&A Mech D&A (Tokyo) -(1997) Mechanical Design & Analisis Co. (FEM , MARC , I-DEAS, nonlinear , ABAQUS, CAE , simulation , technical consultant, analysis )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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