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{diary} + {graphic, graphics, graphical} + {illustration, illustrate, illust}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2+@3
@2={graphic, graphics, graphical}
@3={illustration, illustrate, illust}
Combination (subset)
-> @1+@2, -> @1+@3, -> @2+@3.


  • kewin's HomePage (Saitama) -
    Kobe, Hyogo, Japan.
    (FF, CG)

  • Solid Air (Saitama) -
    (CG, GUNDAM, WEBMaterial, apeskin, CGIgame)

  • ZENMAI (Tokyo) -

  • System Infinity (Hyogo) -
    System Infinity is beautiful!
    (enterteiment, music, Diary, Novel, commputar, CG, GAME, system, infinity, RPG)

  • red-rain (Chiba) -
    This Wab Page is toshi-toshi's Home Page .
    (CG, FLASH, illust, BBS, pictureBBS, Diary)

  • Pochofu1998 (Tokyo) -
    (illust, CG)

  • M seminer (Chiba) -
    anime comic diary dojin
    (animation, comic, dialy, dojin, coterie, book, girl, illustration)

  • Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) -
    ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese]
    (illustration, illustrator, CG, design, designer, Japanese, novel, material, comics, character, photoshop, painter, profesional, art, graphics, paint, draw, animation, nostalgic, original, text, diary, artwark, artist, tips)

  • Nostalgic Sugar View (Aichi) -
    ebatako's Art Gallery[Japanese]
    (illustration, illustrator, CG, design, designer, Japanese, novel, material, comics, character, photoshop, painter, profesional, art, graphics, paint, draw, animation, nostalgic, original, text, diary, artwark, artist, tips)

  • Setagaya,akikokoro,Japan. (Kanagawa) -
    Main contents is Illustration.
    (BBS, diary, picture, CG, Illustration, Illustr, photoshop, painter, material, paint)

  • PenginGouVillage (Osaka) -
    Sasuke,s HomePage

  • kzcstudio (Saitama) -
    (graphic, illust, architecture, jojo, jump)

  • Nyan-nyako Land (Osaka) -
    Nyanko's Homepage.Japanese Only.
    (RPG, material, Animation, Karaoke, Role, Playing, Game, BBS, Diary, Link)

  • MarimoExplorers! (Gifu) -
    This HP is NARUTO FAN HP.
    (cg, novel, diary, comic, magazine, jump, ss)

  • imaginary-forest (Saitama) -
    kei's Home Page
    (illustration, art, gallery, imaginary, forest, CG, tropicalfish, waterplants, picture, diary)

  • Midnight Cafe (Fukui) -
    CG,Gallery and diary
    (diary, profile, gallery, cg, bbs, MidnightCafe)

  • WhiteSeed DASH (Chiba) -

  • pastel cube (Saitama) -
    this site is CG & flash site.
    (illust, CG, FLASH, movie, diary, trance, techno, art, design)

  • atchoo design office (Osaka) -
    atchoo design office
    (design, designer, artdirector, illustlation, softball, diary, event, digital)

  • LagaLiga-Ro (Hyogo) -
    GUM's HomePage original game etc illustrations diary
    (illustration, gum, diary, game, CAPCOM, DRAGONQUEST, CG)

  • nissingeppo (Chiba) -
    Tentizin's Home Page Illust Main
    (illust, CG)

  • Tomonyantown (Akita) -
    (sco, photo, movie, diary, illustrationdiary, CGphoto, GC, photo)

  • Hiori's HOmepage (Shizuoka) -
    Hiori's Homepage. Graphic&Shortstory&Dairly
    (sortstory, graphic)

  • wonderland (Chiba) -
    mikan's HomePage
    (Gallery, CG, i-mode)

  • Night Comes Again (Tokyo) -
    self introduction and illstration homepage.Japanese only.
    (art, communication, illustration, introduction, diary, japanese, sword, devil, angel, night)

  • Lun's Room (Osaka) -
    Lun Yoshino's HomePage.Original CG illustrations.
    (illustration, comics, cartoon, novels, graphic, FINAL, FANTASY, BIOHAZARD, original, diary)

  • descendant of dragon (Tokyo) -
    Yuna Suiki's HomePage Japanese Only!

  • Night Comes Again (Tokyo) -
    self introduction and illstration homepage.Japanese only.
    (art, communication, illustration, introduction, diary, japanese, sword, devil, angel)

  • ToshiToshiHomePage (Chiba) -
    toshi-toshi's HomePage
    (anime, dojin, illust, japan, dialy, flash)

  • Night Comes Again (Tokyo) -
    self introduction and illstration homepage.Japanese only.
    (art, communication, illustration, introduction, diary, japanese, sword, devil, angel)

  • The pages of Momo (Saitama) -
    I feel mui! Momo Saito the beginner of Mac presents silly life pege. Now,I think it will be mui,too.
    (Mac, graphics, beginner, diary, Manga, CG, comic, photoshop, illustrator, japan)

  • MYDEAR (Kanagawa) -
    akira satsukis HP
    (illust, diary, sakura, wars, reni, bbs, photo, lovers, euphonium, brass)

  • STRAWBERRY KISS (Miyagi) -
    Sera Kisaragi's HomePage! You can a lot of pale illustraitons here. I'm contributing to RIBON. Please make yourself at home!!
    (strawberry, illustration, comic, gallery, contribution, autor, kiss, diary, star)

  • mizya's H.P. (Tokyo) -
    mizya's HomePage.CG gallery.
    (CG, illustration, diary, novel, comic, animation, TV, movie)

  • The place you can hear my another voice (Hiroshima) -(2002)
    There are my original novels(scientific and fantasic story), illustrations and poems. Sorry,this site is written in Japanese only. But I think illustrations and pictures can be understood beyond difference of language. I hope you sense a clear atmosphere and enjoy it. Don't you,too,attempt to listen to the sound in my heart?
    (original, novel, illustration, poem, diary, profile)

  • Transparent Island (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Sorry,this site is only Japanese.But,there're some Illusts.
    (CG, Illust, CG, TP)

  • Mars Exchangers (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Mars Exchangers is presented by Kiriya Mori. Mainly achieving original illustration works(angel/devil/animal/Gundam W).
    (illustration, 2DCG, tiger, visual, demon, devil, angel, fantasy, artist, Haurus)

  • terun-do (Aichi) -(2002)
    terun's web site
    (photo, grafic, Art, Illst, Makeup, Amachua, Band)

  • HIGURASI (Kyoto) -(2002)
    This is KATSUHIRO's sketch diary 'HIGURASI'.

  • wordpower (Aichi) -(2002)
    furi-yo's home page
    (wordpower, text, diary, illustration, gallery, photoshop, paint)

  • THE SEASON PROJECT (Saitama) -(2002)
    anime,comic,game,illust,novel,comic,etc...Japanese only
    (novel, illust, dragonquest, valkyrieprofile, diary, comic, original, game, animation)

  • Takurobot Maximum (Iwate) -(2002)
    Takurobot Maximum
    (diary, novels, Illust, CG)

  • SPREADFREEDOM (Shizuoka) -(2002)

  • KYUCON.COM JAPAN (Saitama) -(2002)
    Flash&shockwave games,Illustrations,Anime,3DCG and more.
    (flash, shockwave, 3D, CG, illust, animation, japan, game, funny, design)

  • nandemoarinaHP (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    everything ok
    (picture, grafic, anime, CGI, BBS, diary)

  • Entertainment to Amuzement (Osaka) -(2002)
    Yosuke Itsuki's HomePage
    (visual, game, comic, original, novel, illustration, free, diary, EtoA)

  • WASURENABANA forget me not (Gifu) -(2002)
    This is HUURIN's HomePage. There are original picture and RUROUNI=KENSIN(Japanese animetion,In other words SAMURAI Xin USA)'s picture. please come on!!
    (Picture, RUROUNIKENSHIN, notice, board, Diary, CG, Animation)

  • Fraise (Kagawa) -(2002)
    Yutuki's HomePage.
    (picture, illust, Computer, Graphics, BBS, elf, diary, CG)

  • AppleHouse (Ishikawa) -(2002)
    It is the site made from the human being aiming at exhibition of an illustration, a tale, music, Flash, etc. But it is although it is only four animals...
    (illustration, tale, music, music, diary, profile)

  • SketchBook (Osaka) -(2002)
    illust site
    (Sketch, illust, flash, material, game, b-boying, diary, StreetDance, profile, link)

  • Arcadia Elysium (Shiga) -(2002)
    This page is all about CLAMP(Japanese cartoonist). Although this is not a English page, you would be apreciate to find CG which are mainly from comics by CLAMP.
    (CLAMP, X, Tokyo, Babylon, CG, illust, link, RGVeda, chat, diary)

  • oyajirider (Hokkaido) -(2002)
    (rider, oyajirider, oyaji, text, diary)

  • 164's house (Saitama) -(2002)
    (CG, BBS, illustration)

  • YuttaSeisakusho (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Yuuta's HomePage!! I am Illustrator!
    (illustration, Illustrator, Graphic, designer, frog, green)

  • PINK'S ROOM (Ishikawa) -(2002)
    Discription of Japanese animation and Gallery of my CG, and PINK'S Diary
    (animataon, Japan, CG, gallery, painting, diary, PINK)

  • THE ANDROWM (Osaka) -(2001)
    It is the history battle story of the fantasy. It expresses the love of the romance, the friendship, the brother and so on. The theme is the feelings of the human being . Please, come.
    (original, degitalcomic, cg, illustration, flash, diary, chat, novel)

  • BLACK COMET CLUB (Fukushima) -(2001)
    Junzaburou Akaboshi's 2D 3Dillustration. I use Painter and Pixels3D.
    (illustration, painter, 3DCG, pixels3D, dreamweaver)

  • Barn's HomePage.About Movie site. (Saitama) -(2001)
    saitama, japan.
    (cinema, anime, illust, Direngrey, diary, dorama)

  • Everything Handmade P&P Factory (Chiba) -(2001)
    P&P Factory There are Graphics that house & girl is orginal. Let's togather lovelydog.
    (illusut, photshop, dog, house, girl, handmade, P&P, daily, bbs, cg)

  • Mnemonic Albinism (Saitama) -(2001)
    Welcome to Mnemonic Albinism! Here is FINAL FANTASY fan site. Sorry, this web-site is written in Japanese. All contents in the windows directory belong to Haruno Suzuki. Don't copy, download and distribute them. Best viewed with resolution 800*600 and CSS capable brouser(IE5.5)
    (FF, finalfantasy, HUNTER, illust, CG, gallery, column, review, Tidus, Yuna)

  • MANJU-AN (Tokyo) -(2001)
    CG&illustration gallery
    (illustration, fantasy, media, diary, gallery, design, graphic, art)

  • penguin talk (Chiba) -(2001)
    snafkin' home page
    (cg, novel, diary, comic, illust)

  • My Revolution HomePage RyuH2O (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Welcome to My Revolution HomePage RyuH2O !! Please enjoy!!
    (Gallery, Song, misato, diary, illustration, J-DSL, RyuH2O)

  • PULSE-FIVE on the Web (Oita) -(2001)
    This is MIKI's [SEIKIMA-II](Japanese heavy metal band 1983-1999) fan site. Illustration,novel,making diary,bbs,and so on. Please make yourself at home!
    (SEIKIMA-II, illustration, demon, ace, luke, rock, diary, heavy, metal, japan)

  • (Kumamoto) -(2001)
    welcom to nestgraphics.
    (kumamoto, design, diary, photo, illust)

  • No Problem. EveryThing All Right ! (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Yes!lots of gif-animations,poem,graphics about unknown creatures.
    (gif-animation, poem, graphics, daiary, design)

  • saikyu's room (Hyogo) -(2001)
    (diary, illustration, computergraphic, novel, anthology, animation, communication, original, comic, board)

  • True Home (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Kouji Komatsu Gallery
    (art, picture, truth, mystery, wonder, strange, song, music, poetry, CG)

  • the-medium-slate-blue (Kyoto) -(2001)
    Kairi's Home Page
    (Gallery, RAGNAROK, BBS, CG, Diary, PostPet, SS, Original, Chat)

  • studio BURST OUT (Niigata) -(2001)

  • Nekomizu-jinja (Akita) -(2001)

  • Sweet Tecno (Saitama) -(2000)
    The diary which sometimes went into the daily tearful smile & politics by the ex-IT technician & supporter which became a depression patient deeply is Web which it is CG which the software said as the center, the rest 'zoukeiou' was used for, and the handwritten illustration , too.
    (Depression, Diary, Computer, Graphics, Panic, Illustration)

  • ERO MANIA (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    chibita's HomePage
    (free, illust, gallery, diary, CG)

  • inaho's HomePage (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    (illustration, game)

  • TALES of CAPE (Ishikawa) -(2000)
    It is my,Eriol(Ao Mizukami)individual image site. The one with the time is to drop in by all means.
    (TALES, of, CAPE, Eriol, Ao, Mizukami, Illust, CG, OEKAKIBBS, Diary)

  • umechan's room (Tokyo) -(2000)
    this site is about my origianal story, my drawings, my original characters, my dogs, my chipmunk, and my diary!
    (comics, original, story, game, anime, pets, dog, japan, CG, character)

  • arumis house (Mie) -(2000)
    arumis Home Page story,gslarry

  • GrayishWorld (Nagano) -(2000)
    usk's illustration page
    (illust, girl, manga, grayish, fantasy, gray)

  • Metal:Lover's (Osaka) -(2000)
    Metal:Lover's=Emil's HomePage.
    (gallery, material, profile, diary, bbs, link, essay)

  • JIKOMANdeSHOW!! (Tokyo) -(2000)
    complacent smile
    (Photo, Illustration, Art)

  • ANZ (Tochigi) -(2000)
    Miyabito's WebPage
    (GIF, CG, Gallery, Comic, Diary)

  • HappySugarCubes (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Mio Takatoh's web site.I live in Japan. In this page, there are my illusutrationes, comics and BBS. Other, there is my diary page.
    (comic, illustration, CG, diary, BBS)

  • Ponpon's Room (Okayama) -(2000)
    Pnpon's Webpage.CG,BBS,MIDI...
    (Ponpon's, Room, Diary, MANGA, MIDI)

  • iraiza (Tokyo) -(2000)
    this site is japanese only i'm not good for foreign language. but here are freedom of expression.i wish to own any impressions with people , without words.
    (illust, diary, grafic, CG, illustration)

  • BRIGHT STAR (Mie) -(2000)
    Tomekichi's HomePage. Meiwa,Taki,Mie,Japan.
    (BRIGHT-STAR, Tomekichi, Illustration, CG, RPG)

  • (Osaka) -(2000)
    (CG, ugo)

  • ORANGE DERMATO CLUB (Saitama) -(2000)
    Wataru hikichi's,Illustration,dreamdiary.etc.
    (art, Illustration, Macintosh, gallery)

  • Super Ukkari 3dozens (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Animation fan circle.
    (illust, animation, graffiti, diary, bbs, cg)

  • 16th Moon (Oita) -(1999)
    Shu Kababa&Ken Kiyotani's HomePage Poem,illustration and words
    (Poem, Words, illustration, 16th, Moon, CG)

  • napzak (Tokyo) -(1999)
    Arimoto's HomePage

  • Angel-Impression (Kochi) -(1999)
    (painter, photoshop, illust, anime, manga, paintings, japanime, diary, link)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan