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{diary} + {joke}
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| Editor's Note
KINO since 1970 (Tokyo) - ~ everything about my life ~ (KINO , Kinoshita , Tsuyoshi , Diary , monologue , Literary miscellany , Miscellaneous , Column , Essay , Joke , Profile , Travelogue , Photo , 1970 , S45, December , 8 , Travel , Central America, Guatemala , Mexico , Honduras , Maya , Tibet , Vietnam , Copan, Ruin , Cat , Spanish , Studying abroad , Kanagawa , Yokohama , Kawasaki , Chigasaki , Tokyo , Inagi , SOHO , Freelance profession, Freelance , SE, Programer , Psychotic , Depression , Depressive , Anthropophobia , Indoor lodging , sleeplessness , insomnia , sleep , sleep obstacle, antidepressant , mental , drug , listlessness, depravity , Dromomania, tedium , Traveler , Smoker , BLOG )
hotmail &messenger - have fun with hotmail & messenger and blog. (hotmail, messenger , blog , diary , hacking , entertainment , joke , new , topic , news )
HAVE MERCY (Aichi) - Mr's Home Page!!Gimme Gimme shelter,I'm gonna fade away,But if try sometime you might find You get what you need! (baby , joke , humor , coor, bich, fuck , love , peace , girl , boy )
CRAZY DOG SECOND (Kanagawa) - suke's HomePage (JOKE , LINK , SECOND )
kick ass (Okayama) - You wanna know my secret? Let's be crazy! (kickass, pictures , essay , recipe , movie , joke , love , english , japanese , messageboard )
J-Avenue, Japan (Fukuoka) - J-Avenue, Ringo's world, funny news, diary, picture, No.1 in Japan, No.1 in the world, Say words to a picture. (Joke , News , Picture , No.1, Japan , Diary , Exchange , Apple , World , Life )
go japanese man (Miyagi) - takashi'HomePege (diary , office , worker , mojyang, gag , patinko)
hibizakkan (Tokyo) - diary (diary , joke , wit , news )
gengoyuugi (Tokyo) - column and joke.adult entertainment site. (column , joke , parody , diary , news )
nekozounanone (Saitama) - hi (musia, movia, movie , music , dog , cat , diary , yuuhina, flash , joke )
One Person's Days (Osaka) - Ku-ta's Home Page (text , diary , daily , ragnaroc, foolish , joke )
owarai links (Tokyo) -(2002) owarai links (Laughter , Joke , Joke , interesting , pleasant , Killingtime , Killing time , H, H, Lascivious, trivial, BAKA , Talk , Parody , Sauce , Text , Text , Diary , Conte , Illustration , Photograph , Picture , Diagnosis , Fortune-telling , Check , Link )
owarai links (Tokyo) -(2002) owarai links (Laughter , Joke , Joke , interesting , pleasant , Killingtime , Killing time , H, H, Lascivious, trivial, BAKA , Talk , Parody , Sauce , Text , Text , Diary , Conte , Illustration , Photograph , Picture , Diagnosis , Fortune-telling , Check , Link )
WAKA (Kanagawa) -(2002) Try me !Take on me !Ride on me ! (COMIC , JOKE , HOST , CLUB , GYAG)
itoh family (Kanagawa) -(2002) 4comic,midi,melody,joke,game!!!! (itoh , ito , joke , MIDI , melody , game , technique , discovery , comic , diary )
A Great Monk In Arab (Tokyo) -(2001) TsukuMa's page in Japanese, saying Japanese cultural and linguistic joke, pastiche. Sorry but it seems difficult for non-Japanese speaker! (column , diary , joke , humor , pastiche, music , musical , band )
Telling stories -(2001) Everyone has 2 faces in a hart. I tell you a lot of stories form my 2 hart, as a story teller and also a man... (Germany , essay , text , amusing , amusable, serious , diary , daybook, joke , poem )
guti magajin (Aichi) -(2001) kondou's home page (interesting , humor , entertainment , diary )
Weekly Teinou BEE Woman (Tokyo) -(2001) asobi's WEB Magazine!Bee Woman site! (WOMAN , DIARY , JOKE , POEM , ERO , MAGAZINE )
Nannanda WORLD (Kyoto) -(2001) nice
The paradise of the dolls (Ibaraki) -(2001) It is a Japanese laugh site. (interesting , Diary , Picture , Joke , Lie , Eccentric , person , waste )
My name is KITASO! (Hiroshima) -(2001) Kitaso's Home Page (dialy, joke , bbs , kitaso)
CHILTON (Tokyo) -(2001) Diary Surr News Lie People Poor Text joke (diary , thomath, hariss, surr, joke , chilton, news , poor , lie , enjoy )
kasppy the liar (Kanagawa) -(2000) joke animations. (animation , gag , joke , diary , bbs , chat )
programmer(System Enginner)'s Day by Day (Ibaraki) -(2000) Tsukuba.Ibaraki.Japan (diary , Joke , system , engineer , programmer , programing)
Dreams that I saw this morning. (Gunma) -(2000) Written in Japanese only. Masato SHINAKAJI and Inode MIYAMA's WebSite. Containing their diaries, prose poems, jokes, short stories, TANKA-songs, book reviews, and photos of landscape and flowers. (poems , jokes , short-stories , TANKA-songs, bookreviews , photos , novelette)
gamemania,DAIGINJOU (Tokyo) -(2000) ryouta's HomePage (game , text )
okikage&kei (Hokkaido) -(2000) Music&a Funny Diary.japanese only,sorry. (music , diary , funny , column , joke , instrument , violin , laugh , crazy , netidol )
AIR JOKE SITE (Chiba) -(2000) NORI'S Home Page (diary , bbs )
Keiko's Homepage -(1999) Started on Februay 1, 1997. Including my brief messages (writings) and some pictures from New York state, USA, since 1994 to 98.Now moving to Silicon Valley, California. (Journal , Pictures , in, USA )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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