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{diary} + {impression, impressive, impress}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
cinemaking cinemaking (Tokyo) - Introduce my review of movie. (cinema , movie , malemagazine, bbs , review , diary )
roly-poly roly-poly (Aichi) - This is anime fan japanese site. The focus is sentiments about NARUTO and other animations. (naruto , loki, animation , feeling , illustration , roly-poly, diary , sentence , sentiment )
Kammyhills Kammyhills - Kammy Pictures Private Portal. (picture , movie , impression , drama , photograph , diary , link )
There is no There is no (Miyagi) - There is no (Prismaticallization)
KAELU SPOON KAELU SPOON (Tokyo) - The comment of a mystery, philosophy, the universe, physics, the essay diary about a throat arm being also good every day. (mystery , philosophy , physics , universe , diary , text , comment , reading , novel , essay )
yamaguti yamaguti (Yamaguchi) - love,movie (movie , video )
noppo's blog noppo's blog (Hokkaido) - noppo's blog (noppo, blog , movie , cd , music , car , diary , column , prelude , opera )
success success (Saitama) - I want to success!! (success )
siho musi no heya siho musi no heya (Kanagawa) - This homepage is made by Sihomusi, who loves cinemas. In this homepage, there are many contents about cinemas and Sihomusi. In the page of "Sihomusi's the best cinemas top 200" you see the the best 200 cinemas'story and Sihomusi's criticism and the mark that Sihomusi has seen before. In the page of "The recent cinema" you see all the story and Sihomusi's criticism and the mark that Sihomusi has seen the cinemas recently. "Cinema Yomoyama Banasi" is the page of Shihomusi's ideas or thought about cinemas: how to decide the mark of cinema, what cinemas Sihomusi likes, the informations of Academy,and so on. And there are "Diary"and "Person watching" too. The two don't relate with cinemas. (cinema , movie , diary , person-watching, mark , impression , criticism )
noppo's blog noppo's blog (Hokkaido) - noppo's blog (noppo, blog , movie , cd , music , car , diary , column , prelude , opera )
zakkan zakkan (Kanagawa) - Sorry,Japanese Only (lineage , lineage )
precision device precision device (Chiba) - precision device weekly jump the prince of tennis fansite (theprinceoftennis, weeklyjump , picturebbs , japan , animetion, comic , diary , illust )
hibizakkan hibizakkan (Tokyo) - diary (diary , joke , wit , news )
The Ito families and interesting friends, Japan The Ito families and interesting friends, Japan (Kanagawa) - Ito's Home Page, Japan. (ito , hayato , diary , friends , interesting , Child-rearing , impression , Every , day )
Passol Style Passol Style (Tokyo) - Passol Style (Passol, electric , commuter, scooter , bike , user , diary , impression )
green light green light (Miyazaki) - urikku's Home Page (MOVIE , STARWARS , BBS )
NYANBOLFISH NYANBOLFISH (Niigata) - This page is Japanese only. (Japanese , only )
The Passionate Pilgrim The Passionate Pilgrim (Niigata) - This page introduce the movie and dvd. (dvd , aiko , tss-1, yamaha , 5.1ch, the, passionate , pilgrim, nona2002, diary )
bookbox bookbox (Shizuoka) - about japaneasebooks (book )
WaShimo's HomePage WaShimo's HomePage (Fukuoka) - WaShimo's HomePage (travels , photograph , illustration , boooks, reports , engineering , mechanical , designing , science , management )
IKOI-IN IKOI-IN (Fukuoka) - anime impression review actor diary (anime , impression , review , actor , diary )
COusEs COusEs (Tokyo) - SAM's non-purpose web site, main containts are MANGA/ANIME style drawings, fan arts and essays. Some of drawings are a little erotic. Most of writings are written by japanese. If you want to see my drawings, please click a picture on top of my site's index page, jump to gallery page. (fan art, drawing , ANIME , MANGA , Ghost in the shell, YUKIKAZE)
e-labolatory e-labolatory (Hokkaido) - ranmaru's HomaPage (book , daily , text , readbook, freetalk, soccer , worldcup )
masa's homepage masa's homepage (Tokyo) - masa's The impression of a movie. Study abroad diary. (intoduce, impressions , study , impressions2, nostalgic , myself )
Vaportrail Vaportrail (Nara) - I like movie,videogame,animation. (Vaportrail, Movie , Illust , Illustration , Diary , Drink , Videogame)
hirunebo hirunebo (Tokyo) - Kanegon and Pigmon`s Homepage. Oh,it is interesting. We love music,comic,book,picture and Contrabass. (comic , diary , music , picture , game , movie , contrabass , bass , book , TV )
Atelier Blue Atelier Blue (Kanagawa) - Aoi's HomePage.This page is written by Aoi's spirit. My diary and impressions of mystery story and so on. (mystery , review , diary , copywriter , advertisement , poem , book , impression , original , blue )
zubora diary zubora diary (Aomori) - let's diary (diary )
planet of requiem planet of requiem (Aichi) - This site is .hack(anime&game) fan page. (Illustration , icon , review , game , anime , comic , novel )
Cinema with a cup of tea! Cinema with a cup of tea! (Tokyo) - Cinema with a cup of tea! (Cinema , Tea , Film , Movie , Actor , Coming , soon , Diary )
erehwon erehwon (Hyogo) - in this site, i introduce you to my hobbies,reading paperbacks,diary,homework in my college life and so on. (diary , homework , report , update , essay , books , paperback )
be the Eiga-jin be the Eiga-jin (Tokyo) -(2002) Please visit us whoever likes movies and even who doesn't like movies so much. (CD , taxiride, messenger , movie , review , game , diary , Geneve, Switzerland )
notthingmonkey2002 notthingmonkey2002 (Saitama) -(2002) I am free-mokey. I wrote original diary and story and picture. I wrote impression video and movie,books. (diary,picture,originalstory,impression, video , and, movie,books)
Shuji's Page,Osaka,Japan Shuji's Page,Osaka,Japan (Osaka) -(2002) Shuji's homepage. (comic , wrestling , animation , element-school, graduate-school , education , outdoor )
Countryside Countryside (Tokyo) -(2002) Book review and Esola and Terragen. (diary , book , reading , review , novel , fantasy , esola, terragen )
FirstDiary FirstDiary (Tokyo) -(2002) The diary updated every day, movie comment, the short novel, and the serial novel are raised. (diary , novel , serialnovel, shortnovel , moviecomment, movie , comment )
KASSY'S BAR KASSY'S BAR (Yamaguchi) -(2002) Welcome to kassy's bar! (bar , meet , ranking , diary , bbs , link , photo , impression , kassy, message )
Avancier Nouvelle Vague Avancier Nouvelle Vague (Miyagi) -(2002) Avancier Nouvelle Vague is great! (Avancier, Nouvelle , Vague , Honda , Car , Wagon , Diary , Inspire , CB5, Spa )
Loves room Loves room (Tokyo) -(2002) Love's Home Page (Illustration , diary , miscellaneous , Link , Interrnet, Paradaise, self-intorduction, art , animation )
monday feeling monday feeling (Ibaraki) -(2002) come on your slash message regacy (mondayfeeling, monday , feeling , regacy, subaru )
ichigo Defence ichigo Defence (Tokyo) -(2002) ichigo's HomPage (movie , beauty , restaurant , books , essay )
PINK'S ROOM PINK'S ROOM (Ishikawa) -(2002) Discription of Japanese animation and Gallery of my CG, and PINK'S Diary (animataon, Japan , CG , gallery , painting , diary , PINK )
BY`s HomePage BY`s HomePage (Tokyo) -(2002) BY`s Great?HomePage!!
kouchan exists in the back alley kouchan exists in the back alley -(2002) It is the fan page of Mr. Haruki Murakami and Mr. Shougo Hamada. (harukimurakami , syougohamada, photo , essay , photo , auster, irving, postpet , Readingcomment, Diary )
my usually life is the allergy buster my usually life is the allergy buster (Aichi) -(2002) farmer's homepage (asthmatic , alllergy, conjunctivitis, rhinitis , atopic , emotion , bookcorner, auction , fruitmail, diary )
BOOK BOX BOOK BOX (Ibaraki) -(2001) My favorite books. Kucchy's HomePage. (book , diary , favorite )
Barn's HomePage.About Movie site. Barn's HomePage.About Movie site. (Saitama) -(2001) saitama, japan. (cinema , anime , illust , Direngrey , diary , dorama)
fly high fly high (Okayama) -(2001) text site (fly_high, fly , high , diary )
A Diary A Diary (Kyoto) -(2001) I'm keeping my diary on the web. Please come and read it. You can know about medical schools, for I'm medical student. (kyoto , university , medical , medicine , anatomy , anatomical, music , drums )
Waking at various place( from Tokyo,Japan ) Waking at various place( from Tokyo,Japan ) (Tokyo) -(2001) This page showcases my photo that I took when I went to Various place of Japan. Come here please!! (photoglaph, picture , camera , Japan , trip , Tokyo , diary )
kichikichi's HomePage kichikichi's HomePage (Kanagawa) -(2001) Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan. (impreza , gymkhana , diary )
GRIPUO GRIPUO (Tokyo) -(2001) This is GRIPUO's Page (cd , ranking , move , a, notice , world , sell , conversation , thoughts, diary )
You website You website (Kanagawa) -(2001) The contents of this site are my My impression of movies & Diary. Please write down your comments in my site. (movie , impression , diary , bbs )
Mebachi's HomePage Mebachi's HomePage (Tokyo) -(2001) Mebachi's HomePage (books , dialy)
HatusenoRiversidePark HatusenoRiversidePark (Fukuoka) -(2000) this site is hatuseno's movietalk park sorry! japanease oniy!! (movie , Movie'sTalk, diary , PM8100, PowerBookG3\(Pismo\)/400)
Aw!Behind Life. Aw!Behind Life. (Ibaraki) -(2000) Welcome!! Pamu's Homepage!! (diary , BBS , chat , pet , cat , life , college , jam , bike , interest )
Heart Plus Mind Heart Plus Mind (Fukuoka) -(2000) Heart Plus Mind dreamy64's HomePage (heart , mind , dream , planning , event , diary , friend , impression , feeling , have)
zakkan zakkan (Osaka) -(2000) zakkan (zakkan)
ProjectI ProjectI (Osaka) -(2000) I Love MOVIE (SamoHung, Movie , CINEMA )
Honderland Report by Himekawa Mikage Honderland Report by Himekawa Mikage (Osaka) -(2000) Himekawa Mikage's Mystery & SF book review site. (mystery , hard-boiled, horror , diary , novel , book , review , science-fiction)
japanese master japanese master (Osaka) -(2000) I am Japanese Master (Japanese , hitokoto)
BigDream Maldives BigDream Maldives (Tokyo) -(2000) Maldives Travel guide, Tour/Hotel information and wedding plan. As well as Photo gallary and visiter's colum. (maldives , travel guide , hotel , photo gallary, tour schedule, wedding plan, diary , big dream, mail order )
A BETTER TOMORROW A BETTER TOMORROW (Tokyo) -(2000) The inquiry of the thory to enjoy tragedy (movie , diary )
pages of miniloto pages of miniloto (Tokyo) -(2000) I can't write English.Good by my loneliness. (LINKS , DATA , NUMBERS , BBS )
My Favorite Things My Favorite Things (Kanagawa) -(2000) my favorite cinema and drama and commercial. they are verry excite. (My, Favorite , Things , Cinema , Video , Drama , Commercial )
Peter's HomePage Peter's HomePage (Kanagawa) -(2000) sorry! Japanese Only (Ramen , fleamarket )
Toriaedu ProYakyu Toriaedu ProYakyu (Kanagawa) -(2000) About Nippon Pro-baseball (baseball )
my favorite things my favorite things (Kyoto) -(1999) cinema review! (movie , cinema , postpet , bbs , review , diary )
Angel-Impression Angel-Impression (Kochi) -(1999) Painter&Photoshop......CG (painter , photoshop , illust , anime , manga , paintings , japanime , diary , link )
THE ROOM of MYSTERIES THE ROOM of MYSTERIES (Nara) -(1998) The introduction of Japanese Mystery Novel (Diary , Mystery , Review , Detective Story, Mori Hiroshi, Shimada Souji, Novel , Writer , Reasoning , Archive , impression )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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