keypoint (Tokyo) - Consider how easy it is to record digital observations & applied bio systems. Ootuka,Toshimaku,Tokyo (digitalmicroscope, infrared, ultraviolet, fiberscope, manipulator, pcscope, pcs-81x, analyzersoft)
Open Technology (Tokyo) - Professional group that does the development of middleware, device driver with good and tackle with the software technology in the next era. (driver,device,firmware,palm,voice,image,dvd, DVD)
Grapac Japan Service Bureau (Tokyo) - Please try our quick offset printing 'Short run color'. Also we have so many digital contents for you. (Printing, OnDemand, Scan, CDPress, Digital_Images, Color, Copy, Web)
ImagePump (Tokyo) -(2002) ImagePump is the picture transmission technology which can display a mass picture at high speed and vividly by picture distribution by the just-in-time system. (ImagePump, Picture, distribution, ILS, DigitalAssetManagement, Hotspot, eps, psd, LivePicture, FlashPix)
FUJI LABO CO.LTD (Hokkaido) -(2002) Interchange negative creation, a large-sized digital print, work (film print) installation, etc. are a print quality, technology, and the professional lab that has obtained reliance greatest to a pro cameraman or a designer in respect of service as a comprehensive lab of a commercial photograph. (digital, print, ink, jet,, scanning,)
HIGHSITE (Kyoto) -(2000) This is computer graphic site. I'm using illustrator,photoshop and shade.I want to be a good creator. So I hope many people see my site,and I'd like to hear your impression. (CG, computergraphic, design, art, 3D, macintosh, image, digital, DTP, creator)
Senba's driving movies at whole of JAPAN!! (Hokkaido) (Aomori) (Akita) (Iwate) (Miyagi) (Yamagata) (Fukushima) (Gunma) (Tochigi) (Ibaraki) (Saitama) (Chiba) (Tokyo) (Niigata) (Nagano) (Yamanashi) (Shizuoka) (Gifu) (Aichi) (Toyama) (Ishikawa) (Fukui) (Mie) (Wakayama) (Nara) (Shiga) (Kyoto) (Osaka) (Hyogo) (Okayama) (Hiroshima) (Tottori) (Shimane) (Yamaguchi) (Tokushima) (Kagawa) (Kochi) (Ehime) (Fukuoka) (Nagasaki) (Saga) (Oita) (Kumamoto) (Miyazaki) (Kagoshima) (Okinawa) (Kanagawa) -(2000) Senba's driving movies and captured pictures at main route of Japanese National Roads (drive, driving video, whole of Japan, DV, Digital Video, Macintosh, Mac, QuickTime, QT, movies, captured pictures, Japanese National Roads, movie editing, travel, car, automotive, mobile, Route, Around Hokkaido, Tokyo Bay Aqualine, Honsyu-Shikoku Bridges, Around Chiba, Around Biwako Lake, Nihonbashi, Umedasindo, Horikawagojo, Ginza, Yokohama, Akashikaikyo Bridge, Japan Sea, Exciting)
Musetex Digital Image & Sound Tools Site (Tokyo) -(1998) Information about Mark of the Unicorn Digital Performer, Daystar Digital GenesisMP, Avid Express, digidesign Pro Tools, ICE BlueICE, Media100, Kingston by Musetex (Musetex, Performer, Mark, of, the, Unicorn, MOTU, Media100, Avid, ICE)
Digital World Creator,Koyosha Web Site,Japan (Osaka) -(1997) Koyosha is the final creator for the digital world. How can we output the image and the possibility of the digital age? The enjoyable digital,the artistic digital,and the exciting digital are our main theme we challenge with the high-tech and the flexible mind. (DTP, digital, prepress, printing, mac, wclock, koyosha, image, multimedia, database)