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{difference, different, differ} + {intercourse}

[ Index | Japanese | Editor's Note ]

Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={difference, different, differ}


  • International Communication Website for who is interested in Japan. (Kanagawa) -
    ##Kazu's web## International communicating web site. Whoever if you are interested in Japan, or making friens, please visit my site.
    (Japan, Japanese, Culture, Communication, Friends, International, Cultural, Encount, Language)

  • Let's Get Together! (Tokyo) -
    LGT is a circle for all nationality doing something fun together! We will visit an old temple on a hillside along beautiful Ajisai (Hydrangea) together on June 21st Sat. and hold Melting Pot Party for all nationality on June 14th Sat. You will have your own portrait painted by a Japanese famous cartoonist at the party! Let's enjoy the diversity of people in Tokyo!! Free invitaion fo the first person from each different country to respond! Email me please!
    (Tokyo, Friendship, Event, Shimokitazawa, Party, Japanese, Circle, communication, culture, language)

  • sweeta view (Kumamoto) -
    Thinking deep about the real internationalization through languages and music. Answering non-Japanese's questions about Japan, and getting in touch with people all arpound the world.
    (sweeta, view, Japan, short, arrow, Japanese, English, communication, internationalization, sandi)

  • MIX (Hyogo) -
    A student group which supports foreign students studying in Kanseigakuin University, Hyogo, Japan.
    (culture, student, kanseigakuin, university, international, interaction, foreign, activity, group, japanese)

  • IJCE JAPAN (Kanagawa) -
    IJCE is the organization made by mainly University students.
    (exchange, culture, iceland)

  • Oono Elementary School (Niigata) -
    Offering some pages to help the pupils and the teachers around the world to correspond with Japanese pupils and teachers.
    (elementary, school, primary, education, k12, Japanese, language, food, pen)

  • Hotel Internship Programmes (Saitama) -
    Internationa Hotel Business and Cross-cultural Exchange Internship Programmes.
    (internship, hotel, study-abroad, Asia, Mexico, U.K., Canada, Bali)

  • Like it or Lump it!! (Hyogo) -(2002)
    We are E.S.S. club of Otemae University and Jr. college. You can talk to us by BBS. Let's begin!!
    (ESS, E.S.S., English, comunication, culture, bbs, otemae, school, chat)

  • International Cross-cultural Communications (Tokyo) -(2001)
    A member's club designed for people of any nationality, a place to socialize, share experiences and exchange information.
    (class, English, school, native, Tokyo, language, study, culture)

  • Banyan Tree (Akita) -(2001)
    Bangladesh and Japan.The two different countries,but living persons are same :human being.Let's start to communicate with each other with the members of these two country's Banyan Tree.
    (Bangladesh, BanyanTree, Keiko, sari, spice, workshop, culture, bengal, kabir, bogra)

  • JapanEnglishTeacher'sNetwork(JETN) (Toyama) -(2001)
    Japanese-page has a directory of individual English class-rooms in Japan, which you can submit. Exchange program are avirable (Frea Market, BBS ,Chat)
    (English, Englishschool, school, lecture, lesson, Englishlesson, JETN)

  • Let's Enjoy Studying English and Meet Different Cultures (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Offering information on distance learning in English and various club activities including travel and Haiku
    (English, Travel, Haiku, Health, Fortune, telling, Shopping)

  • Shizuoka Ex-JAPAN Overseas Coopration Volunteers (Shizuoka) -(2001)
    Shizuoka, Shizuoka, JAPAN
    (JOCV, volunteer)

  • Happy Home Page (Niigata) -(2000)
    Let's communicate! Find email pals! Know about Japan! Mailing list, BBS, Chat, Data Base, more.
    (pen, pal, penpal, keypal, emailpal, culture, exchange, Japan, Nihon, Nippon)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan