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{distance, mileage} + {long} + {love, loving}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
cheapest international call (Osaka) - If you want to call to foreign country , please come to my home page. (call , Korea , China , cheap , phone , Korea-Japan , card , telephone , preca)
PRETTY WOMAN (Miyagi) - love romance (longdistancelove, EXILE )
Be Right Back - THis page is for study abroad and love. You can talk with anybody about your problem, also you can answer anybody's problem. You can do anything!! (love , study , abroad , oregon , trouble )
funwashi - Stupid diary in Japanese. (america , california , diary , text , bbs )
aishiteru!-ainokokuhakusite- (Tokyo) - ainokokuhaku (love )
BlueHeavenPinkHeaven (Osaka) - Lesbian site (lesbian , i-mode)
The site made with its wife (Kanagawa) - Yokohama,Kanagawa,Japan (husband , wife , love , marriage , DINKS)
international phone card (Osaka) - If you want to call to foreign country , please come to my home page. (telephone , Korea , China , card , cheap , call )
fu-ta-ri (Osaka) - love (love )
SORA's LABYRINTH (Tokyo) - The sight of love is expressed by the short text. (Love , letter , sweetheart , photograph , Telephone , sex , Poetry , Song )
watasi - japan. (watasi, rie , diary , bbs , BBS )
longdistance love rules - About long distance relationships. (Long distance relationships, love , Long distance , counselling , forum , relationship rules, relationship psychology)
Fortunetelling Mahounomori (Kanagawa) - Fortunetelling by Mahounomori (fortunetelling , tarotto, love , magic , witch , charm )
HOWEVER (Ishikawa) -(2002) Tokiha and Yuasa's Web Site (diary , love , lovers )
Be Flexible (Kanagawa) -(2002) FlexibleMarriage,love (Marriage , love )
netmeeting (Tokyo) -(2002) hi (msNetmeeting, messenger , windowsmessenger, msnmessenger, voip, h323)
haze grass (Chiba) -(2002) In you of the space which it is possible to heal in the heart It publishes a photograph and a poem, a love story and so on. (haze , grass , love , poem , fhoto, diary , story )
so what? (Hokkaido) -(2002) This is the site of Day's feelings, novels, poems, and so on that I've been gotten everydays. Let't talk about our sense of love and life. (text , novel , asuka , kyoko , philosophy , love , sowhat, design , life , day )
Love to Love (Hyogo) -(2002) please write your Love words. (Love , words , essay )
Long distance love (Hiroshima) -(2002) Brother and their long distance love diary of the twins under apprentice boy service
Sweet Factory. International couple (Saitama) -(2001) We are International couple who live in Japan. (America , Japan , International , distance , travel , moving , American , Japanese , cat , diary )
Type-on's (Fukuoka) -(2001) Type-on's love (Type-on, love )
rin'sroom (Fukuoka) -(2001) RIN'SROOM (love.poem.cooking)
internet ip telephone service (Hokkaido) -(2001) internet ip telephone service.low rates around the clock.it connects to the 230 countries. (internet , overseas , telephone , call , long , distance , tourist , student , from, abroad )
Nekobeya -(2000) This page is about my cat, Nico. Sorry, Japanese only. (The)
Wakimati,Tokusima,Japan (Tokushima) -(2000) Nisino's HomePage (bujiness, mobile , phone , long , distance , call , high , return , udatsu, ai )
LoveLetters (Kanagawa) -(2000) LoveLetters (LoveLetters , RadioDays, LoveCounter, CoomaSatomune, YuukiKotou, SEX , poem , diary , love , poet )
hirokun super homepage (Osaka) -(2000) look at my HP. (sample , photo , favicon, report , love , computer , javascript , favicon.ico)
ObachanKizzuHouseeYoukoso (Miyazaki) -(2000) Obachankizzu Home Page
eLoveJapan.com -(2000) This is a communication site for lovers and couples live in long distance place, not near place. (eLoveJapan.com, eLoveJapan, eLove, e-love)
Angel Love long-distance love (Tokyo) -(2000) Misaki's HomePage of long-distance love (Love , amour, distance , marriage )
MOTEK's Diary of Love (Tokyo) -(2000) A diary written by a girl who is in love with a Danish boy. (In Japanese) (love , Denmark , Israel , diary , bisexual )
Yakushima (Kagoshima) -(2000) Hiroshi's Home Page (Yakushima )
Mimori's Residence (Osaka) -(2000) iori&mana's HomePage (Love , NETLOVE, Diary , essey, link )
hikarinosasuhouhe (Kanagawa) -(2000) nao's homepage
Takecchi and Mayucchi -(2000) Japanese Only (NetMeeting)
Muse'e de UHIUHI (Saitama) -(2000) tougei diary (tougei)
Net Love (Osaka) -(2000) sorry japan only (NetLove)
Sumomo (Gunma) -(2000) Welcome to My Home page! By sumomo gunma,ootasi,japan (meeting , love , affection , pure , passion , marriage , poem , ode, poetry )
Ask Expert! - Romance Helpdesk -(2000) Romance Expert is now offering advice for you. Long distance romance, love affairs outside of marriage or relationship, "triangle relationship", mixed culture relationship, troubles with parents, and more. Post your own situation, and you will get a solution on the web! Links for better romantic relationship, "What will you do?" situation questionnaire and more fun features make the site one-stop portal for romance! (romance , advice , love , dating , relationship , marriage , affair , cheating , long-distance , breakup )
HELP ME LOLE (Kyoto) -(1998) HELP ME (HELP , HELP )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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